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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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Great curry at Jaflong yesterday. Thanks to all that came along. New approach to CC meeting dates: First Thursday of the month. We had a good discussion about this and Thursday seemed to be a day that people could do and most people have been paid by the first Thursday. So, the next meeting will be on 7 February @ The Surma.


Meet at the EDT at 7.15ish.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dunno what this thread is about. I went to the Babur for the first time in a few years. F me, it has really gone up market and could give the Cinnamon Club a run for its money. Not for the feint hearted in terms of money, but your bum will be fine in the morning.
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Gingerbeer Wrote:


> You wont. Thats the beauty of the curry club. We

> all sit at single tables, casting suspicious

> glances at the other diners. *Could that be one of

> them?*

A usual night out then! No t-shirts or name badges then?! Haha

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