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Crash on Forest Hill Road

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Not too sure of the details but it seems that a black Focus was involved in a heavy smash on Forest Hill Road (close to the Post Office) earlier this morning. It looks pretty much cleared up but it was slower than usual along there when I came through on the bus.
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I went past it at about 6am, i can only have happened 15-20 mins before then. It was absolute carnage. The police, ambulances, and fire crew were there. I'm not sure if the driver had gone through the window, but the emergency services hadn't cut through the car to get them out. It didn't look like the driver was alive. Lord knows what they hit, but it must have been going a quite a rate to create that much damage. I think the car had ended up on its side in the front part of Si Mangia.
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I've seen a photo taken of the aftermath - the body of the car's in the road, facing the wrong way, and the engine's on the pavement. The battery's somewhere else. I was told that the driver survived the crash and was taken to hospital.
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As a pedestrian, I always used to find the junction there safer before the introduction of the traffic lights. It seemed that because it was a narrow crossroads with zebra crossings, a high percentage of vehicles approached it with caution, slowing down just in case. Since the traffic lights were installed lots (maybe most) vehicles zoom through on green or even speed up to catch the green.

Just remembered, the lights were actually meant to be temporary whilst the water ring mains works were being carried out. I wonder if they will ever be removed. I do hope so, as the queues South up Peckham Rye only started when they were installed.

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Southwark Council have done a consultation exercise on traffic management on Forest Hill Road, earlier this year, am awaiting the results.

Perhaps the local counillors would like to comment on what they know about the outccome of teh exercise.

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There is/was a consultation about the road. Am sure there was a thread. As far as I can recall it mainly suggested more crossing points for pedestrians and some flower pots on railings further up the hill...

Didn't a car also recently crash into the St Aidan's Road sign further down as well ...

Southwark's response to the crash/es will probably be a) speed cameras; or more likely b) speed humps (lots of them). I hope the driver is ok.

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Can you post the photo?

kiera Wrote:


> I've seen a photo taken of the aftermath - the

> body of the car's in the road, facing the wrong

> way, and the engine's on the pavement. The

> battery's somewhere else. I was told that the

> driver survived the crash and was taken to

> hospital.

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There are cameras just 100m away, north of the junction. Sunbob is correct, green traffic lights give a false sense of priority and cause cars to speed. Whenever lights are broken, traffic crosses junctions with care and using eye contact, one of the pillars of the safestreets movement.
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This is a serious source for concern. I used to live on Barry Road and was always shocked by the speed liberties some people take. It's worse on Forest Hill Road. As for the council, I asked them specifically about this 15 odd months ago and they said they had concluded their assessment and were planning traffic calming measures. 15 months on, nothing, apart from a slight tweaking around the Cabrini school. Where are the zebra crossings, a few bollards, something. Council, do something, or else.
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Heard the accident at 05:32 but only saw the aftermath. Cars and lorries are always trundling down there at ridiculous speeds especially at night and early morning when the road is clear. I remember a similar accident a couple of years ago where a speeding car lost control and ended up smashing into the railings by the park gates, the driver got out and disappeared.

Can't agree it was safer before the traffic lights were put up, accidents used to happen there all the time on a frequent basis even on quiet sunday afternoons.

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Am I the only one to think it's a bit weird to ask for photos of a horrible sounding crash to be posted, let alone post them and look at them? Takes rubber necking to a whole new level. Fortunately the driver sounds as though he was okay, but what if he wasn't? Would you post photos then?
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As a warning that may also be a deterrent I think the photos should be shown.

My guess is that the damage to this car (ripping it in two) would indicate this car was doing more than 30 mph, which is just plain stupid & dangerous.

Not only to the driver but also to pedestrians, cyclists & other road users.

As mentioned, the driver of this car, walked away, no doubt helped by air--bags, pre-tensioners & a modern car design ... and good luck to him.

But what if the car or even the engine had hit a personbefore it finally stopped!!!! Doesn't bear thinking about!

Shocking photos of the effects of smoking are deemed to help scare people to their senses, why not the same with the effects of stupid driving?

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I think the objection was to photos of a theoretical accident where people were hurt. I too would object to photos of a theoretical accident where people were hurt. I would also object to pictures ritual humiliation of people and eating live insects/bugs. Fortunately its on Channel 5 now which my TV is programmed to reject.
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