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rendelharris Wrote:


> The extended yellows are surely only enforcing the

> Highway Code stipulation about parking near

> junctions? In which case cars should never have

> been parking in those spaces in the first place.

Rendel. Were you responding to Cardelia's post immediately above yours? Cardelia was writing about dropped kerbs, not junctions.

The Highway code states that you must not park:

● where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users highwaycodeuk.co.uk 129 AAATHE and powered mobility vehicles

● in front of an entrance to a property

No mention of 2 Metre extensions there. By the way, a pedant, such as me, could argue that the 2nd bullet point bans parking in front of a pedestrian entrance, with no dropped kerb. I understand that national legislation specifies that you may park in front of a dropped kerb with the residents' permission.

On the subject of junctions, the Highway code states that you must not park:

● opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space

Who authorises? The Council, which is why they can decide on 7.5M rather than 10, or indeed any smaller distance.

Eileen Wrote:


> I tried a week or so ago to put a comment about

> the extension on the thread on this forum about

> the 'West Peckham (?North Dulwich) CPZ but was

> blocked I assume by the auto process even though I

> stripped Peckham out of the text.

Peckham is not a banned word on his forum! Nothing was blocked by the Admin team.

But the West Peckham thread was locked wasn't it ? Perhaps that's what Eileen had in mind .

Page 29 of Se22 magazine, article re: CPZ. To me the councils proposal comes across as a done deal. Haven't click on the link though.

Although I live in one of the acknowledged hotpots for parking pressure, I don't think the proposed CPZ will help at all. It will reduce parking on my street (double yellows), the street is mainly residents parked up all day while they're at work with a few places left for the dreaded commuters, shop visitors and some of the 100 staff at the new school where there is barely any parking on site. In my view it will benefit only those who want to use their car in the middle of the day and come back to park near their home - to the detriment of everyone else.

I expect that detriment maybe more severe than people imagine too.

For instance there is obviously a lot of parking pressure near to the leisure centre (evidenced by the number of dropped kerbs and driveways being built nearby).

My worry is that the number of people using the leisure centre will drop dramatically if people from outside the area can't park nearby. That will be nice for a while because the facility will be much quieter, but the big reduction in income it precipitates may eventually it is no longer economically viable.

So they will close it and build some executive flats there, at the same time giving young people one less thing to do and more incentive to hang around on the streets.

Abe_froeman Wrote:


> I expect that detriment maybe more severe than

> people imagine too.


> For instance there is obviously a lot of parking

> pressure near to the leisure centre (evidenced by

> the number of dropped kerbs and driveways being

> built nearby).


> My worry is that the number of people using the

> leisure centre will drop dramatically if people

> from outside the area can't park nearby. That will

> be nice for a while because the facility will be

> much quieter, but the big reduction in income it

> precipitates may eventually it is no longer

> economically viable.


> So they will close it and build some executive

> flats there, at the same time giving young people

> one less thing to do and more incentive to hang

> around on the streets.

totally agree...this scheme will kill so many of the amenities we use and enjoy

As far as I'm concerned it's all about taking money to pay Southwark council for parking where you live which you may not even get. Leave the streets alone, place more bike thingys for cyclists to store their bikes, leave lordship Lane as it is and if anything let cars park there for an hour for free so us drivers can actually do a big shop in one go instead of having to walk back and forth to carry it all. I do not want to pay any amount of money unless they are going to use the money to sort out the people living on the streets dying.

intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> Eileen Wrote:

> > I tried a week or so ago to put a comment about

> > the extension on the thread on this forum about

> > the 'West Peckham (?North Dulwich) CPZ but was

> > blocked I assume by the auto process even though

> I

> > stripped Peckham out of the text.


> Peckham is not a banned word on his forum! Nothing

> was blocked by the Admin team.


> But the West Peckham thread was locked wasn't it ?

> Perhaps that's what Eileen had in mind .

Thanks intexasatthe for this. I didn't know a difference between blocked or locked, but sure I wasn't able to get my comment posted on that thread though it had been fine until a few days before. Please can Admin explain why that was? I tried several times.

From many years ago I was told that Peckham would be blocked from the East Dulwich Issues thread but is OK on the Lounge. So I was pleasantly surprised to see the 'West Peckham' one on this part though it makes real sense as it is so related to the East Dulwich CPZ issue. Also the so called 'West Peckham' CPZ is in SE22 on East Dulwich Road and now the Goose Green ward boundary comes into the Bellenden area as so therefore does the Dulwich Community Council.

I hope we can get an Admin explanation. Thanks.

Someone posted on here a good suggestion to go to a CPZ near a high street and see what it meant. I?d intended to go to Herne Hill today - I park at 7.30 on a Thursday morning with no problem but that doesn?t really show what the zone does.

I wanted to try on a Saturday morning as the businesses will be open and as you go from here to the junction the roads on the left as you get near the parade of shops have two zones. The first you come to is a 2 hour Monday to Friday zone and the second, in the road just next to the parade of shops is all day (I can?t remember if its Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday) so you can definitely park in Burbage Road or Winterbrook Road today and walk around and see how parking is. Seems to me that would give an answer to as a resident could your visitors park and how do the shops look - I?ve been walking through there most weeks for three years now and I?ve not noticed the same number of shops shut for the length of time as in East Dulwich (Threshers, Jaflong, Londis) but nowhere is going to have exactly the same conditions and this is somewhere you can drive to.

