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Barbara Hepworth sculpture in Dulwich Park missing?

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Medley Wrote:


> I'd encourage everyone who wants to reform the

> scrap metal trade to have a look at this

> e-petition - and better still to sign it!


> E-petition for a cashless scrap metal trade


PeterStorm already posted the same link above :)

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peterstorm1985 Wrote:


> Too many scrap metal merchants turn a blind eye.

> They can do that because they aren't required to

> provide any audit trail. Transactions are in cash.

> If you want to help change the law, sign the

> petition

Done - looks like it's a popular one. Not surprised - every time I hear about train delays due to signal failure now my instant assumption it's because of some thieving g*t having stolen some cables etc. It's crazy that its such an easy crime for people to profit from. The impact those thieves have on so many people's days with long delays etc for the sake of a few quid makes my blood boil. And as for destroying art like this... words fail me.

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jimmyay Wrote:


> The Romanian metal thief scumbag gangs strike

> again no doubt


Well if the article was in the Daily Mail, they're unlikely to be English or the paper probably wouldn't have printed it ....

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I blame the bloody Apprentice for giving people ideas!

Seriously, this is really sad. My mum never liked the thing, but me and my sister always did. In more recent years, it is something that reminded me of childhood in Dulwich Park, seeming unchanged whilst the rest of the park was getting done up.

Absolute bastartds!

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A couple of months ago, I was in Crystal Palace Park, and I was shocked to find that someone had driven an old van on to the footbridge, and set it alight.

Burnt van (Not my photo by the way)

I thought that was the most bizarre thing I'd seen in a park, but the thought of whoever it was, carrying this sculpture out, is even weirder.

Yeah I know, they wouldn't have actually carried it out as such.

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Likely that the foundry has the maquette; surely the sculpture COULD be replaced. Less likely is that the sculpture was insured for the cost of a re-casting, and also less likely is that the council will elect to replace the sculpture as it was, where it was.

As far as that petition: Closes on 8 August 2012. And then... how long till action is taken?

Governments can move fast enough when their goal is to do mischief (e.g., intervene in Iraq). But for a no-brainer like this! One despairs.

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Have also signed the petition.

There was a news item last week about a hospital that had to cancel ops as thieves had stolen cabling from the emergency back-up generator! Wonder what else will be stolen before the law is changed if the petition isn't going to close for another 9 months. Might be a bit late by then...

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I am really upset about the theft of the sculpture. It has been there all my life. When I was younger (much younger) we used to run around it and look through the it. My gran used to drive us round the park and slow when we reached the point that we could see it. I took pictures of it for my O Level art course.

I went to see the the Barbra Hepworth museum in St Ives because I was so enamoured by the sculpture. i really hope they find it before it is melted down.

It is so sad that it has been taken.I hope it turns up and can be put somewhere as tranquil as it has been for 40 odd years. Please return our sculpture. x

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Sadly all the thieves see is a chunk of metal. These are the same kinds of thieves that steal metal from graveyards......a conscience isn't part of the deal.

It wouldn't have taken too long to cut through it with a large petrol driven angle grinder either. They would have needed a van to transport it and bolt cutters would have got through the locks on the gates. Sadly parks are easy targets. Not sure what can be done to protect other statues unfortunately (apart from moving them to safer locations).

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I'm absolutely disgusted by this. Incensensed. Last time I walked through the park there was a little girl with curly blonde hair sat in it looking delighted about life...and now some tossers are melting it down. What a loss. There is no way this got out without someone seeing something - especially given the CCTV world we live in.
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> As far as that petition: Closes on 8 August 2012. And then... how long till action is taken?

From http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/how-it-works#commons

"If your e-petition reaches more than 100,000 signatures, it will be sent to the House of Commons. The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons will check it against:

the terms and conditions for e-petitions

the rules of the House of Commons

Successful e-petitions will be communicated to the Backbench Business Committee. It will decide if your issue will be debated in the House of Commons."

The existence of an e-petition doesn't of course preclude or substitute for any other action, such as making written representations.

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