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Racist Bigot spouting bile on tram


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Parkdrive Wrote:


> Does anybody what the latest is with this

> creature? Is she due in court, has the child been

> taken into care?

I think she's writing her new regular column for The Daily Mail.

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Claudia Drezner Wrote:


> Why on earth would her behaviour on the tram

> necessitate her child being entered into state

> custody i.e - care?

So her conduct is normal and acceptable in your view is it? If you need me to tell you, you probably need as much help as she does.

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This reminded me of something I witnessed as a teenager.

I was at a bus stop in Brockley, and a white kid of about 8 was giving the most unbelievable racist verbal abuse to this poor African lady.

I remember thinking what sort of home must he come from, and what hope is there for a kid growing up surrounded by people with that kind of mentality.

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This also kinda reminds me of a birthday party I took my son to when he was a kid.

The kid's parents told us that they'd aimed to achieve an ethnically balanced guest list and invited classmates who their son didn't like to make-up the ethnic shortfall. They seemed kinda proud of themselves, despite their son's obvious discomfort.

I remember being appalled at what kind of home he came from, and asking myself what kind of hope there is for a kid who has his parents' PC ambitions and aspirations forced upon him at such a petty level. I wonder if he's dared to make up his own mind yet?

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Considering their income, they had no choice but to send their son to "a school with a diverse mix of ethnicity". I'm not saying such an institution's a bad thing, but they shouldn't have interfered with his choice of guests on the grounds of political correctness. That's bound to have a negative affect in later life.

And your latter comment's a bit much, seeing as the first thing you wrote in response to the OP labelled the woman as 'white trash'! It would seem that you failed to see beyond skin colour in this instance.

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I used to have loads of kids invited to my parties when I was a youngster, whether I got on with them or not.

It would have taken a very peculiar guest who asked my mother to start justifying the black faces though. Thankfully we didn't get that many racist guests.

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And your latter comment's a bit much, seeing as the first thing you wrote in response to the OP labelled the woman as 'white trash'! It would seem that you failed to see beyond skin colour in this instance.

Yeah, good one.

I don't even believe you have a kid to take to a party. In fact, I don't even think you're female. Just an idiot.

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Sadly where I now live there is little or no ethnic diversity. Consequently, in order to ensure my PC aspirations for my offspring is realised I have taken to getting the kiwi out and ?blacking-up? on the weekends. I then read aloud from the sleeve of an LKJ cd which I was given back in university by a white girl with dreadlocks. I found her utterly fascinating at the time. Mostly because her father had a very big boat.
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I don't care what you believe. I have nothing to back up my claims that I witnessed an incident some 17 years ago, so people can believe it or not.

If I was going to make it up though, I wonder why I'd make it 17 years ago, rather than the other week, and really, why would I bother?

The point is, that I was so shocked by it at the time (not to mention guilty, for not stepping in and telling the kid off), that it has stuck in my mind for 17 years. I could point out the exact bus stop, and describe the kid if you like, but there really is little point.

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I've always considered racism to be a cultural thing rather than ethnically defined anyway. We can all typify certain types of british culture where various forms of racism are common.....similarly I can think of several African/ West Indian goups who hate each other based on nothing more than nationality....and will use what can equally be described as racist language to describe each other. There are Indian and Asian racists and the Chinese are not immune either. They all boil down to the same same thing at the end of the day.
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OMG :shock: what colour were they? you never see jewish kids doing this kind of things :?


And now the same persona is complaining that a white racist is is called white trash. Either you find reference to colour offensive or you don't. But everything said by this individual is just designed to wind up decent people on the forums.

Huguenot's fine post ought to have been good enough to explain why people are entitled to find 'white trash' offensive, but why context is also relevant.

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DJKQ has nailed it. But so too has Voyageur. Elsewhere on this forum "Claudia Drezner" has allegedly been identified as a nom de guerre of an oft banned person known originally as Big Bad Wolf. Allegedly. This person has also tried to re emerge under yet another alias on the innocuous sounding "hi" thread. Allegedly.

What's the plan admin ?

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Claudia Drezner Wrote:


> She made a complete prat of herself in public.

> That should hardly be grounds for her child to be

> entered into care. Were you taken into care on

> account of your parents' indiscretions?

My parents were never on tram pissed or medicated or both, spouting racist bile. If you belive this creature is a fit and proper person to bring up a child, perhaps you should be taken into care?

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