Surely there is much less cash being banked these days because the vast majority of people find it much more convenient to pay by card (or phone) than to have to get out cash, carry it around, pay with it, and then mess about with having to find somewhere to store heavy loose change.
Card payment is also much easier for the shop. And much easier for customers in a queue who don't have to wait while someone gets their purse out, counts out the money and gives it to the assistant, who then has to count out and give them their change, which they then have to put away in their purse...
And nobody from the shop has to carry shedloads of notes and loose change to the bank or post office and queue up to pay it in.
Sure, there is much less cash being banked these days because businesses are driven to accept card payments. They have to go to card payment because there is no local bank where they can pay in their daily take. In effect, it is a feedback loop which will result in no high street banks at all.
Cash payment is really only used for paying self-employed trades people who are evading tax.
Brilliant! I appear to be the designated poop fairy in our household! I think those who also hold that esteemed position should be rewarded with a T-shirt and wear it with pride!
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