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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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Veer Zara.

On the basis of the idea from Floating Onion, I and a friend tried the new Veer Zara (formerly Pistachio Club) yesterday evening.

The place is painted a glorious red, lots of red, the staff are wearing red with red ties. Its red.

A little more time could have been spent finishing of some of the small details like straightening the pictures and taking at least one of them out of the plastic wrapping before putting it on the wall.

There were 6 staff on duty, plus the owner and the owner's mate.

Service was attentive but with obvious signs of this being a very new enterprise, waiters not knowing the menu, food taking a little too long to come out of the kitchen and delivery orders being incorrect, judging by the phone calls being fielded by the owner.

Food was standard stuff, albeit with the trendy new stylee names favoured by the refurbished curry houses. Veer Zama dont have their "House Specialities" or "Chef's Recommendations" they have their "Veer Zara Creations". Still its good to ring the changes.

Popadoms were served with a mint raita (good) but confusion was caused when we asked for pickles - a pot of lime pickle was eventually produced, no other pickle was available. I had Shashlik Chicken which "is cooked from fresh which is why it takes longer to cook Sir" - it was fine but took too long to appear, standard Shashlik as one would expect. My friend had Jeenga Prawn (a "Creation") which promised much but tasted suspiciously like supermarket curry powder. The portion of Brinjal was good, rice and nan were standard.

All beer was bottled (not chilled enough), no draft.

Our bill was ?15 each.

OK, so not a disaster and it is very early days; however they will need to sharpen up fast if they are to succeed against the cut throat competition on the Lane. Being average simply wont do.

There was nothing which was bad but nothing which was stand-out excellent or different, nothing to drag me away from my own favourites on the Lane.

Curry Club is a few weeks away yet, so I suggest that we do go to Veer Zara and see how things are then. People can then make their own minds up.

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