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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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Its August(which is always quiet) and the veggie option isnt that popular, the Indian Mischief online reviews arent that brilliant. We didnt bother in the end. Supper was a can of tomato soup and a roll.

We cant stick to the same day of the week every month as that would exclude people with a set commitment.

Anyway - I am thinking 25/9 for the next one. Where shall we go? or do people want to give it a rest for a while?

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In the book I'm reading today:

"...The lady came from the ancient Palaeologos family and could trace her forebears clean back to the tenth century, when they were highnesses of Byzantium. She wished her food to be properly cooked and demanded a high-class Roman cuisine requiring charcoal braziers instead of an open fire in the middle of the kitchen..."

Fussy about food them paliowhatsits.

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