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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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An excellent evening. Really enjoyed the company. Thanks guys. Early Happy Birthday to Hibbs also!

Now the food - it wasn't as good as I remember it being last time. However they were generous with the dips and doms to start!

Still, the quality isn't bad, and the Tawa Chicken was good, nice zing, could taste the Naga in it, but it did lack some other deep flavors that I felt should be in the dish.

Great to be back at the CC though! Thanks MP!

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The birthday girl looked radiant, hot and so well preserved, like a fine bowl of chilli pickle.

Many thanks to Mucky for popping in to see us and providing us with entertainment as she managed to get lost walking back. Brums tales of salty sea-dogdom, naturism, painting, sculpting and his early days as a gigolo in the St Tropez of the '70s enthralled us all.

Food was good, but it has declined since its early days, I had the Onion Bhaji for start (2 tennis ball sized creations) and the Special Lamb Sagwala. From what I could tell, the "special" bit was the metal lid that covered the dish on arrival.

Still a good evening with a free digestiv offered at the end.

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Michael Palaeologus Wrote:


> The birthday girl looked radiant...

> Many thanks to Mucky for popping in to see us...

> Brums tales of... and his early days as a gigolo...

It's true, you looked stunning hibbs and it was lovely seeing you again. Nice to see you too Mr. Pally-wotsit-ooos...feel free to PM me re. sowing/planting (whereupon I shall see to it that one of my minions attends to your enquiry). Equally delighted to finally meet (the de-lurked) ED Lurker.

Brum, thanks for showing me around the area...was especially pleased to learn where the "famous" Herne is located. Always a pleasure being with you. A gigolo eh? Hmmmmm...

Glad you all had a good time...as for ...ahem...getting lost...finally arrived home safely to a concerned hubby who was in two minds about whether or not to send out a search party. All sympathy went out of the window though once he realised that, far from having simply forgotten to switch on that mobile phone he had bought me for such instances, that I hadn't even bothered to bring it with me!

*mutters: bloody mobiles...*


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I'm guessing that Mr. Pally-wotsit-ooos might have to seek legal advice prior to posting the "offer document" in future so as to ensure that potential attendees are made aware of exactly what's on offer before accepting (or not). Your user name suggests you might be in a position to assist legalbeagle?;-)
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legalbeagle Wrote:


> Oh that's right, run off after the gorgeous single

> generous lawyer why don't you.


> See if I care.


> Sniff.

legalB, LM is happily married to her BP, don't think she would be running off with anyone now, especially not another girlie.

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legalbeagle Wrote:


> Oh I am. And for a small fee I will happily ensure

> that I don't sue him!

Careful now...we don't want "conflicts of interests" to become an issue now...presumably you saw what happened in the Roll Deep thread!

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karter Wrote:


> legalB, LM is happily married to her BP, don't

> think she would be running off with anyone now,

> especially not another girlie.

*bursts out laughing*

ha ha ha...I don't think for one minute LB was referring to me!!!! ah ha hah haha h haha

*now on floor, tits up, killing myself - laughing"

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Michael Palaeologus Wrote:


> Can I make it absolutely clear that I am merely

> offering a curry. Anything else that happens is a

> personal matter between adults and nowt to do with

> me. Your Honour.

Objection!...you are offering an evening out, not merely a curry as you purport...you need to provide for all reasonably foreseeable eventualities...

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What is this country (or closer to home, this thread) coming to? When you can't even have a curry now without it turning into a legal playground. :-S

What's next, health and safety sitting with us warning us in the possible 'issues' that could occur from a spicy curry? (However, I believe this is well documented within the curry club (tu))

This is now called the pot luck curry club - you don't know what you will get till you turn up!

Besides, i think your all just jealous you missed out on Brum's stories?

We could setup 'Storytime with Brum' if it will appease you all? B)

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ED Lurker Wrote:


> What is this country (or closer to home, this

> thread) coming to? When you can't even have a

> curry now without it turning into a legal

> playground. :-S

Oh deary deary me...I knew I should have inserted a couple of smiley faces...or something humourous between those *action* asterisk thingamijibs...you see, those of you who find them irritating, they are needed...the one occasion I fail to utilise them...oh dear oh dear...

Oh look on as I hang my head in shame and crawl away towards a platter brimming with humble pie.


(For the avoidance of doubt: :)))

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