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Mugged on Oglander Rd - Mon 28 Nov 620pm


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I was assaulted by 2 men on my way home from work on Monday just before 630pm. Opportunists clearly as I stupidly had my iPhone out. I fought hard for the iPhone (also not a good idea) so got batted about a bit but was left unharmed. And without my iPhone.

Cops said this is super common unfortunately and often people are followed off buses. And also that people get jumped the minute they turn off of Grove Vale/Lordship lane.

So take care! Also don't use your phone when on bus or walking in the dark. And last but not least, be sure to enable the 'find my phone' feature on your iPhone/Androids, that way the cops can help find the device and the thieves.

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Very sorry to hear of your misfortune but thanks for the advice, especially regarding being followed off buses... most people in ED live off the main high streets so it's worth being extra vigilant and I definitely use my phone when I'm on a bus! Not that I have an iPhone, but it'd still probably be nicked, my son got mugged at knifepoint in herne hill for a phone that cost (and looked as if it did!!) ?10 :-(
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Unfortunately I find myself walking around looking angry and sometimes furious in order to deter muggers/chancers and the like, especially after dark. I certainly won't stop to talk to anyone who looks remotely strange. The people who look weak in any way will be targeted in the same way those who show phones and other valuables will.

Someone on here called it the Peckham frown a few years ago and I laughed, but now I do it, you can easily see where it leads if everyone follows suit. Sad in a way - and it's London not just south London or east dulwich.

I just thought, where else would we have to behave this way, front up, hide possessions, not show weakness and I realised, inside prison.

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Saw quite a nerdy looking guy 30+ upstairs on the 12 yesterday at 6pm, wearing Bose headphones and watching a film on his iPad. I really wanted to say to him "you idiot, you are going to Be mugged and your fancy stuff ripped from your lap". But being too English, just never got the courage up... He got off at Camberwell, I hope he made it to his destination.
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oglandersue Wrote:


> I live on Oglander & am quite upset to hear this.

> I will be a lot more cautious in future.:{


Please don't let it get to you.

Twenty years ago someone delivering a pizza was mugged right outside my house. I'm not aware of any muggings in my road since then.

Muggers are opportunists, I doubt they haunt particular roads.

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I Just expect that I will be mugged when I'm on public transport so I

Use / buy

1. Cheap Nokia Samsung etc phone ie less that ?50.

2. Don't carry more than ?40 and a debit / credit card with a ?200 limit.

3. Remember not to carry anything I'd be unhappy to lose for ever.

4. Wear a Swatch.

Remember Police are unable to help and don't put up a fight just put up your hands if approached.

Ladies best swap handbag for Sainsburys bag or nothing.

I just can't understand why people think it's safe to walk the streets of London with ?500 smart phone a rolex watch designer shoes and all their cash and cards family photos diamonds and gold.

Where on earth do you think you are living Monaco / Tokyo ?

These thieving scum very very rarely get caught you only need to look at the police statistics.

Even if they do as when my son was mugged the police are then unable to prosecute they lose the stolen goods in the care! Totally incompetent !

If you've little or nothing to lose you've little to worry about.

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