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Cameras will do sod all. I was tailgated by an eejit in a white BMW until they got so pissed off with me, they overtook right at the speed camera on Sydenham Hill. Twat doesn't doesn't even begin to describe these drivers. He/she then went through the temp red traffic light cutting across all oncoming traffic. I've seen another driver (coincidentally, in a white BMW) take a photo of the speed camera at the same time as speeding through it - if that makes sense. I'm with the OP. I always do a slow handclap when I catch up with them at the lights after they've revved off in front of me. They always seem to be in a hurry to burn fuel. Why can't they be more gown up, and leave a bit earlier :)

Come on chaps....

I posted because to me, this was in a different class of idiocy to overtaking on a busy road, into oncoming traffic etc - dangerous as that is, at least everyone knows it's a busy road and hopefully has a level of wariness accordingly.

This car sped round a private road where presumably it was an unexpected and rare event - even adults would be taken unawares by it, let alone their kids & pets.

50 years ago a B and a C were all you needed to get in ;)

Actually, 50 years ago, if memory serves, the basic GCE qualifications for entering both Oxford and Cambridge were 5 passes at GCE, 2 of which had to be at A level (no grade specified). One of the passes (at Oxford at least) had to be in Latin. The Colleges could (and did) specify higher grades in some circumstances, although not if the candidate was under 17.

This was at a time when entry was actually by competitive examination (set by the Universities) and interview. A friend of mine got 4 Es at A Level (the lowest grade of pass) and then won a Scholarship at Cambridge to read Philosophy. Those universities frankly did not take GCEs very seriously.

So the statement, whilst true, did not disclose the whole truth about entry qualifications to Oxbridge.

Zebedee Tring Wrote:


> I doubt that Cambridge awards such degrees to simpletons.

Our American friends might describe this phenomenon as "book smart" vs "street smart".

But I agree, you have dragged the thread off topic for long enough. This thread is about dangerous driving, not about you! Back to the original topic, please!!

I've been cycling up Court Lane recently and thought of posting a thread. Its indicative of how crap our driving standards are and how little we, local and national government want to take action. Smooth driving is a no-brainer, but for some reason traffic calming is like a red flag to a bull - accelerate/break, accelerate/brake. I lecture drivers when cycling, and have little competitions when driving - ie not braking and managing speed on the throttle. Easy. T'other day I actually saw a car driving smoothly on Court Lane, but then saw he was on his phone so politely told him to GET OFF NOW. Thanks to the pedestrians who agreed. Another time when I was doing my chant of "accelerate/brake" a cabbie offered me out for a fight. Thanks mate, give you some advice on how to drive smoother, save fuel, less wear and tear, and save the planet and you want to punch me.

We are friggin the planet up, but you selfish drivers can't do some simple things to help. Time to alienate drivers - sod the impact on loss of votes, UKIP are welcome to you lot. The damage that the 2000 fuel protests (unholy alliance of hauliers and farmers) did to the environment by changing the Blair government to pro public transport to pro car.

Court Lane, Benchley Gardens and the like exemplify poor driving as they are long and straight, so it is more obvious, but happens on all urban roads in the metropolis. And as for 20mph, not going to work without enforcement, better publicity and education. No longer acceptable that you can drive where you like, when you like, how you like. Plenty of opportunities for leisure road activities on two or more wheels, if you want to drive like an rrrss go carting, track days, or get on a bike and go off road.

And should you want to knock me off my moral high ground, I've had the speeding fines, done silly speeds on a motorbike on Park Lane, maxed out on the motorway and learned my ways. Change all of this culture.

I know shed loads and I am a professional tree hugger. Happy to debate over a pint at any time. Remember don't drink and drive, use the bike.... Whoops.

malumbu Wrote:


> Oh and the thread is wrong, it is not stupid

> driving, it is normal driving as most drive like

> this

I would disagree with you there. Most don't. As with all things, the few ruin it for the many.

KidKruger, you unfortunately remind me of life over 50 years ago, i.e. the snarky comments of people in my Sixth Form debating society who tried to shut down reasonable debate by directing abusive ad hominem comments at their opponents. However, at least they were only 16/17 years old - what's your excuse? Although you call yourself "Kid", I assume that you are older than 17? It is striking how many serious threads on EDF are undermined in a similar way by people who are trying to show how clever (!) they are.

To bring the discussion back to the subject of this thread, perhaps you could tell us what your view is of the idiotic driving described by the OP. Are you one of the drivers of black/white/yellow/ red etc BMWs/Audis/Mercedes etc who drive like a maniac or are you more considerate? Please enlighten us. I am the driver of a boring Nissan Note who has often encountered crazy driving like that described in this thread. My wife has suffered worse, no doubt because she is a woman driver who in the view of bad drivers shouldn't be on the road (irony alert)

Fishbiscuits, it's a bit rich for you to blame me for dragging the thread off topic since you were one of the people actually responsible for doing this in the first place. But please see my comments on bad driving in my latest comment.

BTW what are your views on the subject?

I think

a) The behavior described in the OP is so obviously reckless that there's nothing useful I can really add. If CLG is often used for overtaking, then the residents should speak with their councillor.

b) Your accusations of others dragging the thread off topic, and attempting to show how clever they are, either demonstrate an evil glint of irony, or a staggering lack of self awareness.

Fishbiscuits, I think that you should examine your lack of self awareness as well. My comments above about Sixth Form debating society behaviour (not "behavior") apply to you as well.

But thank you for sticking to the topic for once and enlightening us with your views on bad driving. We are all extremely grateful for this.

This type of thrill seeking driving is exactly why it is difficult for people to give up their cars. There is another example of this if you cut through from Lewisham High Street to Lee via Courthill Road, Morley Road, Dermody Road. There are speed humps in Dermody but drivers whizz round Wisteria Road to beat the traffic held up on the speed humps...it's ridiculous

Oh, wind it in ZT.

You didn?t get a joke, made out you?re an Einstein able to understand anything - then flounced when we didn?t all fall to your feet slathering you with platitudes because you allege you have some or other qualification!

I think there?s plenty qualifed folks on this forum that don?t feel the need to wave their alleged academic credentials in the air just to imply that any humour they don?t get must be faulty because they?re soooooo clever.

Now it?s straight into Personal Insultsville, TN ? (I?ll explain later)

As for threads staying serious and on topic... since when was that a thing (apart from when you wanna reflect from your sense of humour bypass, which definitely was a successful procedure !).

Please, repost in a mature, no-nonsense style, just to appear at least consistent and convincing.

Thank you for your kind thoughts, KidKruger. I love you too.

Now that you have got all that angst off your chest, perhaps you could address the issue raised by the OP and let us know whether you deplore the conduct described in the OP or whether you approve it. We would all be most grateful to hear your views on this.

I had another bad experience this morning. Some bloody fool in a souped up boy racer car objected to the fact that I was driving at the 20mph limit and cut me up. He almost crashed into a car coming the other way and I was nearly involved in a three car collision.

What goes on in the minds of such idiots? Are they the kind of people who post unnecessarily insulting comments on social media and then complain about being insulted when the insultee responds in kind? Do they have very fragile egos and lack of self esteem issues? I really don't know.

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