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Dodgy woman - East Dulwich Road

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ive just joined this site and come across this thread,,put yourselves in a local pub and have this conversation and listen to yourselves .....im sure mental health would be pointing at the pub rather than the girl in the garden,,lol

ps thanks for a good laugh in these troubled time,,take care and lock your doors

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This thread was just meant to be a warning. Never mind, seems some of the people on this would argue with their own shadow!

Does it really matter that 'addiction is concidered a form of mental illness' is this case? When there are young children running around the park, and then junkies shooting up heroin beside them...does it make it ok because they have a 'form of mental illness'??

I honestly believe some people live in a bubble!

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Good old EDF. Whether this lady was mentally I'll, or a hardened criminal, she was in someone's bloody garden, where she had no business being.

Agree that a person's skin colour should always be in a DESCRIPTION OF WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE!!!!!! Whatever colour it might be. But the OP did say brown hair tied back, so I assumed white.

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I have just been approached outside Homemade by the lady who said she wanted me dead! I only looked at her and was only nipping in for a soya latte...she did put me off. But seriously we saw them both the night before acting strange hence me doing a double take at her again this morning. He was mixed race she was white and fits the description on here.

Have contacted the police

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hi there , ive just read youre message about the lady who approached you outside homemade . I used to live down the bottom of barry road and I think you may have been approached by a lady who live down there and suffers from paranoia as sounds familier . I do know her name and address if youre worried but she herself was a neighbour who has serious paranoia when not on her medication and does go calling on people so is known by the local shops. she is treated as a patient at the mausely.she does also have a boyfriend of mixed race .I can give you her details if the police are concerned cheers
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There is a lady who lives at that address and has mental health issues. If you ask her nicely to leave the property she will. She has got mixed up with the wrong kinda of people in the last year or so. She is harmless but I understand its an invasion of privacy.

I've tried to ring social services to talk to them about her and see if they can provide home help but nothing happened.

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  • 1 month later...

buddug Wrote:


> Chic and northlondoner, you're behaving like

> trolls. Why have you and others decided to hijack

> this thread? The original poster has a valid

> concern. I smell some nasty bullying going on...

Just a comment not a hijack. Get a grip. Stick to decaf.

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Jeremy Wrote:


> northlondoner Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > What race was she? Seems important to mention

> race

> > on here when the miscreant is black . Just

> asking,

> > like.


> Give it a rest mate, people aren't interested in

> the chip on your shoulder.

No chips here Jeremy. A little difficult to follow your train of thought. And furthermore, I don't believe we've been introduced.

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Nick1962 Wrote:


> Quite ironic really.. we are talking about a

> 'dodgy woman' and all the 'dodgy locals' have come

> out of the woodwork to post a comment!! The place

> is full of nutters, I'm moving to Fulham!!

Fulham is terrible. Crouch End is much nicer.

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  • 1 month later...

So, to clarify:

1) white Kentish questioning garden invader. Poss on drugs

2) black park ranger/ bin rummager who hangs out with two men and who sometimes wears pink but has a variety of tracksuits. Definitely on drugs

3) coterie of forum perverts who might like to find a few new hobbies. Crack, anyone?

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