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Be careful out there folks.

I hadn't thought through my other two votes so I though I'd apply the Grand National Principle, ie, pick a name that sounds good. Who could resist 'Fluss'? Sneaky bugger didn't have his party under his name (just some wanky slogan), but drift the eyes left (unnatural for English readers) and it turns out to be UKIP.

Big Brother is not watching you.

Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote:


> Be careful out there folks.


> I hadn't thought through my other two votes so I

> though I'd apply the Grand National Principle, ie,

> pick a name that sounds good. Who could resist

> 'Fluss'? Sneaky bugger didn't have his party

> under his name (just some wanky slogan), but drift

> the eyes left (unnatural for English readers) and

> it turns out to be UKIP.


> Big Brother is not watching you.


But your results on the previous page gave you a score of 4 for UKIP PGC - you must like something they do :))

Agree Otta but the timing was bad re Election for Leader going on at that time and Onna king (who'd have been better imo) didn't do well at the hustings. To be honest I think that both Ken or Boris will represent London well compared to the others but Ken is more divisive, too political and with his tax affairs a rank hypocrite in my view. I personally believe Boris is far more genuienely inclusive and less of a snake in the grass...know thw 'condem' (haha) haters gonna hate but I prefer Boris to Ken anyday. Ken might still have got it.

Agreed Bob.

Rosie - Ken goes by the old lefty let's think of people in blocks of 'collective interest' rather than individuals and looks for what divides. His border line anti-semitism is an entirely political calculation (aimed at attracting some Muslim votes) and is left right on the edge of hard to prove - and incidentally, I don't think he's an anti-semite at all on a personal level, just horrible political oppotunism. He back stabbed his own party a few years back for hos own poloittcal power, ironic given he once claime 'think what you can do your party not what your party can do for you' in an Independent article.

Finally, his tax position is undefendable for someone who harks on about being a socialist - Boris pays the rate he's meant too even though he think that rate is damaging to our economy, Ken thinks the rate is fine. except for him..it's for the small people

Not voting for a person like that ever and given I've moved on from tribalism I can do so easily.

I don't disagree Quids. I just think Boris is an abomination and I can't stand the idea of more of his ego-bus buffoonery and obfuscation.

I find him incredibly divisive, and although I'd rather have Ken, it's a lesser of two evils question for me. Used to love Ken, but the tax issue is absolutely indefensible.

RosieH Wrote:


> I don't disagree Quids. I just think Boris is an

> abomination and I can't stand the idea of more of

> his ego-bus buffoonery and obfuscation.


> I find him incredibly divisive, and although I'd

> rather have Ken, it's a lesser of two evils

> question for me. Used to love Ken, but the tax

> issue is absolutely indefensible.

Rosie - I'd be interested in any examples of Boris' divisive"ness" as few come to my mind. I believe him to be less politically calculating, less tribal in his beliefs (which, I accept are not shared by everyone) and genuine in his concern to make London a better place for all. He is also pragmatic enough not to promise perfection just something that is better than current status quo.

Boris has to be the most divisive individual in British politics! Everyone has an opinion on him - the ultimate "marmite" politician.

The only other person I can think off that comes close, is the odious Galloway.

Ken used to be the most divisive, but he's not anymore because everyone now seems to agree they don't like him ;-)

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