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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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Many thanks for the 10 people who did meet up at the EDT and then on to the ED Tandoori.

The experience was so-so. The food seemed to take an age to be served, the place wasnt that full. The ever attentive Head waiter went off to deliver a meal at which point the staff seemed to lose interest. On his return the staff woke up and our main course was served at express speed.

I found the food bland. It was OK but that was about it.

Most of us has starters, we all had mains with rice, veg, etc and wine, beer and soft drinks, all of which came to ?20 a head. We were also offered a free drink at the end of the meal.

So, the welcome and price were good, the service could be improved and the food was OK.

The suggestion for the next meal is Sema Thai. How about Wednesday 23/9?

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I will agree with the Chief Bhuna on this occasion.

Food certainly was a little on the bland side, although I had a Tikka Massala, not my usual fair I will admit, however I did expect a little more it. Can highly recommend it to anyone who hates any hint of any spice though. Its milder than a bolognese sauce!

Comments from others, I believe will follow, however I think the food can be described as average.

Cost wise, at ?20 a head, certainly isn't bad. Probably helps with numerous drivers drinking soft drinks!

Plenty of After Eight Mints after dinner along with a nice after dinner drink offered to us.

Extra marks are awarded to the Head Waiter who certainly went the extra mile to look after us, shame he had to leave the restaurant to make the delivery, otherwise I think service would have been better...

Many thanks to all. A good night nonetheless!

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Lovely to see everyone on Monday.. however the evening was a bit let down by the terrible wait for the food...... I did enjoy my curry though - and have discovered chick peas aren't the evil thing I thought they were!

Sema Thai sounds great.... will look forward to that!

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