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As another recipient of his disturbing PMs I also think Admin is completely in the wrong to let this guy continue his campaign of harassment and that is what it is. He continues to take to all forms of social media and using very derogatory language in regards to the couple in question. A cocker spaniel barked at him, he responded completely inappropriately and simply will not leave them alone. I hope they too have filed a complaint because being armed with an administrative case number apparently gives you free range to harass people. His behaviour has been truly abhorrent and completely unchecked by this forum.

I think it is Admin's remit to police what happens on this forum when there have been threatening and verbally aggressive PMs....not to mention repeated posts about the same thing. Posts have been deleted and users banned for a lot less.

I'm pleased some people are "obsessive" about calling out continued intimidation

binkylilyput Wrote:


> I think it is Admin's remit to police what happens

> on this forum when there have been threatening and

> verbally aggressive PMs...

Not unless they have been reported to Admin...

Although I swore to myself I wouldn?t wade back into this, I?m finding it really incongruous that someone with his apparent background/skill set cares this much about something so - in the grand scheme of things - frankly trivial.

That?s partly why I believe him to be full of excrement on this matter.

When I saw his posts on Facebook and Twitter I reported them straight away. Posting photos of people and suggesting that they are criminal/dangerous/potential murderers is completely unacceptable. His language and agenda are pretty clear and though this forum isn't responsible for other social media platforms, they can exercise judgement as to what is allowed on this one. His repeated postings in this forum, where he has cast aspersions on the class and character of the couple in question, in my view, is harassment and shouldn't be allowed. The police have the details on the parties involved and his relentless quest for witnesses is a sham. I have attempted to contact admin with regards to his previous posts and his PMs directed to me and received no response.
I think we should cut him some slack, it's clear he had a woof day. Casually going for walkies around a park can lead to all kinds of issues. Some of you just think that he's barking mad, but this is a place where people can be let off the leash... He's sticking to his story with terrier like tenacity and for that, I think we should give him a round of apaws...

rendelharris Wrote:


> tomskip Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Well he's annoying but until he does actually

> > report you to the police or start legal

> > proceedings, it's probably best to ignore? The

> > locking of the thread says a lot.


> Quite right in a way Tom, but having been on the

> end of many insane PMs (10+) from this character,

> who as far as I can see has no justification for

> any of his accusations, I think it's poor for

> admin to allow him to continue his bizarre feud,

> and particularly to allow him to have a locked-off

> thread so he can't be challenged.

Wow- POT....KETTLE....

uncleglen Wrote:


> Wow- POT....KETTLE....

Not really uncle, I attack you because you're an antisemitic Islamaphobic racist, and as stated many times on here I can provide you with chapter and verse proving this, so that's rather different from making baseless accusations. Hope that clears that up for you.

This silly thread has been brought to my attention

Rendel ? ?having been on the end of many insane PMs (10+) from this character?.

We had a PM conversation ? I?ve got 6 from you. Some of my later PM?s are literally nothing more than smiley faces (you can check if you don?t believe me).

I initiated an exchange with you following your posts on twitter (which were removed by twitter- I think that says a lot).

My initial message to you was as followed:

Dear Rendel Harris,

Please do not send abusive tweets slandering my character. They have been reported and legal action will be taken.

This will teach you not to make baseless personal accusations whilst hiding like a coward behind online anonymity.


I think this is a reasonable (although pretty firm) rebuttal to someone. In retrospect, I realise you were actually using your real name so I accept I was wrong on that point.

I won?t print your response for privacy reasons, however I think we eventually reached a point where we were both being reasonably civil with each other (although still disagreeing).

Your post makes me sound like i?ve been sending constantly aggressive PM?s to you which I don?t believe is a fair reflection of our conversation.

I have preferred to send PM?s to people rather than responding to allegations/questions in the thread, as I believe many of the comments/questions should not have been put in a thread which is about witnesses.

On the point of witnesses, I'm not sure how much I can say at this point given a live enquiry (and it is live- fact).However, I can confirm that my request for witnesses have been partially helpful (not so much via EDF though).

I have been the victim of very aggressive, unpleasant and hurtful posts put on here about on EDF, which I can't understand have been allowed to stand. There have also been aggressive PM?s sent to me, whilst I don?t think i?ve sent any in return.

As an example, these are some of the PM?s i?ve received from ?Livingthedream?

You have serious mental health issues. I?ve seen your ongoing posts on the forum and will be reporting you to admin and asking the people involved to update the police.

