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Any advice would be really nice , I'm going in at 8 pm tonight an have just started to panic , this is my first baby and I'm like many others worried something is going to go wrong as my body clearly couldn't manage to go into labour on its own I already feel like I failed I'm 12 days over today and it's all just got a bit much , what are they going to do to me tonight ? They said they are going to set me up for the night what does that even mean and can my partner stay with me ? Am I likely to be holding my baby 2moro or could it still be days away ?

Kind words please for a scared mum2be


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Oh Hollie, don't worry!

I've had three inductions, although all at 37 weeks due to complications.

Based on my most recent experience (13 weeks ago) they will insert a Propess this evening (painless, although they will check to see how favourable your cervix is first) and let it work away while you rest. Or you may find they check you and are able to break your waters and bypass the Propess stage completely.

It's hard to say how long it will take - my middle child was 8 hours from setting foot in hospital to having her, whereas numbers 1 and 3 were stubborn little blighters and I ended up in Hotel Kings for days waiting waiting waiting...

You're overdue, so I doubt it will take days, but you never know. Best to be prepared, take books/crosswords etc (I took my iPad and used hospital wifi to watch lots of on demand tv!)

Just try and stay relaxed and positive, and be excited that it won't be long until you meet your baby!

Good luck!

My induction with the twins 38+2 they were able to

Break my waters - twin 1 born 3h later without even gas and air

Induction for latest baby though, took quite a bit longer.

You can find out your 'bishops score' if you want a clue as to how likely it is that the induction will work quickly.

My personal view is to thInk about an epidural before they start a syntocinon drip, though I know pickle managed perfectly well without.

Good luck!


Good luck hollie! I knw frm ur posts on spring babies hw u have been waiting! Your partner can stay, make sure o bring food for him. Try to eat and drink and rest when you can! All the best and you will see your little one bfore you know it. There is a 7 floor staircase at kings which i was walking up and down, i then went from 2 to 10 cm in under 2 hrs :)

C xx

Hmmm, yes I had the drip in two of my labours (12 hours worth of the stuff in my most recent one!) but didn't need an epidural, managing with just a TENS machine. Midwife did doubt whether I have nerve endings though, so I think I'm an anomaly :)

Agree with Monkey, induction is definitely not failing. Enjoy what could be your last child-free night (as much as you can while cooped up in hospital).

Agree with the others. Please don't think you have failed! I had the same feelings when I was going into hospital after 4 days of being in labour but with some distance (and reading this forum!) I realised that thousands upon thousands of women and their babies need a bit of help along with birth, especially with the first. It is very, very routine and nothing to be ashamed of. Your body still has lots of hard work to do with the induction - it is not all done for you! So stay positive and you will soon have your gorgeous baby. You are in great hands at Kings. Don't let any misplaced feelings of failure get in the way of the most amazing moment in your life when your new baby arrives. You should be really, really proud of yourself. Good luck!

Oh please don't feel like a failure mum2be, sooner or later your body would have gone into labour, but it's safer to get the baby out sooner which is what you're doing. Far from being a failure that means you are a brave and selfless mother who's prepared to put herself through unwanted medical procedures in order to give her little one the best possible start in life. Well done you!

Oh and I'd second having an epidural before sintocinol!

Good luck, I hope it all goes quickly and smoothly and you're holding that new little person very soon.

You really haven't failed at all, you just have a cosy chilled out baby! I was induced with propess pessary on a Wednesday morning, started contracting mildly on Thursday morning, properly Thursday night and gave birth on Friday morning. I had an epidural and would do again if I needed to. It might take a little while to get thingsgoing but others equally find if can happen quite quickly. Whatever happens you're really close to having your baby and they'll look after you really well at kings if my experience is anything to go by. I agree hospital wifi and laptop can be handy, as can other things to entertain you if waiting for a bit. Good luck!
i was induced at lewisham hospital. I went in on the wed evening but was not started off until the thursday afternoon (think this is normal although they did have 6 others waiting to be induced) so dont expect to be induced the same night. They started me off with the gel (2 lots) then when that did nothing (sorry meant to say i was induced a week early due to the size of the baby) the midwife gave me a sweep. Then after that my contractions started, i had an epidural straight away (sometimes you have to wait a while as they are usually in surgery) then they put me on the drip but i was on the drip for about 6 hours before i demanded a c section as my contractions were not regular. I think it all happened the way it did because baby was not ready to come out a week early.

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