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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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fashion suggestions aside, it's been too long since I went to a curry club so I'm aiming for this one. Probable +1 as well

I've used Swadesh for delivery a couple of times recently and as well as decent scran, I found the delivery guys to be top-notch and unreasonably cheeful in vile weather so I'm well-disposed to them

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Judging by facebook updates, Jaws is "coming to terms" with her first Naga encounter, but I had a grand evening

EDF poster and Swadesh head honcho - happyman - and his team looked after everyone in grand style. The menu at Swadesh is interesting in that it's short and selective rather than the usual a million-dishes-with-small-variations approach and my chef's special delivered on it's promise of hot, sweet and sour tastes

The rstaurant itself is also looking sharp compared to it's previous incarnation and was nicely busy on a freezing January evening.

It is competing in the same game as the other curry houses on the Lane rather than doing anything truly different - it's no Tayyabs for example - but it's definitely one of the better ones locally. and I'll be back

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Michael Palaeologus Wrote:


> A good time had by all and thanks to Swadesh for

> the free post prandials.


> Good to see Brum and Mucky who popped in after

> their yoga class ::o

Pilates Mr. Pally-wotsit-ooos, Pilates! And it's Lady-Mucky to you!

The impertinence!

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