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It probably helps to study history first else the lessons of history are easily manipulated to suit the present.

And by study history I don't mean obsess over the internet.

If you're looking at history doomed to repeat itself I can highly recommend the recently published Afgantsy by Rodric Braithwaite.

As intelligent and authoritative a book on modern history as I've ever had the pleasure of reading (and only a fiver on amazon at the moment).

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El Pibe Wrote:


> It probably helps to study history first else the

> lessons of history are easily manipulated to suit

> the present.


> And by study history I don't mean obsess over the

> internet.


> If you're looking at history doomed to repeat

> itself I can highly recommend the recently

> published Afgantsy by Rodric Braithwaite.

> As intelligent and authoritative a book on modern

> history as I've ever had the pleasure of reading

> (and only a fiver on amazon at the moment).

I refer you to the answer I gave some moments ago.

I am off to


To watch the financial world crash in slow motion.

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Erm, you haven't given me a single answer, yet.

In lieu of debate you always sidestep with another irrelevant link or do some sort of petulant comeback.

Besides how could you have answered a book recommendation before I gave it?

Truly I despair ;-)

And read the book, get something that's actually been researched into that head of yours for once!

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now all we need in this thread is mention of:

1) Fractional reserve banking

( debt is money and money is debt, until debt collapses the concept of money ) and for my next trick, how to make a CDS not a CDS.

?restricted default? and then we told them they are insured and they bought it.

2) Protocols of the elders of Zion (don?t give a toss)

3) some comment about how often the #13 shows up on the USD bill (don?t give a toss)

4) Israeli national warned about 9-11



and we have the set.

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you forgot the one about OJ Simpson being set up by the CIA and FBI for the murder of his wife ,cos of his groundbreaking role as an astronaut in Capricorn 1, where he exposed the entire Apollo project as a lie.You should post up some pix to show how the shadow on the stars and stripes in 1969 is all wrong and come out with some cod mathematics to show how the pic was actually taken in a hangar in Area 51.

and the Illuminati

And Black helicopter holograms at the WTC on 9/11

and the Bildeberg group


I do feel however that you are not making enough of the international Jewish conspiracy. Surely this is the default position for all threads of this nature.More Jews please.You could stick in some Vampire squid stuff about Goldman Sachs as well.


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"The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."


Or Check out Max Keyser - although I have to admit, he can be very amusing. Hes on Russia Today a couple of times a week.

In Conspirospeak, Goldman Sachs is a politically acceptable front for rants on Jews & their vile machinations

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Join the dots sheeple, JOIN THE DOTS....


> http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/mossad-agents-9

> 11.htm



"It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots of the dancing Israeli Mossad agents - here's the most logical scenario:

. The Israeli "movers" cheered the 9-11 attacks to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the greatest spy operation ever pulled off in history.

2. One of them, or an accomplice, then calls a 9-1-1 police dispatcher to report Palestinian bomb-makers in a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel.

3. Having thus pre-framed the Palestinians with this phone call, the Israeli bombers then head for the George Washington Bridge instead, where they will drop off their time-bomb van and escape with Urban Moving accomplices.

4. But the police react very wisely and proactively by closing off ALL bridges and tunnels instead of just the Holland Tunnel. This move inadvertently foils the Israelis' misdirection play and leads to their own capture and 40 day "torture".

5. To cover up this story, the U.S. Justice Department rounds up over 1000 Arabs for minor immigration violations and places them in New York area jails. The Israelis therefore become less conspicuous as the government and media can now claim that the Israelis were just immigration violators caught in the same dragnet as many other Arabs.

6. After several months, FBI and Justice Department "higher-ups" are able to gradually push aside the local FBI agents and free the Israelis quietly."

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Yeah I loved that woodrot.

I love the way different conspiracy theories end up partially supporting each other, partially contradicting each other, some get conflated and it all turns into a mish-mash of "they..." and "our eyes are open, you people are willingly blind to the truth" but you can't even get a grain of coherence out of them.

So here we have the greatest covert operation in history committed by mossad to manipulate the States.

These 'superspies' are then caught dancing in celebration (way to go superspies) and then accidentally let slip key information alerting the authorities who, it would seem on inadvertantly discovering the greatest crime ever committed in the US (well, obviously conventiently ignoring genocide of the natives for the moment), decide to collude with them and let them go with a "try and keep it under your hat and ease up on the dancing will you chaps, apparently the president wants a war or something, job well done!".


How this fits in with controlled demolition and thermite in the dust we'll never know.

Maybe it was Goldman Sachs employees doing a whole parallel conspiracy to force the market and make a killing on short-selling or something *guzzles pertrol to make it make sense glug glug*

Or is that what they WANT to make me think?

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Think Woodrot, THINK!

When you left the house this morning, and.... yeah, you're getting it... the woman in the RED jacket yes?

