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an afternoon read (an annoying email I received)

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I thought I would share this with you, a month or so ago I got this email:

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Lordshiplane.com

Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 14:04:18 -0000

From: Dom

To: Mark

Just to inform you that lordshiplane.com is back with its original owners and will recommence as a community forum as it was in 2005.

We still have the emails of the offer of hosting from you.

You even switched to your new ISP!

No Regards


I've never heard of this guy so I ignored it. And I have to point out that I am happy that this has nothing to do the Dulwich Garden Centre, although the guy who wrote this says he is from there, he was talking rubbish. So I get an email the next day and so begins...

> Dom wrote:


> Further to my email yesterday and your none response I feel you should know a few facts.>

> We are the Dulwich Garden Centre Ltd and have been trading in Dulwich for 25 years.>

> We have sought legal council from solicitors Peters & Peters.

> We have been informed that you acted in breach of statutory UK Laws.

> If we do not hear from you within 7 days we will hand deliver a hard copy of our intensions.

> If we do not hear from you in 14 days from that date then we will have no choice but to seek damages from yourself in civil law.

> If we can prove you offered to help a community forum and didnt but instead took the idea as your own for profit then we will most definitely seek restitution from you.


> Dominic Finnegan



> From: Mark

> Sent: 23 November 2007 16:36

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> Thanks for your email, please disclose your intentions


> regards


> Mark



>> Dom wrote:


> I dont understand your enquiry mark?

> We have waited two years for lordshiplane.com to expire. We could have bought .Org but waited so it could be as it was. We wish our forum for Dulwich to be as was 2005.


> You offered help and were a wolf in sheeps clothing. The reason that nothing has happened since is only due to the fact we waited for the domain to come back to us.


> It is firmly back now. Now did you steal our idea when you offered us free hosting? Said free hosting never materialized and our site disappeared. Heart Internet never gave us access again so our site & domain died. I and my legal council feel we have a case against you and be in no doubt whatsoever we are having what is ours or substantial damages.


> We feel you did something illegal and are prepared to fight you in civil court over it and want recompensed for your misdeeds.Now you explain yourself and your actions to me?


> You will not get any more chances to stop legal proceedings against you!


> dominic Finnegan




> From: Mark

> Sent: 23 November 2007 17:15

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> Please can you tell me more about this offer to help you? When was it? In what for did it take? Who was it addressed to?

> And please tell me, are you acting as yourself or as the East Dulwich Garden Centre Ltd?


> regards


> Mark

> Dom wrote:


> Are you denying knowledge of these events? We are DGC Ltd with 25 years in DULWICH. Are you saying this is a surprise to you because we paid a private investigator to find you?


> From: Mark

> Sent: 23 November 2007 17:55

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> Yes, I am denying knowledge of these events.


> regards


> Mark





> Dom wrote:


> Actually are you saying you have no memory when it comes to when you joined your service provider and when you came up with the idea for the forum?>


> Why do you ask me of my recollections?


> Whats yours?


> If you sincerely have no recollections of these events I will have it investigated again. Please be aware this does all cost and needs to be paid for. This will all be included in my costs for damages.




> Dominic Finnegan

> From: Mark

> Sent: 23 November 2007 18:54

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> What exactly are you having investigated? Please tell me more about this offer to help you? When was it? In what for did it take? Who was it addressed to? Perhaps you could email me something e.g. the offer of help, so that I can be clear exactly what you are talking about.


> regards


> Mark


> Dom wrote:


> With no respect to a thief, you are answering no questions whatsoever.

> Re Actually are you saying you have no memory when it comes to when youe ISP and when you came up with the idea for the forum?

> Your lies are your own. We know what you did and what you have stolen!

> We will seek restitution at latest count, in excess of 5000-00

> When did you join your current ISP??>

> When did you have the idea for the forum?


> I know you stole our idea and let our original site expire and now is the time that you defend yourself because we want restitution..

> You are a liar and a thief and now you find out that we can get you for it!

> Did you think you got away with it? No we just needed the domain back!

>> Your responses give you away, It shows your guilt!

> You stole something and now after 2 years we got it back and now its time for the thief to get his comeuppance We seek compensation from you!

> You own your home and we are happy to fight our corner so that when you lose, that can pay costs etc.


> When we go to court for your theft, it will be your own fault. We can prove you are a liar and thief, you will owe in excess of 50,000-00 including costs!


