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Things taht in all honesty you're not that bothered about...

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Re: Things taht in all honesty you're not that bothered about...

All of the comments belo.......



Any social media, blog etc.

The enviroment - we're never going to make any difference to what happens, it's just too @#$%& up.

The olympics.


The French.


Oh, a list, good thinking. In that case...






1.Which Mobile Phone.

2. Saggy Trousers

3. Visible Underwear

4. Football

5. Rugby

6. Kerry Catatonic

7. Simon Foul

8. X factor

9. Jordennnn

10. I Pods

11. Anything From Apple

12. Im A failed Celebrity shoot me

13. Bog Brother.


Sent from a computer

britain's got no talent

lady gaga

facebook etc

...there is so much more but I've forgotten, probably because I'm not that bothered about them

ETA: also, they do all cause me to have irrational rage

Gordon Bennet Ramsay.


Sent from a computer

There's another Thread for that.


Sent from a computer

I couldn't even be bothered to add the final w


StraferJack Wrote:


> people have corrupted this thread - it's now

> things that REALLY bother me, or cause me

> irrational rage

Correct SJ. It's not meant to be about things you hate

a couple more....

Pot - the dullest drug in the world, bar none..... and gives you cancer

Cars - good shout MrB, never not gonna have one but I actually don't care/know about them

I agree with Otto and SJ about football. Perhaps it's because there is too much of it on TV, and of what I do watch, too much of that is boring. Having said that,I'm working at a football club at the moment and I just love the stadium. Football stadia are to me what churches might be to some people.

Gervais' thinness is not visibly apparent - for me, he comes under the irrational rage thread.

But toner - nah, can't be bothered. Does anyone know the point of it?

(as in cleanse, tone, moisturise the skin... probably quite useful stuff in photocopiers)

Isn't toner supposed to tighten the skin ( ha-if only)

Jeez i'd bathe in it if it did.

Oh and more topically. So,George Osborne's had voice coaching has he.

Ask for a refund if I were him, his 'speeeeeetch' (i'm pinching my nose here) get me all asthmatic.

In short, i'm not taht (sic) bothered about the economy. Much like Moos isn't that bothered about Christmas lunch;-)

*cries into cornflakes*


Moos Wrote:


> Oh you beeeech.


> Actually, I'm having a dry run of Mr. Sparkes'

> best rib of beef this weekend, and though I've

> missed Stir-up Sunday will be attempting making a

> Christmas pud.


> So ner.

The library service happily receive left overs....

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