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Peckham Rye speed bump


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We live on Nunhead side of Peckham Rye and was pleased to hear they're putting in speed bumps to calm the traffic that often hurtles down the hill as we try and cross the road with our baby. However, having seen the first one has now been finished, we're disappointed to see that it's completely flat and is incapable of actually slowing the traffic. I wonder if this is a mistake or intentional due to buses that use the road.
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I've seen the new bit of pavement created for that crossing on Peckham Rye clattered twice by two cars who didn't see it. Both suffered burst tyres. That road is poorly lit at night but one of them was definitely doing a fair bit more than 30.
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I also welcome any measure that slows traffic on that side of the common, speeding cars are a real issue along there and it can be quite nervewracking walking along with a child. However, I also drive, and the fact that the pavement has been significantly widened is not made clear to road traffic at all. I am hoping that the work is yet to be completed and there will some signs/reflector strips etc?
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It's crazy on a motorcycle because it's designed like the shared use areas (like the bit outside Sloane Square tube) - if that is the one you're talking about. The other bit where you have to hang almost a hairpin bend left now, is - I hope - yet to be finished, because there are double yellow lines out in to the middle of the road so it looks like you're not technically allowed up there yet!

I think I found another main road in SE15 the other day that had yet to have a speed bump in it, but I'm keeping that to myself in case they ruin it and put one in. Traffic calming my arse!

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Meanwhile it looks like another 'pinch' point is being built further up the same road, and at the moment traffic lights are being used whilst it is being built. Looks like only one vehicle at most will be able to get through when it is done, but I may be wrong here. Either way, if it is like the one being talked above where the pavement is being widened at a point that means there is less room for cyclists and bikers to safely go through without being hit by cars. However, we'll see.
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I spoke to a workman the other day who told me there will be at least a third pinch point and there may well run the length of peckham rye, he wasn't sure. I live on this road and as a cyclist I have had to to swerve out into traffic, naturally checking beforehand that there wasnt anything directly in my line,

I can forsee speeding drivers going just as fast but right down the centre of the road where previously they didn't have to. People that drive like this will continue to do so because they don't give a shit about anyone else and it's fun to scare the living daylights out of oncoming traffic.

I think we will soon see another bunch of flowers tied to a lamp post.

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I live on the road and received consultation papers stating that speed bumps were to be installed. I was very pleased as there have been quite a few people hit on the road while trying to cross and we find it quite hairy trying to get across with our pushchair. However, as previously mentioned, these ridiculous additions to the road aren't raised so will have absolutely no effect on calming the traffic. Also, they're making the entire stretch of road double yellow lines and I fear the lack of parked cars acting as obstacles will just speed the traffic up even more. Absolute joke.
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Peckham Rose - re the Hairpin left turn to go up towards Nunhead (Stuart Road) - the corner used to be nice and wide, like it is again at the moment, then they built a big curb out into the junction, with the cycle lane, I think to make traffic turn left more slowly, but now cars coming out of Stuart Road turning right are often so far over that you can't actually turn left until they move! Another bit of inspired traffic calming.

Anyway, they only changed that junction so the buses could turn up there whilst there was diversion due to Cheltenham Road being resurfaced, they will be putting the raised curb/island type thing back in again soon (I know because I asked the workmen in the hopes they were doing away with it for good), which is why they haven't taken away the yellow lines that are now strangely in the middle of the road.

Hope this helps explain things.

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I can't be arsed to file a FOI request!

Is it necessary to file an FOI request. Isn't this information in the public domain?

Have you made FOI requests before. I need to make one myself and would welcome advice on how it should/must be worded. Please advise me if you know. Thanks

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In my opinion, the rationale behind the new yellow lines is flawed as cars will now go faster down this stretch of road with no parked cars or speed bumps to slow them down.

Regarding the speed bumps, I had a word with a nice chap from the council who was inspecting the work last week. Apparently, these pinch points are the preferred method of traffic calming nowadays because they're less noisy for residents. However, since the road is quite wide, even in the so called pinch points, they don't have any effect at slowing the traffic.

A simple pedestrian crossing near Solomans' Passage would have gone a long way to make things safer for pedestrians.

Massive waste of money I say. Shame, because as a tax payer and a resident I'd have no issue if the results were actually fit for purpose.

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