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I've just found out that my daughter hasn't got a place at Ivydale Nursey this September. We live three streets away, 0.2 miles on a map, closer as the crow flies.

It's the nearest by quite some way so I'm feeling really despondent about finding an alternative now.

I feel I've been incredibly naive. I had no idea it was as bad for nursery as primary school.. pause for laughter from wiser more experienced parents... apparently it's the siblings factor due to "unprecedented demand". I'm now also super stressed that the primary place won't happen either!

When we moved here 4 years ago I was actually quite relieved the local school wasn't ranked Good in the Ofsted ranks as I thought it might mean we'd get in. Alas the combination of its improvements and the discovery by others of this hidden, quiet corner of Nunhead has scuppered me. Sigh :'(

Ah, 8 spaces doesn't leave much wiggle room does it. Am going to call them in the morning to see if they can tell me where we are on the waiting list, last hope! Feeling more resigned to it now and trying to ignore impending doom thoughts for primary next year. Need to stop reading the other threads!

Oh Yorkie, I'm gutted as C got a place (sibling of course) & I thought she & R might be there together.

Don't loose heart yet as there may be some movement. People dont always take up the places they are offered. See if you can catch Miles (head of early years) and not only find out where on the list you are but also how many places don't get taken. I'm guessing siblings will go in all likelihood but you never know, if not now maybe in a month or two.

Keeping everything crossed for you.


Hi Yorkie,

It's worth trying St Mary's pre-school on St Mary's Rd (Evelina Rd end) this is open Monday-Friday from 9.15-12.15 during school term time and children tend to move from there to Hollydale, Ivydale, Edmund Waller and other local primaries.


Thanks Molly, yes I was hoping they would be nursery buddies too.

There were 45 sibling places in the end with 2 SEN so we would probably have had to live next door to the school(or in your back garden, fancy a lodger?) to get in on the first cut. We're 7th so all hope is not lost, there may well be some movement over the next term. I was just a bit stunned as ever since I was pregnant I imagined her going there when she was 3 and wasn't quite prepared. But in the grand scheme of things that can go wrong with children this is nothing, I'll get over it!

Thanks for the suggestions Renata, I couldn't get hold of St Mary's but we're also going on the list at Chelwood and Rye Oak so fingers crossed.

Hi Yorkie,

I'm sorry to hear that you have not got a place at Ivydale Nursery. There were 43 places offered to siblings out of the 50 places available. The person at the top of the waiting lives 100m away. This has never happened before at the school. Of course with 30 more reception children going in, this has impacted on Nursery places. I would expect the last place offered distance for the school to be much reduced over normal over the next 3-4 years due to additional siblings following the bulge anyway, but with potentially this number of siblings (or even more, as some will be in full time Nursery elsewhere) applying for the school next year, it could have a very small last place offered distance. I would suggest anyone living in the area to do apply to six schools. Other schools in the area include Hollydale, Turnham, St Francesca Cabrini (Catholic but takes non-Catholics too, as St William of York, Honor Oak is bulging this will increase the chance for non-Catholics to get into StFC), Edmund Waller, Haberdasher's Aske Free School (a new school), John Donne and Rye Oak, all of these are good schools.


We didn't get into Ivydale Nursery either and are completely gutted. We don't live nearly as close as you - in Rye Hill Park, about 0.4 miles away, but, stupidly, as it turns out, we had been counting on it, as it is our nearest school and presumed our son would be going there for the primary as well. We've been using the Children's Centre for some time and got to know the fantastic staff. Our son has multiple severe food allergies and they have made wonderful effort with this, changing their practices so it is safer for him to come to the play sessions and we felt confident that the nursery were fully up to speed to cope with this too. Having spoken to Miles yesterday, in fact the number of siblings is 54 for 50 places so noone got in based on distance. We are number 30 on the list, so no chance. Which as far as I can see it, will also apply for the possibility of him going to Ivydale for primary in 2013 as the number of primary places is 60 so will be pretty fully allocated just with siblings. I hope wherever we end up will be equally lovely, but I'm upset that we can't get into our local school as the community aspect of it is very important to me and I feel drained by the thought of having to start all over again somewhere else that I may not feel as confident about.
We didn't get into Ivydale either. We are 0.3 miles from the schhol on Cheltenham Road and also assumed that we would be given a place based on distance from the school. Miles at the school was very helpful when I spoke with him. I was also told that over ALL of the placesd were given to siblings - It just doesn't give anyone a chance. I have contacted the local councillor - Gavin Edwards and wouid suggest that othgers do the same. They may be able to fight for a bulge class in the nursery.

hello everyone

Us too, we're on reynolds road and I haven't checked where we are on the waiting list yet. we've been using the children's centre since b was 6 months old, so this has been a real shock. all of our neighbours kids go to the school. I now hold no hope of b getting into the primary school now . I knew the sibling intake would be big, but this has been a real eye opener.