You are clearly unstable and people think you?re a fool.

I?ve also received hate mail from individuals. With one email, I simply typed this individual?s name into Facebook and I could see they were a FB friend of the lady making counter allegations. Now obviously I can?t prove that she or TS is behind this (and tbf possibly they are not).

On this note, it does seem interesting how she?s been popping up on various Facebook forums recently requesting that my request for witnesses is taken down. These recent requests don?t contain any picture of her/her partner TS and are generic appeals for information about an incident. If there?s no crime, what is she so keen on hiding and why is she so keen on witnesses not coming forward? After all, I would just be wasting my own time, no?

Briefly Steve:

- I have seven extant messages in my inbox from you. This does not include your last three or four which I deleted unread as I told you I would (why were you sending me smiley faces?).

- I did not delete my Tweet to you, as I told you I would not. It disappeared, presumably because you claimed to Twitter that it was in some way prejudicial to a legal case.

- You have threatened me more than once - if you recall when I refused to delete my Tweet you said you were reporting it to the police (if you recall I advised you to go ahead as they can do with a good laugh as much as the next person).

- You seriously can't understand why an innocent person would object to someone running a sustained social media campaign in which they claim they were responsible for a crime, when they have been previously been identified by your dissemination of their images online?

Seriously, you have absolutely no hope of getting anything out of this case other than wasting money and time. You have admitted yourself that the dog you claim attacked you did not bite you and that the police reviewed your video of the "attack" and said it was not actionable. The gentleman you accuse of...well what do you accuse him of? By your account he never laid a finger on you. Give it up, move on, for your own sake if nobody else's.

You seem surprised that strangers have got involved to this extent. They may have many reasons, from my point of view as a son, husband and brother to sisters, I don't like men following lone women around parks trying to video and/or photograph them, whatever the alleged provocation, and then claiming to be the injured party when challenged.

It's really a bit much to whinge about what you regard as abusive comments about you when many people, myself included, stayed out of this until you referred to the male partner as "pond scum" who'd clearly been in prison and boasted by contrast of your Oxford education, as if that in some way proved your case.

By the way you told us some time ago that you were sending your contact details to EDF witnesses (a bit odd as you say you haven't had success on the EDF) and then you were leaving the EDF because "Fortunately, unlike such people [us], I?ve got a real world to go back to." Was the real world engaged?

Seriously Steve, the longer you go on the harder it will be to haul yourself out of this massive, foolish and profitless hole you've dug for yourself. Cut your losses, walk away.

Steve32 Wrote:


> You were the one who started this thread about an

> issue which doesn't concern you. Frankly, I think

> you should walk away.

It does concern me Steve: firstly, as above, I'm deeply concerned that someone thinks it's acceptable to walk around filming lone women in parks on the grounds of an alleged dog attack (which turns out not to involve biting and which the police to whom you showed a video refused to take action regarding), and secondly it concerns me if this forum is being used as a mechanism to propagate a sustained and pointless campaign of harrassment.

Seriously Steve, you messaged me and I asked you to stop. And yes, I do believe that you are mentally unstable. I stand by that remark just as much as you stand by your story that you were 'attacked'.

You, as noted previously, stated that you thought I was the person involved and said ' So this message is posted as a warning not to approach'. I made it clear that I did not want to be on the receiving end of your messages and noted that I would be forwarding your correspondence on to the relevant parties. In my view, a perfectly reasonable response to unwanted and, quite frankly, disturbing correspondence from you.

It seems that you will be pretty busy pursuing various court cases against a broad range of people. You have clearly stated your view so it can not be at all surprising that other people have stated theirs. In addition to the couple involved, my pity lies with the police officers whose time you are quite happy to waste and the courts who will have to deal with your pointless actions. For the record, I find your unique sense of privilege and snobbery revolting.

Damn - I nip out to get popcorn to enjoy while settling down comfortably to watch the developing pot and kettle abuse/rants, only to find that the thread has gone back on topic and even that looks to have fizzled out!

Never mind - I'm all set now. Steve, is "have a nice day" really your last word on the matter?


'Please do not send abusive tweets slandering my character. They have been reported and legal action will be taken.

This will teach you not to make baseless personal accusations whilst hiding like a coward behind online anonymity.'

A baseless threat that was intended to intimidate rather than based in any real intent. Because that is what you do Steve. You bully and hope people will go away. Just stop it for goodness sake.

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