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"Why should low paid people doing sh*t jobs be nice to us. It is democratic that they can be rude and unpleasant to us." - The-e-dealer, by saying this would you also agree that it is democratic and fair for $h*t people in high paid jobs to be rude and unpleasant to us ?

James Barber Wrote:


> Hi Fred,

> Yes, if you have evidence of a licenced premise

> causing any of the following: crime or disorder,

> endangering public safety, causing a public

> nuisance or endangering children then you can ask

> for a licence review.

....or unnecessary friendliness.

> Ideally evidence would come from several people.

> If you collect evidence let me know and I'll go

> through it with you and we can apply for a licence

> review.

Surely, you mean: "we can apply for or a licence review ...if there's evidence of malfeasance."

You wouldn't want to appear to be prejudging matters, eh James?

And re vexatiousness, I know of two perfectly respectable owners of respectable establishments, whose businesses have suffered because of petty and persistent"complaints" from s handful of vindictive ED scamps and divs.


Hi northlondoner,

Hmmm, the change in licensing legislation led to a big increase in licensing hours, 500% increase in emergency admissions for alcohol related problems.

So your friend may have a bunch of crazy residents beign vexatious. OR a bunch of residents who came before the licensing changes and don't want people throwing up, staggering around and waking the kids up by loud talking/shouting in their streets. Really depends on the precise circumstances.

Residents close to this premise are telling us its already causing them problems. I've seen some of the problems so have objected. IF they had solved the repeatedly reported problems and acted with more consideratin of othe their neighbours then of course I wouldnt have objected and not would others.

iheartED2 Wrote:


> "Why should low paid people doing sh*t jobs be

> nice to us. It is democratic that they can be rude

> and unpleasant to us." - The-e-dealer, by saying

> this would you also agree that it is democratic

> and fair for $h*t people in high paid jobs to be

> rude and unpleasant to us ?

No. They have no justification. Unless they are looking for the sack.

Hi northlondoner,

Hmmm, the change in licensing legislation led to a big increase in licensing hours, 500% increase in emergency admissions for alcohol related problems.

So your friend may have a bunch of crazy residents being vexatious. OR a bunch of residents who came before the licensing changes and don't want people throwing up, staggering around and waking the kids up by loud talking/shouting in their streets. Really depends on the precise circumstances.

Residents close to this premise are telling us it?s already causing them problems. I've seen some of the problems so have objected. IF they had solved the repeatedly reported problems and acted with more consideration of other their neighbors then of course I wouldn?t have objected and not would others.

James is RIGHT

Its people from all over London, that comes to these Bars, in Lordship Lane that are causing the problems. And it?s the local residents that have to put up with their unsocial able behavior at 2 and 3 o?clock in the morning, if you are going to have bars, put them out of residential areas and let residents live in peace and quite as you want to.

And thank you James for sticking up for the residents, we appreciate it.

The thing is by saying "keep them out of residential areas" you have to then accept that Lordship Lane is primarily a commercial zone.

Regardless of what the licensing laws were before anyone moved in, Lordship Lane has always been a commercial area. If you choose to live in very close proximity, then you have to accept that as a commercial area, situations like this are likely to arise.

Lordship Lane is also residential an was well before all these late night bars started up. In fact I remember standing in the middle of the road at 11pm in the eighties smelling the curry cabin and saying this is a nice area to move to.

It was very quiet. Anyone who moved in then could not be expected to put up with the fighting, wee wee and shouting we have now . But tis true that if you moved in a week ago you could not (or should not ) complain.

I don't think local residents are complaining about the existence of bars on Lordship Lane.

The complaints are about noise etc at 3 in the morning - any morning but particularly a Friday or Monday morning with work to go to.

Thats not unreasonable is it?

I've lived in ED for 15 years and very close to Adventure Bar. Most weekends get woken up now by shouting etc in small hours as people going home from Lordship Lane. Agree with earlier comment that people travel over to ED to visit bars. Noisiest people at 2am seem to be those who have arrived by car and have little interest in respecting area.
Let's remember that the application is for 2am closing on a THURSDAY evening! What person in their right mind thinks that is something residents should accept. I agree that this application has no consideration for residents. The compromise is late opening on a Friday and Saturday night which the bar has a licence for. The bar owners should be content with that imo.

Only 6 objections on the licensing register so it looks like the locals don't care that much. Or maybe they don't think that if this bar gets an extension all the others will do the same. I don't think you have to be right next door to complain.

You only have until tomorrow to complain if you want to.

If I had enough time I would have got a petition up against it.

It was only by chance that I found out about the change

The last licence for two o?clock was pushed through without anyone knowing about it, there was allot of people against the last application for a one clock licence, and we thought that we had won that one, but now it appears they have this two o?clock licence and no one knew about it, there should have been some consultation on this, but as usual the powers to be know better than the residents,

What a load Bo ***ks we have to put up with from these so called Politicians.

The hearing for this application will take place 10am Monday 5 March (edited to correct the month!) at 160 Tooley Street.

If you have objected and wish to attend you need to contact the committee clerk -

If you feel you've witnessed problems caused by this establishement and would like to relate them to the licensing sub committee please get in touch with me so we can arrange that.

5th March

James Barber Wrote:


> The hearing for this application will take place

> 10am Monday 5 January at 160 Tooley Street.


> If you have objected and wish to attend you need

> to contact the committee clerk -

> If you feel you've witnessed problems caused by

> this establishement and would like to relate them

> to the licensing sub committee please get in touch

> with me so we can arrange that.

Lishyloo Wrote:


> People who buy property in built up areas of shops

> restauraunts bars ect should exspect a level of

> noise it's common sense. This was the reason I

> never wanted to live on lordship lane. Get a grip.

Are you a newby Lishyloo? Lordship Lane hasn't been full of bars/restaurants for very long. There are lots of old people living in the streets just off LL and they must have bought years before any of the noisy bars opened

People who buy property in built up areas of shops

> restauraunts bars ect should exspect a level of

> noise it's common sense. This was the reason I

> never wanted to live on lordship lane. Get a grip.

It looks like that the changes by Tessa Jowell were rushed through in a couple of months, not giving any time for residents to complain, about the 2 o?clock licence, which ,it looks like had no objections, because no one knew about it. Yet in 2009 most of Ashbourne Grove objected to an increase in licensing hours.

Talk about go through the back door.

ibilly99 Wrote:


> Get the loos tested for coke

> http://www.ukdrugtesting.co.uk/acatalog/cocaine-dr

> ug-swabs-uk-drug-tests.html

Or simply smear all horizontal surfaces in the toilets with vaseline or similar.

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