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In the Stephen Lawrence enquiry, Sir William Macpherson described insitutional racism in the Met police as follows:

"the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin", which "can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes, and behaviour, which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and racist stereotyping, which disadvantages minority ethnic people".

I don't think that's describing an organisation that needs a white police association to push white interests. In the absence of any justifcation I would not support it.

The BPA is there to help adddress discrimination, and to do it in away that strives for equality and fairness for all.

It is not pushing a black agenda - it's offering a balancing perspective in an organisation that needs the help.

You can't see that because all you can see is their skin colour.

Claudia Drezner Wrote:


> The term white trash specifically focuses on a

> single race, then equates it with

> trash/rubbish/unwanted items. It would be equally

> racist to identify blacks with scum by saying

> 'black scum'.

Claudia, the term 'white trash' is never used in the way that you say it is. It is a derogatory term used to describe white people who live in trailer parks in America. The sterotype is that they are ill-educated and poor. Kind of how in Britain the word chav is used.

StraferJack Wrote:


> I hate it when Sydenham gets tough with you

> BBW/CD, because then you come on here and piss

> vinegar everywhere again. Go huff and puff

> somewhere else

Very sorry SJ. Do you think CD has convinced anybody?

Racism is part of a spectrum of instinctive behaviours that underlie human evolution.

It prevented societies based on fierce inter-tribal hostility and cannibalism from disappearing in a self-destructive feeding frenzy. Our cannibal ancestors were able to eat neighbouring tribes because instinctive racism enabled them to draw a distinction between ?us? and ?them?.

It was a very successful survival strategy that made us what we are today. Evolution has yet to catch up with civilised, ethnically diverse societies.

Mick Mac Wrote:


> Otta Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > She is the worst type of white trash.



> Racist......

BTW. I posted this on reading ottas post and without reading any posts in between. My immediate thought was that if the word white was replaced with black then the comment would automatically be considered racist.

I think that's an overly simplistic interpretation of what consititutes racism Mick Mac.

For example, we're all allowed to criticise our own families, but woe betide anyone else that does; or black people describing themselves usuing racially divisive words, or subcontinental people hailing each other as 'Paki'.

In this case the term white trash is being used in the sense of mutual shame, not as an attack on someone for their skin colour.

This is not saying there's one rule for white people and one rule for black people, it's just to highlight that racism depends on what the context is, who is using the term, and what the intent was.

Back to the old slavery thing.

The historical (and logical) interpretation of why there is 'white trash' but no 'black trash' is because a white person who was of distinctly lower class was particularly worthy of remark - whereas black people were not because (by nature of being black) they were already condemned as lower class.

The phrase took on a slightly different slant depending on who used it: used by whites it basically meant (to use language of the time "no better than a n*****") whereas used by blacks it meant "look, there's someone even we can look down on".

Thanks to Springer, Kyle etc the phrase has become widespread, popular, seemingly acceptable - apparently losing its racial element - but it's there all the same.

Fair enough. I admit I'd not thought of it so deeply. I will state quite strongly though that I don't watch Springer or Kyle!

I'm sorry for picking those words, what I basically meant was "nasty racist, uneducated, scum of the earth (who happens to be white)".

Just to add, that I can honestly not remember ever hearing q black person use this phrase (that is not to say they haven't, before someone provides video proof). I've only ever heard white people use it, in the same way that one might use "Chav". That is all that I meant.

Equally, if I was (unintentionally) racist towards this bint, I don't seem to give a shit.

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