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Curry Club - Thursday 7 March 2019 - venue TBC

Michael Palaeologus

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to gatecrash your thread, but I just did a search on Tandoori Nights as I had a pretty poor meal there last night, and I was interested to see the comments above.

We hadn't been there for years, but we were starving. We had thought Dulwich Tandoori might have a Sunday buffet on as it was a bank holiday, but they didn't and appeared to be rammed, so we went to Tandoori Nights instead.

My meal was terrible. It was supposed to be lamb with spinach and green chillies. There was not a single chilli in it, and no heat in the dish at all. Nor did it appear to be spiced with anything else, as it was all completely bland. The spinach looked and tasted as if it had come out of a tin. The best I can say is that at least the meat was tender.

The pilau rice appeared to be spiced solely with cloves.

For the lamb and the rice I paid twelve pounds :(

The Cobra was six pounds (large bottle). Can't remember how much it usually is, but that seemed a lot.

When I put these points to them at the end of the meal (nobody came during the meal to ask how it was, although there was only one other group of customers in the restaurant) they really didn't have any reply.

How can you advertise a dish with chillies and then leave out the chillies? Bizarre.

ETA: I shan't eat there again. Shame. Once upon a time, the food was very good there.

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Michael Palaeologus Wrote:


> The final 2 spaces have been nabbed. So, that's

> it, table full.


> If anybody has to drop out, please let us know so

> that other might be able to slot in.


> Cheers

Amazing. Booked up already. Seems like yesterday when mikey was thinking of calling it a day. Now you can't get in for love nor money. Well done leader.

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