> You didnt think we would mind your theft?> Your stupid arguments about who , what, where mean nothing. You did it now pay! Since you have decided to plead ignorance I will have my legal council draw up the letter of intent and will come to your house to drop of personally to you.


> If your not home, I will wait!

> Our initial damages will be 7000,-00.

> Obviously a lot more when we go to court, including court costs

> We have planning permission pending on our large plot for 48 flats and believe me, money is no object to get you for your theft, it totally depends on you how hard you want this to be?


> We know what you did so what are you offering? We will settle for 3000-00 just to overt court, terms to be agreed by us.

> If not, we do it in a civil court and teach you a lesson about theft and digital rights.

> No Regards

> Dominic Finnegan


> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 09:43

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com


> Hi Dom


> I'm afraid I can't take this any further until you particularise your claim:

> What are you accusing me of stealing?

> When did we previously have contact?

> In what form did that contact take? (e.g. email, letter, personal contact)


> However I can answer your questions:

> (1) When did you join your current ISP??

> 8th May 2007

> (2) When did you have the idea for the forum?

> I assume you mean the East Dulwich Forum and that was June 2006


> I look forward to hearing from you


> Mark




> Dom wrote:


> We set up the forum for Dulwich in 2004 with the domain lordshiplane.com.>

> The domain & hosting were purchased from Gigahost.co.uk.>

> He was a reseller of your ISP.>

> He didnt pay them regularly and our site kept being intermittently unavailable.


> We were contacted with the offer of free hosting by you and after we showed you everything you ignored us.

> All of this was explained to you at the time.

> If you did give us the hosting our site would have stayed up.

> You then set up your own forums for Dulwich.

> Conspiring under the guise of help and theft of the idea.>

> It is illegal to behave in this way. We want compensated for your misdeeds.

> We can prove said misdeeds in a civil court and will seek damages plus costs from yourself.


> Th ISP would not give us access to our domain and it expired.

> It was bought by a web designer but he gave it back to us.>

> The ISP have now changed their terms over this incident but alas not in 2005.

> We now have lordshiplane.com totally under our control once more.

> If you are lying then we promise you we will seek maximum damages from you.

> For legal reasons we have to give the opportunity for this situation to be sorted out amicably.

> We really hope you understand the gravity of the situation you are in? we fell very very aggrieved

> If you want to play games then we can do it hard way.>

> We have been assured that we have a very good case against you.

> Amnesia is not a defence in UK law.



> Dominic Finnegan



> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 15:19

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com



> Hi Dom


> Just to clarify, when I allegedly contacted you, please can you tell me how I did so? Was it by email? If so please could you forward me a copy, and also tell me which email address it came from so that I may check my records


> regards


> Mark


> Dom wrote:


> Are you saying you never offered free hosting to lordshiplane.com?

> Anyone surely would recollect it.


> The offer was posted on Freecycle.

> It was all done via email.


> Did you visit the forum at lordshiplane.com?>

> Anyone who has 2 forums for Dulwich would remember.


> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 16:15

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> Did I visit the forum at lordshiplane.com? No, I cannot recall doing so.


> I cannot recall offering free hosting to lordshiplane.com, please could you let me know what email address I used to offer you this free hosting as it will help me look in my records for the correspondance. Also please could you forward me the email as that may help me find this apparent communication in my files


> regards


> Mark


> Dom wrote:


> Do you think it odd that,> You offer web hosting You are doing in Dulwich exactly what we were>

> You have moved your business to your ISP

> Did you ever offer hosting on Freecycle in 2005?



> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 17:56

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> Do I think it odd that:


> (1) I offer web hosting?

> No, lots of people do it. I have done so for 12 years.

> (2) You are doing in Dulwich exactly what we were?

> No, I don't know you or what you did. Although I now know that you work at a garden centre and you allege that you had a forum. There is no record of this forum on the internet. I have no recollection of ever meeting you, communicating with you, or anything with you. I work with the internet so it is normal for me to set up a website.

> (3) I have moved your business to the current Isp

> No, I found out about them in May this year and they offer a good service.


> Please I shall ask you one more time, please show me this email I allegedly sent you and tell me what email address it came from so I can check my records. Otherwise I have no idea what you are talking about so please stop wasting my time.


> regards


> Mark



> Dom wrote:


> I still have a back up of the board so it can be reinstated in under a minute

> There are plenty of long term respected Dulwich people who knew about it.

