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Racist Bigot spouting bile on tram


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Has anybody seen the clip on youtube of a young woman with a young child spouting racist venom while on a tram. I feel for the child, and I don't know how this person wasn't beaten to a pulp. God above, if ever there was a case which proves the old adage that "theres more out than in" its her. Dreadful.
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It was on the telly. She's been arrested. So that's her dealt with.

Now the the thousands of others!

In a way it is a good thing the story happened because the fact we all saw it meant she could be identified.

Many is the time I have to go work in areas like Thamesmead or Bow or Kennington or Staines or somewhere and the racism is blatant and unapologetic.

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southmark Wrote:


> She wasn't beaten to a pulp because she had a

> defenceless child on her knees. I can't see any

> other reason?

Perhaps thats why she felt safe running off at the mouth the way she did? Who knows, but I really feel for that poor child.

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Parkdrive> I don't know how this person wasn't beaten to a pulp

Salsaboy> I am also surprised she wasn't beaten to a pulp. She deserved it.

southmark> She wasn't beaten to a pulp because she had a defenceless child on her knees. I can't see any other reason?

What does beating a person to a pulp entail, and what sort of damage, temporary or permanent, results?

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Racism is brought about by Ignorance...

Beating someone up is also a product of Ignorance.

You cannot beat someone up just because they are Ignorant and you are in the right.


White Trash could also be considered as a Racist remark, whoever is saying it..

You cannot fight racism with violence.


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ianr Wrote:


> Parkdrive> I don't know how this person wasn't

> beaten to a pulp

> Salsaboy> I am also surprised she wasn't beaten to

> a pulp. She deserved it.

> southmark> She wasn't beaten to a pulp because she

> had a defenceless child on her knees. I can't see

> any other reason?


> What does beating a person to a pulp entail, and

> what sort of damage, temporary or permanent,

> results?

I simply asked the question because that kind of behaviour usually results in someone taking revenge in some shape or form, I certainly wasn't advocating a good thumping.Just asking the question, no more no less.

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Claudia Drezner Wrote:


> Based on the current state of things, I would also

> like to point out that, had the situation been

> reversed racially, I would be willing to bet a

> pretty penny that no legal actions would be taken.

I'd have to disagree with that, racism works both ways.

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And I disagree. I can't find any evidence on this side of the pond, but the man (Kimg Samir Shabazz of the New Black Panthers) in this clip escaped prosecution in the States. He was the same man responsible for intimidating white voters at polling stations in Philidelphia. He escaped sanction on both occasions at the behest of the incumbent Attorney GeneraL Eric Holder.

If it were a black woman caught making racially aggravated remarks on public transport, I suspect it wouldn't attract nearly half the amount of media condemnation.

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given that was the road you were travelling I joined in. Hopefully you can see it's pointless. The situation we have is what we see here - not some made up story. So probably best to stick with that

I agree with your point about here being drugged up tho - even more worrying for the kid

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Welcome back Claudia.

As even a retarded idiot knows, US freedom of expression laws make incrimination for inciting racial hatred a completely different issue in the US than in the UK.

That's such a stupid tenuous excuse to sustain and promote such an aggressive racial prejudice that it doesn't even deserve this correction.

You 'point out' nothing but reprehensible garbage. I hear John Tyndall calling...

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I'm simply trying to achieve some balance. I'm also appalled at the media's witchhunt of this woman. And although I share in her exarsperation, to a degree, she put her child at risk by saying what she said, where she said it. Because from where I'm sitting it looked as though the young man behind her was about to assault her.

And yes, she was clearly drunk or high. I suspect the former.

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So there is no record of the reverse (whatever that is, racist behaviour is racist behaviour surely) happening.

Given that CD's apparent indignation is nothing but unfounded speculation, the question remains can anyone condone this behaviour?

If not then there really is nothing to debate here.

I would agree she looked in something of a state, so I guess she's going to opt for the 'Galliano defence'.

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