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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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Good lord. I leave you alone for 5 minutes and look what happens.

First, I was referring to Legaleagleish being single sexy and generous, not LM, though she no doubt has two of those three attributes. For the record, I don't want to run off with either of them. Yet.

Secondly, my sulk was with Karter for suggesting she (LE) was nicer than me (the fact that she is is just no excuse).

Thirdly, MP, LM has shown that you lie. You do not just offer curry. Though your disclaimer is appreciated, it appears to have failed. But perhaps now the principle of caveat emptor should apply and I will just have to turn up to another curry night and suck it and see, so to speak. Though I will be right mardy if Brum doesn't turn up with a good yarn or two.

And finally, EDL, of course I'm jealous. The local single fireman just dished the dirt on his 70's gigolo days and I didn't get in on the gossip. I'm a married old hag with sole care of two small kids. No longer do I become tired; I am tired. Vicarious living is a BIG DEAL!

Here endeth the lesson. Don't you lot have homes to go to?

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Michael Palaeologus Wrote:


> OK


> "Curry Club, involving conversation, drink, food

> and ripping yarns from the Saucy Sailor"






Better! Case dismissed!

*still sniggering*

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MP - b plus. A great improvement. You are now off the hook, and, though you probably now won't invite me, I may well attempt to make the next curry club.

[though for future ref the sign off should be "without prejudice save as to costs". That last bit could get you out of a lot of bother.]


Maybe I need to get out more?

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ED Lurker Wrote:


> Oh LM you are forgiven for I too was just entering

> into the comical aspect of this whole debacle! :))

It's OK EDL...I'm STILL sniggering...hee hee

> We probably all should get out more, however, when

> the weather is what it is outside, what better way

> to spend the evening than with a jolly curry

> conundrum! :)-D

My sentiments exactly!

*waves regally to EDL*

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karter Wrote:


> now now legalB, i was suggesting that LE may offer

> her services as a lawyer for free in suing Mike P

> of the curry club and i was not saying she is

> nicer than you. I am sure you are nice though.:)-D


oh. ok then.

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Ladymuck Wrote:


> ???? Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Darn you Lady M

> >

> > *grabs handful and sobs*


> Oh LM you are just too lovely. Can I run off with you now?!



> *quietly tip-toes over and positions large bin

> next to the distraught ????...sneaks off again

> without making a sound*

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legalbeagle Wrote:


> karter Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > now now legalB, i was suggesting that LE may

> offer

> > her services as a lawyer for free in suing Mike

> P

> > of the curry club and i was not saying she is

> > nicer than you. I am sure you are nice

> though.:)-D



> sniffle


> oh. ok then.

*hands over a bottle of the finest organic prosecco to LB*


btw, curry cabin are pretty hot at the mo.

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legalbeagle Wrote:


> > Oh LM you are just too lovely. Can I run off

> with you now?!

*scratches pea brain whilst contemplating whether or not to play "hard to get"*

Well, only if I may have a swig of that nice organic prosecco which karter gave you...not that I'm shallow or easily bought you understand.;-)

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Ladymuck Wrote:


> legalbeagle Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > > Oh LM you are just too lovely. Can I run off

> > with you now?!


> *scratches pea brain whilst contemplating whether

> or not to play "hard to get"*


> Well, only if I may have a swig of that nice

> organic prosecco which karter gave you...not that

> I'm shallow or easily bought you understand.;-)

Oh I quite understand. One should never be seen as a pushover, but at the same time, wouldn't want to price oneself out of the market, so to speak. A tricky balancing act for any girl. I usually open negotiations at two mars bars and a fiver, but organic prosecco is probably a classier bid.

It's a deal!

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Ladymuck Wrote:


> karter Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Organic prosecco and some nibbly bits too.



> nibbly bits?

I have no recollection of discussing nibbly bits either. No no. Most certainly not part of the negotiation.

How very dare you.

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