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Dodgy woman - East Dulwich Road

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A woman who came into our back garden yesterday (east Dulwich Road)

She came in through the back gardens of the houses next to us, where she appeared to be looking for something/ scouting the place out, and was asking if we needed our garden done by her partner. She appeared to be on drugs and very hyper. She told us she was 39, and then later 49. She was trying to look into our flat and asking if we had a computer, did I want my hair done etc.

We were having our tea in the garden and she stayed for about 20 minutes talking to us. We (myself and partner) felt very uneasy around her. We made our excuses and went inside.

Later we went for a walk in Goose Green and saw her rummaging through peoples bins on east Dulwich road. She was taking the rubbish into the park and going through it.

She then went over to two guys sitting in the park on a bench who were drinking. These guys too also looked like they may have been on drugs.

She told us that she is living in 110 east Dulwich road (SE22 9AT) Does anyone know anything about this house?

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She was wearing a Navy and yellow tracksuit. Brown hair tied up.

I have reported it to the link here? https://secure.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods/index_sn.php?rid=2515 The east Dulwich neighbourhood police. Maybe you could do the same. I know there are few people like this in that house in East Dulwich road. I know they have to go somewhere, but it doesn?t sit east with me, such a nice area, a shame to feel so unsafe.

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By dodgy I mean Crack head / Junkie!

If it was somebody with a 'mental health' problem I wouldnt have been frightened having worked with people with mental health problems in the past.

Thank you very much Rgutsell!

Why is there a need to be so bloody PC all the time! Can we not just say it how it is!!?

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To help me avoid causing offence in potential future posts, can you give me some guidance on how to accurately diagnose a mental health or personality disorder on the basis of 20 minutes awkward conversation with a hyperactive intruder in the back garden?

Am sure you'll be able to help rgutsell, as you seem able to diagnose someone after just reading a post on the forum...

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Jenjeroo Wrote:


> Was she wearing lots of pink? I saw a rather dodgy

> looking lady walking up and down upland road last

> night. Hanging around the corners. We should

> report this to the local police.

I can see why a woman in your garden would be a massive matter for concern and I too would be worried but are you really going to call the police about a woman wearing a lot of pink walking up a road. Jeez.

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Jenjeroo Wrote:


> Was she wearing lots of pink? I saw a rather dodgy

> looking lady walking up and down upland road last

> night. Hanging around the corners. We should

> report this to the local police.

You are a vet? And you post things like this?

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emser Wrote:


> She was wearing a Navy and yellow tracksuit. Brown

> hair tied up.

> I have reported it to the link here?

> https://secure.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods/i

> ndex_sn.php?rid=2515 The east Dulwich

> neighbourhood police. Maybe you could do the same.

> I know there are few people like this in that

> house in East Dulwich road. I know they have to go

> somewhere, but it doesn?t sit east with me, such a

> nice area, a shame to feel so unsafe.

What race was she? Seems important to mention race on here when the miscreant is black . Just asking, like.

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Gidget Wrote:


> Jenjeroo Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Was she wearing lots of pink? I saw a rather

> dodgy

> > looking lady walking up and down upland road

> last

> > night. Hanging around the corners. We should

> > report this to the local police.


> You are a vet? And you post things like this?

I genuinely was concerned this woman was a prostitute. I was merely pointing out her appearance to see if it was the same woman.

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Clarey28 Wrote:


> Jenjeroo Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Was she wearing lots of pink? I saw a rather

> dodgy

> > looking lady walking up and down upland road

> last

> > night. Hanging around the corners. We should

> > report this to the local police.


> I can see why a woman in your garden would be a

> massive matter for concern and I too would be

> worried but are you really going to call the

> police about a woman wearing a lot of pink walking

> up a road. Jeez.

Be fair, she was also "hanging around the corners" - this is a 'hanging' offence for some of the curtain twitchers around here...

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This woman that Emser is talking about actually came into her back garden through other people's back garden, for God's sake. I would have been somewhat freaked out too. And what's more, Emser was kind enough to spend 20 minutes talking to her before making her excuses and going inside. I'd have fled indoors immediately and called the police. What's wrong with some of you?

Mind you, the post about the Lady in Pink was asking for trouble...

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I was keeping up, actually (although often I don't!) - that's why I said "this woman that Emser is talking about..." to distinguish her from the Woman in Pink, who has nothing to do with the original poster's story. And I just thought we should return to that, out of respect for Emser's experience, if nothing else.

By the way, isn't it hot again!

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northlondoner Wrote:


> What race was she? Seems important to mention race

> on here when the miscreant is black . Just asking,

> like.

Give it a rest mate, people aren't interested in the chip on your shoulder.

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Jeremy Wrote:


> northlondoner Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > What race was she? Seems important to mention

> race

> > on here when the miscreant is black . Just

> asking,

> > like.


> Give it a rest mate, people aren't interested in

> the chip on your shoulder.

Northlondoner certainly has no chips on any shoulder. Do you watch constant reruns of Love Thy Neighbour? I thought ?chip on the shoulder? went out with bell bottoms & flares.

I hate that term, it?s only ever used by racists or the magnificently ignorant.

Which are you?

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Chick Wrote:



> Northlondoner certainly has no chips on any

> shoulder. Do you watch constant reruns of Love

> Thy Neighbour? I thought ?chip on the shoulder?

> went out with bell bottoms & flares.


> I hate that term, it?s only ever used by racists

> or the magnificently ignorant.


> Which are you?

"Chip on the shoulder" is a perfectly valid use of English. It has no racist connotations and to label someone a racist or "magnificently ignorant" just because you don't like the words they use to express themselves is ignorant.

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baggie Wrote:


> I only come on here when the Footie season is

> over, its brilliant, just like a West Ham v

> Millwall game. Lol

I'm with you, baggie. It's better than a soap opera. I live in CSI Catford where we've had a pool of blood in the stairwell for the past 4 days. I LOVE checking into Midsomer Dulwich for a change of scenery.

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