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""The Visitators also encountered a certain tendency, not dominant but nevertheless fairly widespread among priests, religious and laity, to hold theological opinions at variance with the teachings of the Magisterium, this serious situation requires particular attention," said the report." = Mealy mouthed toss

"The Pope expressed horror in the wake of the Ryan and Murphy reports, which revealed a 70-year history of child abuse by a significant number of priests, brothers and nuns and cover-ups by their religious superiors."

Really ? its not like there has ever been any suggestion of wrongdoing in the past,say,200 years.

Time is up for the Catholic Church as it stands.The senior management of this nazi peadophile death cult should be held accountable. and drowned in a font filled with their own urine.

/shouty broadcast ends

"The Visitators also encountered a certain tendency, not dominant but nevertheless fairly widespread among priests, religious and laity, to hold theological opinions at variance with the teachings of the Magisterium"

I love that bit.

I've tried to tell La Piba that The Catholic Church doesn't hold with her having her own interpretations, that that is effectively called 'being a protestant', but she still thinks she can square the circle somehow!!

It takes a special class of c*nt to exploit mass child rape as an opportunity to reassert power - especially if what you are seeking to do is re-impose the very power structure that gave those same rapists decades of immunity to prosecution in the first place.

And calling on the "laity" to up their PR game, as if they've been letting the side down by not going in to bat on behalf of their lying, abusive, spiritually bankrupt masters? That's the dynamic of an abusive relationship right there. You the laity have brought this on yourselves, you've given us no option but to teach you a lesson. Bend over, here comes the dogma.

If it weren't so sad it would be funny; this unwitting revelation of exactly the mindset that empowered the abusers in the first place.

/ c*nts c*nts c*nts \

I am at a loss to know where to start - what with the proddies worrying about who will take over as grand master of the order of f*cknuts of Canterbury and the left footers singling out the Irish from their smorgasbord of paedos and violent abusers (like choosing the sore with most pus in it) - possibly because they're not kicking as much back to the Roman fascisti - surely to God well just surely it's time to let the idea of God die in peace.

We tried it in various guises but it's never really worked has it? Okay there was a time back in 128AD when the whole sacrificial thing was a bit of a giggle but seriously ... let it go.

You really are tiresome sometimes Quids.

This isn't a thread bashing Christianity, it's specifically bashing the institution of the catholic church.

Islam doesn't have an equivalent structure, however we've seen many a time the medieval, repressive tendencies of many interpretations in places like Iran, Saudia Arabia etc, frequently lambasted on these pages.

Don't be such a twat!

Most of us were brought up by Christians so it's sort of easier to know what we are talking about, rather than just "blind " prejudice

Another thing - It's not a "safe" target, it's more that it's possible to talk about it without genuine dickheads of the "pakis out" variety joining in. Which is what WOULD happen. And that would be very tiresome

But no-one is stopping you start a thread quids

Doesn't Quids just believe that the middle classes aren't entitled to an opinion until they admit their failings, debase themselves before the mighty honest toilers of the working classes and grovel for forgiveness for looking down their noses at them?

It's a particular conceit of the self-appointed proletariat that one cannot become worthwhile unless you do some honest graft, say what you like, and like what you bloody well say.

Until the middle classes admit to Quids that both he and the working classes are genuinely better people then we are all guilty of hypocrisy. QED.

To me it just looks like a persecution complex though.

How am I being pompous? You're the one bashing liberals for some perceived elephant that really isn't in this room at all.

I'm just tired of the same old mantra.

You want to discuss Islam go right ahead, there's no safe liberal conspiracy of silence and fear.

I think we're missing the point - surely God is to blame but if he doesn't exist - which he doesn't - then we are to blame or rather our forefathers are for making the whole bloody thing up.

So humans are stupid and some are more stupid than others and some stupider for longer than others and that includes muslims, hundus, jews, sikhs, christians, druids, witches, those (over the age of 6) who still believe in the tooth fairy and santa claus.

This means that the acceptance and/or broadcasting of ANY religious belief - like HM being head of the church and MPs banging on about God - makes those that do it either as responsible for atrocities committed in the name of religion as the perpetrators themselves or apologists for the same ("They've got the right idea about god but they just express it wrongly") and until there is a worldwide acceptance that it is ALL a bloody lie the situation will not change.

To be fair, Jews are just as guilty as Muslims of practicing genital mutilation. I agree with ????. Cristians - especially Catholics, of which I am - are taking an underhand bashing on the strength of their faith's unfortunate association with a few very bad apples among a far greater number of good.

2 problems with that statement - underhand bashing? how so? why "underhand"

and the church isn't taking any criticism for housing a few very bad apples. It's taking a bashing for the many bad apples it DELIBERATELY covers up for. It's systemic, not an unfortunate problem which has landed on the churches door

quids thinks it's "easy" and "safe" to bash the catholic church but as I've said before, growing up in a country and seeing some abuse was bad enough, but when the whole sorry mess came to light, to accuse anyone of being "easy" with their criticsm is poor show.

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