I hope to get there next Saturday but its not going to happen today. If anyone else has a chance and can post on here what its like that would be great

Village Way has been added to the Herne Hill CPZ because of a number of vehicles dumped and very long term parking of people from outside the area (we're talking multi years). Residents there even raised this as casework with me in East Dulwich while I was a councillor.

The slight extension is what residents there wanted and will also help with dance studio visitors.

And not all homes there have private driveways.

ed_pete Wrote:


> I simply don't get why Village Way has a CPZ, all

> the houses have driveways. Just a huge

> inconvenience to those that parked there.

Eileen - it seems that the West Peckham CPZ was locked because it was about a CPZ and there were other threads about CPZ's . I guess ,even though they were threads about completely different CPZs the potential for duplication and confusion was there .

I personally would have liked the West Peckham one to have remained ,moved to the Lounge where non East Dulwich matters are discussed ,but that's just a personal view and is not meant as a criticism of Admin for locking it!

Among the new double yellow lines proposed are some more in Playfield Crescent. These are to go along an old dropped kerb that hasn't been used for at least 25 years - what may once have been used as a parking space is now fenced off with a shed behind it, so nobody's going to using it for parking.

This means Playfield is due to lose three parking spots for no reason other than box-ticking. This is in addition to the gratuitously long yellows that were added at the Playfield junction with Colwell, and around the inside of the Playfield bend. Meanwhile no extended yellows were added where they are actually needed (Colwell/Lordship Lane junction). Ludicrous.

3 cars parked on the entire length of village way this morning. No need for a cpz there, it's laughable.

Cars also going a lot faster now, previously parked cars thinned the road and acted like natural traffic calming. Presumably will end up with speed bumps too eventually.

Mscrawthew Wrote:


> I think it was probably because there were

> multiple threads about basiclly the same thing?

Thanks, but maybe if that was so it was wrong. There are two quite separate consultations one for East Dulwich and one for 'West Peckham' with different deadlines. Closing down the 'West Peckham' one meant that the distinct issues to be dealt with for the 'West Peckham' one lost its continuity. If it was the reason it would have helped to have that explained so that we could have known it was Ok now to put comments about the 'West Peckham' one in the East Dulwich thread.

intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> Eileen - it seems that the West Peckham CPZ was

> locked because it was about a CPZ and there were

> other threads about CPZ's . I guess ,even though

> they were threads about completely different CPZs

> the potential for duplication and confusion was

> there .


> I personally would have liked the West Peckham one

> to have remained ,moved to the Lounge where non

> East Dulwich matters are discussed ,but that's

> just a personal view and is not meant as a

> criticism of Admin for locking it!

I have seen the Admin explanation for it now. Thanks. I agree that if they were going to close it there should have been an explanation either changing the title of the one remaining or moving the 'West Peckham' to the Lounge and saying so. It is frustrating as our CPZ deadline is 7 February and the conversation on that just stops dead with no explanation to why. It was great that it was allowed in the ED Issues page and glad of that. I think the EDF is a hugely wonderful space for local conversation, and I think the monitor people do a great job. So this is not a grumpy criticism. Just I am sad it got stopped without explanation, and am giving some feedback which I hope is useful.

TheArtfulDogger Wrote:


> Sorry but can't resist

> With regards to the comments from intexasatthe

> moment


> "Come on Eileen, you know what he means" 😅

:)) ;)) :D


First mate I hadn?t taken in that the houses in Herne Hill are larger. The earlier post suggested 4 places with zones that might be worth checking out. The two that were easiest for me to check out were Peckham and Herne Hill. I ruled out Peckham, as has been said on here its not like East Dulwich as there are car parks.

Herne Hill may not be the same as every road within the zone but if yellow lines over dropped kerbs are a concern it would show how that works. A thought I had the Council must have introduced zones with shorter yellow lines on dropped kerbs before the change in policy - Herne Hill will have that length. If it was an issue, and I don?t see how it could be in a zone as the bays restrict where people should park, the Council would know and I?d expect the consultation documents to say so? If commuter parking is also an issue probably close enough to Herne HIll station to give an idea of what a zone might do to parking availability.

Any suggestions on somewhere similar to East Dulwich? I thought of Harpenden Road (near West Norwood high street, terraced houses split into flats) but maybe West Norwood isn?t a good choice as there is Tulse HIll station at one end and West Norwood at the other so what you see is probably what you would get if commuters are the problem which isn?t the case for the whole East Dulwich zone.

inthetexasmoment although the Council named the CPZ consultation West Peckham roads onto Grove Vale were included, and mention had been made of parking issues caused by commuters parking to use East Dulwich station so maybe not East Dulwich by title but definitely an issue for East Dulwich residents so a thread for General ED Issues in the same way as the Dulwich Hamlet thread

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