How could they have known the time you left the house unless they were listening?

And unless someone was watching you walk out the house, how the f**k would they have known when to put the girl in the red jacket there?

She was a PRECISE distance from you. Not kidding. A PRECISE distance, measurable to millimetres.


If you don't believe me, go back and check. Get some footage. She was a PRECISE distance from you. That number is critical. The f**cking number, think about it.

How could they have known??

It was precise!!!


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Dad what is a Credit Default Swap?

That?s just a silly thing made up by ?conspiracy theorist? ? there once was a land known as Hellenic Republic and was in great debt, caused by the mighty god workers GS. aka Gold Stealers, it was said that when the Hellenic debt could not be paid, a terrible $700 trillion monster known as CDS would devourer the world.

But don?t worry little Tommy, CDS do not really exist, and if they ever did they only exist in the minds of the bondholders.

Are the law firms going to make a killing on this one, roll on 19th

Germany and Switzerland want to do an audit of their tungsten sorry gold in the fed - New York.

Just let the Laudanum take affect, dream, dream, its OK, nothing to see here only ?conspiracy theorist? at work.

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New Nexus Wrote:


> just in case


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufdw21ltc-8

*slaps forehead*

Its the international Zionist conspiracy again. How could I have been so BLIND to the EVIDENCE.

I have been BLINKERED but now I can SEE


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Kennedy Assassination - the 2nd Investigation by Congress Few People Know About, United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA): The HSCA was established in 1976 to investigate the John F. Kennedy assassination and the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination. The Committee investigated until 1978, and in 1979 issued its final report, concluding that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated by a conspiracy involving the mob, and potentially the CIA.The House Select Committee on Assassinations undertook reinvestigations of the murders of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1979, a single Report and twelve volumes of appendices on each assassination were published by the Congress. In the JFK case, the HSCA found that there was a "probable conspiracy," though it was unable to determine the nature of that conspiracy or its other participants (besides Oswald).

This finding was based in part on acoustics evidence from a tape purported to record the shots, but was also based on other evidence including an investigation of Ruby's Mafia connections and potential CIA and/or FBI connections to Oswald. To this day, many conspiracy deniers are unaware that the Congressional investigation into JFK?s assassination concluded beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was a conspiracy.What made them come to this conclusion?

Aside from reading the report, many witnesses (some of whom were CIA agents and station chiefs in Dallas that morning) were killed the night before testifying.For example, George de Mohrenschildt was a petroleum geologist who befriended Lee Harvey Oswald during the months preceding the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.He also worked for the CIA.He also blew his brains out the night before he was to testify to the committee.The committee also uncovered, among many things, that Oswald left the marines where he learned how to speak fluent Russian (at the height of the cold war).He was given money by the State Department to travel to Russia where he stopped off in Japan at a top secret US Military facility.The Warren Commission even mentioned this part.What most people do not know is that he probably was working in the Cold War infiltrating the Russians as either a ?dangle,? ?double agent,? or ?defector" of some kind.

What is interesting is that upon his return he got more money from the State Department to buy a house and work with an ex FBI Chief and CIA officials in training anti-Castro Cubans for an invasion.In Louisiana, where he was working, the CIA was involved in Operation Mongoose, Where Oswald worked under CIA Agent David Ferrie, who killed himself before testifying in a trial on the Assassination as well.Operation Mongoose worked closely with Southern Mafia figures largely because the casinos in Cuba, which were shut down after Fidel obtained control over the country, were epicenters for control on the island.

The CIA even hired the Mafia to assassinate Fidel on many occasions, 3 attempts which failed are common knowledge.What is funny is that figures who worked very close with Oswald either ended up dead (over 100 of them connected to the assassination died within a few years of unusual circumstances) or they ended up in other conspiracies.

For instance, E Howard Hunt (CIA Agent) confessed to being involved in the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy on his deathbed.E Howard Hunt was one of the Watergate Burglars.Barry Seal, who worked with Oswald and Ferrie ended up being one of the largest cocaine smugglers in the United States during Iran Contra, as a key player for the agency and informant for the DEA.There is so much more to get into, but there just isn?t enough time. Oswald's tax returns are still classified top secret to this day. Why? Perhaps he was still getting $$ from the United States, which places him on the payroll. That money trail leads to figures, many of whom were murdered, that would have blown the story wide open. For 14 years, most didn't know this. The HSCA investigaitons by congress went against the findings of the Warren Commission and both reports are from the same source, Congressional Committees. Which is true? Why do we only teach one to our children in school?

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JFK? How pass?.

I thought that was finished as the conspiracy nuts' onanisitc obsession du jour the moment Oliver Stone bored us all senseless with it.

Besides, this one http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51yr8QZ6iLL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU02_.jpg was waaaaay better.

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