> I will check who owned the hosting company at the time of the offer.

> There isnt a problem about you having boards, I have already explained to you the problems.


> Dom



> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 18:40

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Dom


> you have called me a cheat, a liar and a thief so I am giving you this opportunity to prove these claims. Now please show me this email I allegedly sent you and tell me what email address it came from so I can check my records.


> regards


> Mark



> Dom wrote:


> This is the source code.


> If this was not you then I apologise.


> From vmurphy@... Mon Jun 20 06:47:51 2005

> Return-Path:

> Received: (qmail 29886 invoked from network); 20 Jun 2005 13:47:51 -0000

> Received: from unknown (

> by m27.grp.scd.yahoo.com with QMQP; 20 Jun 2005 13:47:51 -0000

> Received: from unknown (HELO n29.bulk.scd.yahoo.com) (

> by mta3.grp.scd.yahoo.com with SMTP; 20 Jun 2005 13:47:51 -0000

> Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys

> Received: from [] by n29.bulk.scd.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 20 Jun 2005 13:46:42 -0000

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> X-Sender: vmurphy@...

> X-Apparently-To: [email protected]

> Received: (qmail 59824 invoked from network); 20 Jun 2005 11:31:46 -0000

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> by m24.grp.scd.yahoo.com with QMQP; 20 Jun 2005 11:31:46 -0000

> Received: from unknown (HELO n10a.bulk.scd.yahoo.com) (

> by mta3.grp.scd.yahoo.com with SMTP; 20 Jun 2005 11:31:46 -0000

> Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys

> Received: from [] by n10.bulk.scd.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 20 Jun 2005 11:30:55 -0000

> Received: from [] by mailer2.bulk.scd.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 20 Jun 2005 11:30:55 -0000

> Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:30:52 -0000

> To: [email protected]

> Message-ID:

> User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

> Content-Length: 416

> X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster

> X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-system

> X-Originating-IP:

> X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0

> X-Yahoo-Post-IP:

> From: "Murphy VF"

> Subject: Free Professional Class Webhosting to Give Away

> X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=228133293; y=cyTwg1HgXn7SfDAAearQA8Ivr2WOEkfXK1Ra44_26fCb-UGEJIg

> X-Yahoo-Profile: medicalengineercouk

> X-eGroups-Approved-By: ash_hooper via web; 20 Jun 2005 13:46:42 -0000


> We are offering one webhosting account for at least one year with the

> following specifications:



> 256Mb space

> 6Gb transfer/month

> FTP access

> Email (POP/IMAP/Webmail)

> Fast reliable server


> The specification is suitable for small-mid sized charities, small

> businesses, schools, clubs, and associations.


> You must provide your own domain name and have a good reason why we

> should give you the account.





> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 18:57

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> In order for me to accept your apology, I request that you make a donation of ?500 to Dulwich Helpline http://www.dulwich-helpline.org.uk within the next seven days. Please let me know when this has been done


> regards


> Mark




> Dom wrote:


> That is not going to happen Mark.


> What I will offer though is that lordshiplane.com will not open as a forum again.

> For some reason everything went wrong with it, our hosts non payments and disappearance. Locked out of it by the ISPt.


> Our domain expiring etc.>

> The free offer of hosting that never transpired.



> I am truly sorry for the mistaken identity.




> Dominic Finnegan



> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 19:17

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> As you can probably tell I am rather annoyed at many of your terms aimed at me, including:


> "If you want to play games then we can do it hard way.">

> "Conspiring under the guise of help and theft of the idea."

> "We can prove you are a liar and thief, you will owe in excess of 50,000-00 including costs!"

> "I and my legal council feel we have a case against you and be in no doubt whatsoever we are having what is ours or substantial damages."

> "You will not get any more chances to stop legal proceedings against you!"

> "We want compensated for your misdeeds."

> "We can prove said misdeeds in a civil court and will seek damages plus costs from yourself"

> "You are a liar and a thief"




> I request that you now make a donation of 700 to Dulwich Helpline http://www.dulwich-helpline.org.uk within the next seven days. I believe this is a perfectly reasonable request especially as you have clearly stated "We have planning permission pending on our large plot for 48 flats and believe me, money is no object ..."


> Please let me know when this has been done


> regards


> Mark




> Dom wrote:


> I have apologised to you already Mark.

