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"I don't talk like I know better than anyone else about it though, because people tend to find that sort of thing really irritating"

As UDT has started the amateur psychology thing I might have a stab too.

Being concerned how you come across involves an exercise in empathy, something I'm not sure our mutual friend bothers with. Either because he's not interested or because he's incapable.

It's not impossible he's somewhat aspergic and hence may struggle with the concept; he could be a psycopath and explaining this would be like trying to explain it to a shark, or he may so so wrapped in himself that he lacks self-awareness and it wouldn't occur to him to empathise even though he's capable.

This could come from some childhood trauma and be Narcissistic Personality Disorder or it could be because he's a spoilt brat who was always told he was the best and it never occured to him, as he moved to adulthood, to doubt it.

This is technically speaking called 'being a tit'.

It seems your amateur psychology is equally as bad as your football knowledge. I have nothing to fear here.

I don't have any issues in working for a female manager and most of them are far better than the male counterparts. Your statement says more about you than me, Otta, with your sexist remark.

I have shown empathy for people who are not well off in the marks & spencer thread but I draw the line for utter idiots. I'm very content that what you lot know isn't worth knowing. And what conclusions you come to are most likely flawed in any case.

"I have shown empathy for people who are not well off in the marks & spencer thread but I draw the line for utter idiots"

I think you might be mistaking emapthy for sympathy, or more likely pity.

A quick question for you UDT, how do you think you come across to people, what do you think other people think of you?

Speaking as a psychiatrist I'd say UDT has an Anti-Social Personality Disorder but then I'm no psychiatrist so I'm saying nothing. Though if it was so he probably wouldn't give a shit about what other people think of him because he has an ASPD.

Anyway......back to the Euros ..... ooooh didn't Spain do well.

El Pibe Wrote:


> "I have shown empathy for people who are not well

> off in the marks & spencer thread but I draw the

> line for utter idiots"


> I think you might be mistaking emapthy for

> sympathy, or more likely pity.


> A quick question for you UDT, how do you think you

> come across to people, what do you think other

> people think of you?

Sympathy is an extension of empathy. So either way your original argument is pure nonsense.

There are some people where I would take their views seriously. There is a big difference between people who I respect and disrespect. I think where you're struggling to come to terms is whether I take your views seriously. And the answer of course is no. Judging by your knee jerk analysis, lack of football knowledge and sheer stupidity, why would I take your views seriously?

My behaviour is a reflection of your behaviour. Get it?

Otta Wrote:


> I openly admit I was never much good at football,

> and never cared. I don't think you need to play

> the game to understand it though UDT, it's really

> not all that complicated.


> My school was a rugby school though, and I was a

> regular starter for the first XV, and played at a

> pretty good level in to my early 20s, until I

> couldn't be bothered anymore. I don't talk like I

> know better than anyone else about it though,

> because people tend to find that sort of thing

> really irritating.

I don't think you have a deep understanding of the game. Each time, I present a football argument, it usually transcends to "you hate Liverpool" type conversations.

Personally, I never took football all that seriously because I was more on the academic side of things at school. Perhaps I was deluded about my own ability through my top marks for a wide number of subjects! Even then, I was selected for primary and secondary schools' starting eleven. My school also did rugby but as a eleven year old I didn't consider rugby as a proper sport. I couldn't care less about the game and refuse to watch the game on tv. I've also enjoyed playing tennis, squash, cricket and judo while at school. I won the squash ladder in one year. I thought I was really good as a 13 year old until my female coach gave me a proper squash lesson during a game.

The only other sport I did after leaving school was kick boxing which gave wonders to your fitness levels.

Empathy is spefically the ability to put oneself in an other's position, to see the world through their eyes.

Sympathy doesn't require empathy.

But empathy is key to trying to understand how others might see you, and to pick up the nuances in what they say.

You are usually oblivious to those nuances, so ascertaining your ability to empathise is of interest to me, but it's obvious you simply stonewall everything with post-facto constructed self-justification.

I'll never know if it's your ability to communicate or because you're a tit. I think I've ceased to care, but for now I'm going with the latter.

Interestingly reflecting behaviour rather is a classic psycopathic trait!

Thanks EP, but the wikipedia definition is clear on this matter: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathy

"Sympathy is an extension of empathic concern, or the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human being.[1] This empathic concern is driven by a switch in viewpoint, from a personal perspective to the perspective of another group or individual who is in need. Empathy and sympathy are often used interchangeably, but the two terms have distinct origins and meanings.[2] Empathy refers to the understanding and sharing of a specific emotional state with another person. Sympathy, however, does not require the sharing of the same emotional state. Instead, sympathy is a concern for the well-being of another. Although sympathy may begin with empathizing with the same emotion another person is feeling, sympathy can be extended to other emotional states.(Isn't this backwards? Isn't sympathy felt and empathy understood but not felt? Reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/empathy)[1]"

So what you're telling me was you went straight to wikipedia to find out what empathy means before responding.

Nice touch.

You then quoted the first couple of words and didn't read the bit

"[2 ]Empathy refers to the understanding and sharing of a specific emotional state with another person. Sympathy, however, does not require the sharing of the same emotional state."

Or it be more succinctly put by someone who doesn't rush to wikipedia for all their knowledge, ooh let's say

"Sympathy doesn't require empathy."

Sound familiar?

I'll have a crack at it. One one-time genuine post on the subject - then back to the usual.

UDT does not care what other people think, because not caring what other people think is UDT's coping mechanism. The unfortunate truth is that the current cabal of (to coin a UDT phrase) 'don't-know-betters' - ("you lot") are merely the more vocal minority of the great majority who are simply too kind - or don't have the time (or energy) - to get involved.

The reality is that I don't doubt that UDT might be a enthusiastic and capable amateur footballer; that UDT has a genuine interest - and some taste - in music; that UDT can be knowledgeable on a range on subjects that UDT choses to be interested in (or Google demonically) etc etc etc. But all of this is eclipsed by the total inability of UDT to stop coming across like a penis - coupled with a total inability on UDT's part to recognise this very fact.

Personally, every time UDT doesn't realise that somebody else is taking the piss (an almost daily occurrence) I feel slightly guilty because I know that UDT lacks some basic social-interactive skills that most others possess (such as the basic ability to notice when people are having a laugh at your expense). But any feelings of sympathy are soon washed away by the next burst of bellend-like behaviour. How much slack should you cut someone because they are the way they are? I guess I just ran clean out of slack.

We've had various fallouts and barneys on here over the years between all sorts of people (amongst virtual friends even) - but there were always many people on both sides. Hardly ever has one person stood so conspicuously alone, moreover - completely oblivious to their singularity!

Think about it, UDT.. Who is it who started the chain of events that leads us up to these types of slanging matches? Is it really 'everyone else' or is it 'you'?

Are your posts perfectly reasonable - and therefore 'everyone else's' reactions unreasonable? Or is it more likely that your posts cause this response from others?

How often do you comment on a thread, only to observe that the thread continues as if you had said nothing?

How many people do you think have put your posts on 'hide'?

Would being able to make your contributions without rubbing people up the wrong way most of the time not be a more satisfactory experience for you?

*Bob* Wrote:


> Let me know when you've finished sucking yourself

> off again, UDT - and I'll fetch you a tissue.

I really feel sorry for you Bob. You must have led an inadequate life. Not having the means to do things for yourself. People not taking you seriously because you talk rubbish all the time.

*Bob* Wrote:


Let me know when you've finished sucking yourself off again

Undisputedtruth Wrote:


> I really feel sorry for you Bob. Not having the means to do things for yourself.


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