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Green and Blue closure?

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Walked past Green and Blue this morning and saw some signage in their window saying they are closed due to water supply issues [though it doesn't say permanently, it doesn't suggest a re-opening date] but does say it is down to spite on the part of other retailers.

I did hear that there was an issue about access to do drainage repairs via an adjoining property, but this sounds a bit more serious.

any body have access to the truth?


ps and by the way a happy and prosperous new year to one and all

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It would be a sad loss and I hope it doesn't close, but I have to say, on one visit I found the owner to be quite rude and far from welcoming. I then read her ranting blog which seemed to me to be quite in keeping with my impression of her on that meeting. Some of what she was saying in her blog appeared to be contradicted by the other 'facts' and it really seemed to me to be out of order so far as the vitriol directed at her neighbour was concerned. The net effect of her rantings on me was to encourage me to shop at her neighbour (which I did over xmas) but not to go back into G&B (which I didn't over xmas).

Having said that, I do like the place and the quality of the food and wine and would still be disappointed if it closed down. I just think that she has an extremely unfortunate manner in particular on the issue of her drainage. Her approach is short sighted and will not improve her situation.

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There's little I can say here and a close eye may need to be kept to avoid legal issues on this thread.

I will briefly add that I've spoken to the owners about this and people shouldn't be to quick to judge or harsh.

They've invested hugely into their enterprise, financially and personally and despite some pretty rotten things happen to them, they've remained positive and even generous of spirit.

The aforementioned blog was a regretful outburst from someone truly at the end of their tether and has long since been removed.

I echo Jah in saying it would be a sad loss to the lane and my wine cellar if we were to lose G&B.

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Don't think the closure is permanent - as the shop is doing very well (my daughter works there part time). But I can say with 99.99 percent certainty that the main problem is the git next door in the overpriced tat store, Celestial Studios. He's refusing Green & Blue access to the drains that need to be fixed so that G&B can start running water and cleaning dishes etc (rather than the current paper plates). He has quite a reputation for small-mindedness along the street among other shopkeepers, cultivated long before G&B opened. So if you want G&B to re-open, boycotting Celestial Studios might be a good start
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I wasn't judging, and I don't wish G&B any ill (I personally couldn't care either way if it's there or not), but I don't think it's really fair to cast the neighbours as the big villans of the piece.

If Cafe Nero were in exactly the same position, there would be absolutely no sympathy from anyone on here.

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I REALLY don't want this to turn into another chain-good-or-bad thing but surely you can see the difference and the reason that would be Keef?

G&B - started and owned by individuals who have invested everything into providing the area with something different - not just different along LL but different and unique in London (and yes, hopefully make money at the same time)

Nero - decision taken hundreds of miles away to open outlet in yet another area, providing same product which can already be be bought

One = special (but not perfect) , the other = the opposite of special (ditto)

Why would anyone sympathise with anything so omni-present and bland? (if it was in trouble. Which it isn't. Nor do I wish any)

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Sean you really really didn't need to point that out mate, I was just making a point, I'm not so foolish or blind as not to see the obvious differences.

G&B are a small business, and I genuinely genuinely hope this gets sorted and they can carry on. I'm not in to it, but lots of my friends love it, so I wish them good luck. I just don't want to demonise Celestial without really knowing all the facts. One party might be being a nasty, greedy, selfish, stubborn git. Equally, they may not be, and could have, to them at least, very valid reasons for acting as they have done.

I wasn't trying to make this an independent Vs Chain thing either, as frankly I couldn't care less about that arguement, I just like to get involved in them to wind up people that get so so wound up by something so unimportant in the great scheme of things.

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We spoke to the owners over Christmas about this - who I should add were absolutely charming. They were planning to close for a short period of time in January so that the water issue could finally be sorted. Hopefully this is the case now although it seems a bit earlier than I thought they had said. They have really struggled for several months - and I think as mentioned earlier, because of the lack of co-operation of neighbour the water fiasco has rolled on.
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yes I walked past today and was gutted to see it shut. Now where am I to get my Pinot?!

I was told by the owner that they had a bit of a to do with Celestial next door, over a waterpipe....and that because they are an establishment that serves both food and drink...they had to shut due to Health and Safety? God only knows. I just hope the next door neighbours (Celestial) pull their fingers out and do something quick to ensure that G & B can reopen asap.

As far as the Cafe Nero comparision.....really, no need for it.

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One = special (but not perfect...

Sean, hate to disagree with you but I thought they had an establishment in Clapham too. Sounds like a mini chain to me.

Mockney, ditto (re disagreemnt), but if manageress regretted her outburst on her blog, why drag it up again in a public notice?

I've had one good experience in there and two pretty poor, but no particular axe to grind BTW.

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yep, they have now opened a second branch in Clapham - which has a substantially different feel btw - but the LL one was on it's own for a good while. I believe they have/had plans for 6 or so... but that it is a long way from being a chain. Well it is a chain but the difference being I can always get hold of the owners and make my feelings known - not some franchise manager

Where a "chain" becomes a "chain" is an old debate - if the "concept" of G&B appealed to some investors, who bought the brand and rolled out the joints a la Gourmet Burger - THAT is an example of something losing it's original point. GBK now is but a shadow of the original - even when it had a few branches open originally it was basically sound

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I feel really sorry for them. They are an excellent business and I have had nothing but good experiences there. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they only sell expensive wine either - I got a really fanstastic bottle for ?6 which was so much more delicious than anything I've ever bought in a supermarket. Just tell them your budget and the staff always come up with something great. I think the owners are really friendly, so if anyone found them rude then maybe it was only because they must be at the absolute end of their tether with this issue which I gather has been going on since June. Imagine putting in all of that work, and managing to pay to huge rents the LLane now requires, only to be at risk of losing your jobs and your livelihood over a dodgy drain. Doesn't really matter whose fault it is, it must be gutting. G&B rent that building, they don't own the freehold, and I do know that leaseholders aren't in a position to fix those kind of issues, because they don't own the building and therefore any of the services (water gas electric)etc that go into it. So whoever has caused this problem, G&B are suffering through no fault of their own. Doesn't really seem fair.

By the way, they do have a very new wine bar in Clapham (no shop though) which has just opened. Can't see how that makes them a chain!

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The lack of water supply explains the paper plates and wooden knifes and forks.

I think it's a real shame. The food is great and it's lovely place to relax and wind down.

Let's hope it get sorted. Is there anything that can be done to help out? I'd hate to see it close down

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My first foray on ED Forum and I instantly stumble upon the wonderful mockney piers discussing a local establishment I love. I have no idea what anyone has accused anyone else of! I hope G&B reopen soon and wish them well.
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