> I have explained why I was angry as I thought you had done me a great disservice.

> My offer to you is that lordshiplane.com will not open as a forum again.

> My statements were made to you in error and I apologise most profusely.>

> It was a case of mistaken identity and for that I am so sorry.

> Please consider the matter resolved.




> Dominic Finnegan






> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 19:56

> To: Dom

> Cc: [email protected]

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Hi Dom


> I have included Peters & Peters into this email as you have stated that they are your legal council and maybe able to advise you in this matter. Perhaps they can inform you what the legal recourse is for your company to threaten an individual with 50,000 in losses and also call that person a cheat, thief and liar and swear that you will prove that in a court of law.


> In order for me to accept your apology and put an end to this matter, I now request that you now make a donation of ?900 to Dulwich Helpline http://www.dulwich-helpline.org.uk within the next seven days, as it is coming up to Christmas they old people of Dulwich will appreciate it.


> Regards


> Mark



> Dom wrote:


> Mark I thought you cheated me and have apologised.

> Things not meant are always said in arguments.

> When you are dealing with unscrupulous people you haveto threaten them to even get acknowledged.


> Thats the end of it. I was wrong and have apologised profusely.


> Please consider the matter resolved.


> Dom


> From: Mark

> Sent: 24 November 2007 20:15

> To: Dom

> Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com




> Dom


> You have just accused me again, this time of being unscrupulous!


> In order for me to accept your apology, I now request that you now make a donation of ?1100 to Dulwich Helpline http://www.dulwich-helpline.org.uk within the next seven days, then the matter will be resolved.


> Regards


> Mark



Dom wrote:


> I didnt mean you I meant gigahost and their ilke.

> You are not unscrupulous.

> I would not apologise profusely to you and then insult you.



> Dom

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: Lordshiplane.com

Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 18:27:53 +0000

From: Mark

To: Dom

Hi Dom

I've heard nothing from you for a couple off weeks. Please can you tell me if you've made a donation?



Dom wrote:


> I no longer work for DGC Ltd.

> Regards




> Dom

From: Mark

Sent: 25 November 2007 10:30

To: Dom

Subject: Re: DGC

Hi Dom

But I thought you were Dulwich Garden Centre Ltd? That is what you said, I quote "We are the Dulwich Garden Centre Ltd and have been trading in Dulwich for 25 years." Are you now telling me you were acting on your own?. What position do/did you have there?



Dom wrote:

I was a shop worker.

As I said I had to embellish somewhat.

I thought you ripped me off but it was not you.

Hence my profound apologies.



From: Mark

Sent: 25 November 2007 10:30

To: Dom

Subject: Re: DGC

Hi Dom

When you have donated the money please let me know as soon as possible so that I can draw a conclusion to this sorry episode without the need to take it further




I've never heard back from Dominic Finnegan, if anyone knows him please tell him I would like to know if he ever made that donation

That's just it, it seemed like some sort of dodgy scam, and having asked you for ?5000.00, he obviously thinks the forum is a big money spinner.

Either that or the poor guy got screwed over good and proper by someone, and genuinely got it wrong.... I seriously doubt it though.

After about email number 5 I started to think maybe I had approached them with an offer three years ago and then started to question whether he had a point. Fortunately I cc'd a lawyer friend in on the emails and she said the guy's a prick and is talking out of his arse, there's no way he could have been legally advised saying what he said. That reassured me.

Mark, at last I have tracked you down! In 1984 you spilt my pint. You promised to buy me a new one at the bar but instead you nipped out the back, went to the boozer down the road and bought a round for your mates. I was very, very aggrieved. I have spoken to my lawyer who told me I haven't a snowball's hope in h**l but I thought I would chance my arm with a bit of extortion. I demand ?1 million as compensation which shows how profuse a case I have and how really tough I am.

If I don't get my million by Friday I will add interest of a bottle of meths a day. Take heed!

Leprechaun O'Leary

P.S. I have access to an unlimited supply of fleece-lined wellington boots, so don't mess me about.

Sorry, Mark, I sweat profusely. It wasn't actually you. It was actually my pet dog who looks remarkably like you and has the same ISP. And he didn't actually spill my drink - he buried his bone in the garden. I got the two acts mixed up.

In recompense for my false claim for recompense I will donate a tin of Whiskas to the Battersea Dogs Home.

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