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I've had a dodgy scan at 12 (well actually 13 weeks as i'm apparently more pregnant than i thought i was) weeks

My nuchal translucency measured on average 3.5 mm with one reading at 4mm.

I then had my bloods and my hcg result came back as 2.5 MoM

I've done enough research to realise this is not good.

This thread is a 'is there anyone else out there who's been through this?' question rather than a 'what would you do' question. I'm 34 yrs old.

I'm going for a second opinion next week at Harley st private scanning and i did a CVS as soon as i got these results. I'll hear the outcome on wednesday. It's either genetic abnormality or cardiac defect or it's nothing and these readings are just unlucky....

It's upsetting, especially as i'm showing and everyone knows i'm pregnant, but i guess it's just one of those things life throws at you. I'd be keen to speak with anyone who's been through this though, as it can make you feel a bit lonely.


edit to ask if anyone knows what the cut off age for a D&C is at Kings? I heard that each hospital has a different policy and i dont want to even consider the medical induction option if possible...

I had a very similar result at a kings scan. In addition, there was a possible heart problem, flattened nasal bone and a shorter than average femur. All high indicators for Downs Syndrome. I too had a private scan which supported the kings findings. It made for an extremely upsetting few weeks before CVS. Which came back completely clear and my now 4 year old is beautiful, with a tiny button nose.

I fully understand what you are going through and I know it is no use me telling you not to worry. The best advice I think I was given at the time was to be sure that you make yourself aware of the options and obviously what decision you think you will make with the results you get back.

I wish you all the best. Really feel for you. Xxx

I've just had a very similar experience - high nuchal translucency, 2.something MoM Hcg and 0.3 MoM Papp a which all gave me a 1 in 6 risk of Down's. They did a CVS there and then and our baby is absolutely fine. I also had a very similar result with my son who is also completely healthy, so I guess sometimes it's just the way our bodies grow babies! I do really feel for you though, it was the most upsetting and stressful few days in our lives waiting for those results. I found the consultants really helpful in answering my questions over the phone after the scan - it's much to take in at the time. Also, pester the midwives for your results on Wednesday if you don't hear - I was expecting mine on a Friday and although I tried haranguing the receptionists, it was only when my midwife chased it (I happened to have an appointment with her that afternoon) that they told me my results.

Anyway, this post isn't to say not to worry as of course you will, but just to let you know that it is possible it can still all be fine. You have my sympathies - it's so upsetting and worrying. I really hope you get good news soon. xx

Kings are world leaders in nuchal scanning (was developed there) and so I personally would not waste the money at Harley St, it won't change the results. Getting the results from the CVS is the most important priority and will probably need chasing (I would even get your midwife to chase a bit early to try and cut down the wait). Try and have your partner with you when you chase so that you are both together when you get them. Everyone I know who had increased risk (remember that that is what it is (even a 1/4 chance means 75% of being ok) including myself, went on to have a healthy baby so it is not unlikely (but obviously people discuss 'negative' outcomes less). By being at kings they will also check really carefully if downs is ruled out, for heart defects, and again it is incredible what they can check with their specialism (couldn't believe the detail of the unobtrusive heart scan). You are so lucky to be at Kings for this, you really are in the best place.

I hope things work out ok for you.

thanks for all your reassuring comments

re Kings - I think you're absolutely right. When things go wrong, Kings is the best place to be and I wouldn't choose anywhere else.

I guess going to HS is a choice that i will go ahead with if the CVS shows 'nothing is wrong'. that way i can get new reading of nuchal tranlucency. Not becuase i think kings got it wrong, but more that perhaps the umbilical cord was making it come out worse... i know this is clinging on to false hope, but if there's any chance the reading was exaggerated then it's worth that extra scan imo. Just seeing it myself again may help the news sink in too.

my scan pictures look like the text book examples of extreme problems... google images look exactly like my scan...

Sorry to hear of your huge worry and fears. I reiterate what others have said - Nicolaides team at kings is great and he also has an excellent team in W1 who you might well be referring to. We paid for many extra scans by him - he comes in on one day a week so you book that one if possible and get the benefit of the big guy - and it was great for reassurance later on in the pgncies. I know a girl who was abroad, was on the verge of making a very big decision post scan advice but decided to come home and get a second opinion. Almost immediately the whole situation was fine and her risk calculated completely differently. Fingers crossed for you. Will be thinking of you on Wed.

So sorry to hear what you are going through. I've also been there having had an awful 12 week scan - nuchal measurement was over 4mm, no nasal bone and two other markers for chromosomal problems where found (one in the heart and one in the liver) on the positive side my bloods were fine. I was given a 1 in 2 chance of downs (you can't get any worse odds) and 1 in 8 for other problems. I had a CVS there and then and it did come back clear (I now have a very healthy 2 year old).

you have my sympathies, the wait for the results is horrible however you are in the best place and I really hope that you get good news on Wednesday.

AND I'm another with terrible possibilities from scans - hormones suggested problems; then scans revealed other symptoms conducive with Edwards syndrome; my baby was almost off the scale (but not quite ) small ....

I had about ten scans through my pregnancy as a result ( I refused the offered amnio etc). Saw Nicolaides and others from his team (in fact my sister in law needed a second opinion scan and went private to find 'the best team' which was the team at Kings).

I'm another who now has a healthy child. I do feel that scans can now 'see' and suggest so much, but the research to explore, corroborate and find explanations for what they see lags behind what they can see. I think they probably have a duty to tell you what they see and give you odds of particular scenarios. Of course this leads to a lot of worry and stress, and sometimes there is a problem, but in many cases there everything turns out to be fine.

I really feel for you and hope the news is good.

I also had an abnormal nuchal translucency reading at 12 weeks, but low risk for downs thankfully. We were booked in for a scan with a cardiac specialist at 20 weeks and it was an agonising time having to wait so long for answers. The scan was fine although baby not yet born so clearly stilla bit of a worry.

Kings really is the best place to be though, all the research I found when I looked into NT came from the Harris Birthright centre. It does also mean that they check for a lot more markers as a matter of course than they do elsewhere, and therefore more likely to pick up 'abnormalities'. When speaking to other mums about it, it turned out quite a few of them had been told their NT and markers were off the scale (around 6 in one case) and they all have very healthy children now. I do also know of one mum who was told everything looked fine and ended up having a baby with Downs syndrome.

I sometimes wonder who's benefit these scans really are for - it can cause so much unnecessary stress.

Agree with all the above. Nicolaides is one of the few drs with a grasp of mathematica and stats to be able to put medical probabilities into a digestible format.

Kings I find poor in many ways but for these scans, cvs procedures and amnios, it is certainly the uk leader if not the world's best.

Great. The department sounds excellent.

What does nicolaides look like? The name's all over my notes but I saw so many doctors I'm not sure who was who...

Edit to say: decided not to go to harley st. Sounds like a waste of time and I'm already in the best hands. Thnx for tips.

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