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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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May have to bail on this one now. :'( Couple of things have cropped up quickly work wise. May still be able to make it, but essentially I won't fully know until about 7ish!

Probably will to make life easy will skip this one and will look forward to the next.

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charliecharlie Wrote:


> Jeremy, I only really know Georgia fleetingly (of

> EDF drinks fame) and MP by sight (as far as I can

> remember, I have passed all of 10 words with him,

> if that) so be brave with me and come along.

I don't usually get home until around 7:30, but will get to the EDT as soon as I can. How will I recognise you all though?!

I did meet Mike P once (he may or may not remember!) but it sounds like he will not be at the EDT...

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georgia has got blond hair (short bob last time I met her) and a pretty smile

I have brown shoulder length hair, (female) and will be wearing a ochre, black and white leaf print dress over black leggings! (well that's what I am wearing now!)

don't know anyone else

how will we recognise you!


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Short(ish) brown hair... early thirties but look about fifteen... black shirt and jeans (probably).

HAL9000 - how about you? I know you usually look like this...


...but how will we recognise your human incarnation?

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Aww - really annoyed i can't make this one especially as I haven't been to Tandoori Night as yet.... but as Mr Cat said I've been lucky enough to win tickets to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert for tonight so I'm off to the theatre to camp it up!

Have fun x

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I asked the same question when i joined back in april asking how I would spot anyone. Sean put a link with lots of photos from previous meet-ups. I think it was in the May drinks thread.

I'm hoping to come tonight (if thats ok that is!) I just can't confirm to this afternoon.

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skidmarks - Read back on the thread to see if anyone has since said they can't make it since yesterday evening when the table was booked - then perhaps confirm you are taking their seat on this thread? Otherwise turn up and take a chance they can squeeze you in. I've been to 2 in the past and I'd say worth a chance.

Can't make this month, but will try next time out.

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Jeremy Wrote:


> HAL9000 - how about you? I know you usually look like this...

> Portrait of HAL9000

> ...but how will we recognise your human incarnation?

That photograph was taken in 2001 (it's one of my favourites - I was only nine then) so just imagine me eight years older. Alas, my human incarnation will not be until 3001.

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skidmarks and anyone else worried about recognising people...

I have often PMd peolpe my mobile number if I am going to be at a drinks or curry so that people can text/ring me when they get there and aren't keen on asking a group of randoms. I won't be there tonight but hopefully someone else will oblige

If they don't - just go anyway... curry nights are always good craic

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