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ped?ant ? noun

1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning.

2. a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details.

3. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense.

My understanding is that they will open the wine shop part of the business (but not the food, drink etc) tomorrow. I imagine that must be because they won't have to wash up/provide bathrooms for the public, etc. So if we want to help them we can try and buy our booze there - and as I mentioned before, that doesn't need to mean spending more money.

Leaglebeagle - I think your post is really rather rude regarding Peckhamgatecrasher's definition. A good debater takes issue with what a person says, without directing their negative comments towards the person themselves.

I like Green and Blue but I think (and I have said it before) they are terribly unprofessional - the tears in the shop (according to their own blog); the petty notes on the door.

And let's not be under any doubt - they have every intention of making Green and Blue into a chain - they have been very upfront in their ambition.

I hope it opens - but I do feel for poor old Celestial.

Oh, I go away for five minutes... Thank you BellendenBelle for your kind defence. However, if LegalBeagle thinks a cut and paste definition from a quick Google search displays excessive erudition and then I guess he's easily overawed and nothing you say will sway him. I suggest if he craves true pedantry then he visits Dulwich Baths which at least used to provide facilities for public washing and bathing, unlike Green & Blue which to my knowledge does not have bathrooms.

Bellenden Belle Wrote:


> Leaglebeagle - I think your post is really rather

> rude regarding Peckhamgatecrasher's definition. A

> good debater takes issue with what a person says,

> without directing their negative comments towards

> the person themselves.


> I like Green and Blue but I think (and I have said

> it before) they are terribly unprofessional - the

> tears in the shop (according to their own blog);

> the petty notes on the door.


> And let's not be under any doubt - they have every

> intention of making Green and Blue into a chain -

> they have been very upfront in their ambition.


> I hope it opens - but I do feel for poor old

> Celestial.

Dear BB and Mr Crasher - I was just teasing! No offence intended - I clearly need to learn how to insert the smiley face thing so you don't get the wrong idea. I actually think Mr Crasher's postings are both quite funny! But we are going to incur the wrath of the administrator if we carry this on so back to G&B. Mark is quite right, the notice doesn't mention neighbours.

I have to admit I have a soft spot for Green & Blue as our small local shop that sells very nice win. They were discussed on the forum about a year ago (read it here) and one of the owners, Kate, came on and answered her critics in an very friendly and professional way. She even offered 15 forum users a free wine tasting session which was accepted and a fun and informative evening was had by all. Since then I've frequently had enjoyable food and drink in there, and every time it comes with a with friendly service. I feel the owners have a passion about their business, both the running of it and the products they sell, and the closing of the premises (albeit temporary) is a sorry loss to East Dulwich.

It's a big shame that it this situation has arisen and I'm sure the politics of it shouldn't be posted on here but when you feel passionately about something sometimes you let that passion get the better of you, as in the original "outburst" blog post and notice on the door which have since been amended. Some might say that it's a sign that they're human, like the rest of us.

I hope this get sorted quickly and amicably.

I agree with you Mark. I have been on a wine tasting there too and think the owners were professional and friendly. It must be extremely difficult to maintain a professional front when you are facing losing a business that you have worked so hard for. I am sure we all realise how incredibly difficult it is for small businesses, whatever they do or sell, to survive, which is why so many of our highstreets now all look the same. I suppose the difference is that when we have a bad day at work most of us can find some private space till we are feeling better about it, whereas they have to continue to deal with and be seen by the public no matter how hard things get.

I note with sadness that G&B remain closed today. I really hope they can sort this out somehow and soon.

Without rehashing slanging matches can anyone give us an impartial potted history of what has happened here. I am at a loss to understand how a simple water dispute can lead to the closure of such a great establishment as G&B. I have always liked it and am concerned at how my little chums Emily and Rebecca will earn their living (same goes for the other staff as well of course, whose names I do not know).
My understanding is that the drains at the back of the row of shops that G&B is a part of are blocked and have partially collapsed. For whatever reason, the damage/blockage cannot be resolved by G&B alone, and so until action is taken by a number of different parties, (and I am absolutely not pointing the finger at anyone here) they continue to cause a problem. At the moment the drains have to be pumped out every morning (you may have seen the huge lorry that turns up daily and does the pumping) otherwise they will flood. I think it must also mean that G&B can't use much in the way of water etc as they have had to serve all food etc on paper plates. Plus I think they must have moved some stock to the back of the deli to prevent it being damaged, as last time I went in there it was full of boxes. Which means there is nowhere to do the wine tasting courses. I think the combination of all of this must mean they are losing business plus I can't imagine plumbing issues are cheap to solve!

oh please people....point fingers, point fingers!!!Point them and be proud. Why do people tip-toe about so bloody carefully? Why? No one's going to be mightily offended, no one's going to go under and loose face. But please stop all this "Oh I was only teasing" business and just say what you really feel/think. It gets very boring to read these back-tracked comments and spend the time decifering the subtext.

Don't get personally rude and you should be fine......


I noted this evening that part of the store is open, a good way forward. I have never eat there or bought drink from there, but I wish them well. When your back is up against the wall and your dreams are being shattered, you will tend to make un PC comments. It is because of the hurt.

Good luck to them, and if they need any help I would only be to happy to offer my services free.


Libra Carr.

It's a real shame Green & Blue are having these problems. Not only is it one of the best places in ED it has to be one of the best wine bars in London and a huge asset to the area. It seeems that some people on here would prefer ED to be full of pound shops, nail bars and amusement arcades. Be honest - pretty much everyone on this forum prefers ED today than what it once was (let's face it - it's massive improvement is the major reason most forumites moved here in the first place)and the very presence of quality independent retailers like Green & Blue helps to accelerate this improvement.
I'm with reds on this one. Green and Blue is a class act and would sit well in the very best areas of London. We're privileged to have them in the neighbourhood. The problem thay have is with their landlord. It's not going to be resolved quickly, easily or cheaply. This puts their business at risk. It's the landlord of that building that the forum should be taking to task. If you know who it is and you have some way of influencing proceedings then be a good citizen and act.

reds Wrote:


> 'Inaccurate rhetoric'


> what does that mean?

It means you're wrong.

Some people may not like G&B, or some of the other businesses around, that doesn't automatically make them horrid scum who want pound shops and nail bars (whatever they are), and amusement arcades.

Look, Green and Blue is a huge asset for the area. Get over yourselves. Reds is right. Even if you don't like or enjoy what they do they've completely raised the bar in terms of quality and range of wines available in the area and they are one of the reasons I've chosen to live in this transport-challenged neck of the woods. The perverse latent nostalgia for the old unreconstructed rubbish that used to characterise the lane that raises its ugly head here from time to time is just plain dumb. Move on. Or move out. And while you're at get some of your buddies to open a decent clothes shop or two for men, a proper bookshop cum record shop so I don't have to keep using Amazon or i-tunes or phonica or trundle up the road to the excellent Review, an independent cinema should be a priority and a contemporary art space or two to would bring a welcome contemporary cultural edge to the area and would make the cosy suburban smugness much more tolerable. Get on to it ED.

I don't need to get over myself, and I didn't say anything against G&B. I just pointed out, quite rightly, that you can't label someone as a certain type of person just because they don't like Green and Blue.

I don't really drink a lot of wine, so don't really go there I have nothing against it, I just don't use it. Does that mean I am some sort of chav who wants pound shops all the way down the road?

I think it is in fact you who needs to get over yourself.

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