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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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A very enjoyable evening. Allycat, Floating Onion, Hibbs, Strafer Jack, Georgia, Helbel and Katie1812.

Helbel was a welcome first timer and Katie dragged herself here from deepest Norfolk, so was able to attend her memorial meeting.

We met in The Draft House, an enjoyable experience, some interesting Belgium beers available and an American Ale is promised. Nice ambience although some still regret the loss of the Black Cherry. There was some debate as to whether the prices were a tad high or not. I cant help thinking free WIFI would help boost their daytime trade. The menu looked interesting and there were a number of people eating.

On to the Surma. There was only one table of diners when we arrived and so we were it for most of the evening. The food was nice. My Onion Bhajis were crispy and tasty, although the portion was if anything a little large. I had a good Chicken Madras with a Brinjal side dish but couldnt finish it. The remainder was boxed up and taken home.

Service seemed rather slow, given that we were the only people in there. Plenty of food and drink was consumed for ?25 each including a tip.

Five of us wobbled over to the Bishop for digestifs.

Others may wish to comment about their choices at the Surma.

Looks like 15/5 for the next meeting. Venue TBC.

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Onion bhajiis were nice and crispy, chicken rezalla had good flavour, nicely spiced and the tandoori roti was delicious. Service was pleasant but the food did seem to take a while arriving to the table between courses, making it a later eve than expected. Great company and conversation though!

Tried to break away from the Cobra/Kingfishers and opted for Mongoose instead ('for those in the know'...apparently) which went well with my curry. Brewed in Bedford though...

Good eve and made it safely back to Peckham eventually. Cheers all.

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Thanks for the warm welcome folks, it was great to meet you all!

Enjoyed the curry - sorry for accidentally digging into yours too Hibbs!

Prawn and potato balls (!) were fab and I liked the amount of fresh green chillies in my rezalla - yep, am definitely a chill head!

Hope to come along on May 15 with my +1

Cheers! (tu)


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???? Wrote:


> Did everyone make it home OK? I heard a rumour

> last night that one particularly dim member of the

> CC couldn't remember his way home recently.....:-S

I thought, i wonder who that was. Then I realised you might have meant me....

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