Dear all,

I had a meeting with the Headteacher of Ivydale, Helen Ingham to get an up-to-date picture of the situation with Ivydale admissions.

There are eight current nursery children who are remaining in the Nursery after summer as they are too young to start reception (5 in the autumn).

This left 42 places. 41 of these went to siblings and children with special needs and one was allocated to the closest resident. It was then discovered that 4 families forgot to tick the sibling box on their form, so the nursery has gone up to an admissions no of 54. There are no facilities for the Nursery to bulge further than this. (Kirdlemcfirdle, I did ask, unfortunately they can't do it, also please be aware that gaining a Nursery place has no weighting on securing a place for reception.). It is possible that there will be a little movement if families move out of the area, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Using this years applications for the Ivydale Nursery and considering the distance that the last child would be living if these were applications were for reception places indicates that Ivydale could have a last place offered distance as little as 200-250M for 2013 (ie similar to Heber this year and DKH last year). This is assuming no movement of families within immediate area of the school, which could move this figure up or down (ie this is a rough estimate from this yer's nursery applications, but I hope it gives some idea for parents what to expect next year). Having discussed with the Head about space availability at the school, as it is, the school can just about fit into the main hall for assembly etc, there are no unused classrooms and there is not a large amount of outside space. The assessments for 2013 entry bulges have not yet been done, however, this would indicate that the 2012 bulge is likely to be a one off.

With the increase in the number of families moving into the East of the Rye/Nunhead area it appears that primary admissions situation may be becoming similar to the current one in the Peckham Rye West/East Dulwich area. I would suggest that families on the East of the Rye/Nunhead do use their six options on their primary CAF forms next year.

I think Urchin that you live too far from Ivydale at around 600M, kirdlemcfirdle, you are a little closer at around 450M. I would suggest you look at Rye Oak, St Mary's Pre-school or Cherlwood for Nursery. Rye Oak, Hollydale, Turnham and Goose Green as well as Ivydale for reception.

If you live in the streets to the south or east of Nunhead Cemetery, think of Turnham or John Stanier or Haberdasher's Aske Free School. East Nunhead, close to Telegraph Hill, think also of Edmund Waller.

East Dulwich to the West of Forest Hill Rd (Marmora/Colyton area) consider St Francesca Cabrini for your list (does take non-Catholics on distance, but Catholics have priority).

Most of the schools I have mentioned have Nursery sections (except Hollydale). Cherlwood and St Mary's Pre-school are stand alone nurseries.


Ah Yorkie that's terrible! Have you tried putting your name down for Chelwood? It's Lewisham Council, but it's an excellent excellent nursery (Outstanding on Ofsted) and you must be relatively close to it if you are close to Ivydale. Yes, they are often oversubscribed too, but I would definitely put my name down on the wait list--that's how we got in. There's often a lot of "movement" at the nursery stage with people dropping out/ moving etc.
Renata - I saw you in reception yesterday and thought this might be what you were there to talk about - thank you for your efforts. It's really good to fully understand the situation. It is amazing to realise how much things have changed over the past few years, and I do feel very sorry for the families who live nearby but may not get a place either for nursery, or reception in 2013.

Hi Molly,

well spotted!

Two years ago when I was a shiny new councillor and primary school allocations came out 3 days after I was elected, I think everyone got Ivydale who had it as their first choice. Last year I helped a few families who didn't get it, but Ivydale wasn't their closest school (some did get in from the waiting list, later). This year the school has bulged for September 2012 entry, so the last place offered distance is significantly larger than it would be otherwise. Always after bulges, due to extra siblings, for the next following 3 or 4 years there is a last place offered distance smaller than there would have been if there wasn't a bulge. I wish I could magic up extra places for 2012 for Nursery and 2013 reception, but unfortunately I have no magic wand to make more space on the Ivydale school site:(.


Hi NJC97, I'm waiting to hear back from admissions about the free school (it was planned for 2013)

urchin, it is worth going on to the chelwood waiting list. St Marys's details are:

St Mary's Pre School

St. Mary 's Church Hall

63 St. Mary's Road

London SE15 2EA

Tel: 020 7277 6255

it was rated as a good nursery by Ofsted last year.


there is a 5 points that you should obey.........

1) a mentally stimulating focus as they enter the classroom.

2) regular challenges for gifted and talented and more able children.

3) development of a range of thinking and reasoning skills.

4) reinforcement of independent learning.

5) a wide range of fun educational activities.

after that you will realise changes in your children

I have a surgery at ED Community Centre at 10-11am tomorrow. I know I have some parents who didn't get into Ivydale Nursery coming along. The situation hasn't changed, but I'm happy to discuss this parents and come up with suggestions as to what they could do as an alternative. Of course anyone else is welcome to come to see me!


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