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When we had regular deliveries I would expect at least one item a day, frequently more. Recently our postie has had to make two deliveries in a day (on a couple of occasions) because there was so much undelivered mail on his walk he couldn't take it all out in one go (because of no deliveries on days he wasn't on duty). It will only get worse when the move from Sylvester is completed, I fear. The 'contract' we have with the Post Office is that they deliver to all mainland UK addresses on 6 days a week. That contract has now been significantly breached in ED over this summer (previously deliveries were generally good except at times e.g. of flu epidemics etc.).

Outwith issues of moving the sorting office I feel that our elected representatives might wish to take the Post Office to account for failing in its basic duty. There is no point in requesting re-delivery when even first deliveries are frequently failing.

Amended to add - my post has just been delivered (!) - 19 items of mail and a parcel. A ridiculous load for a hard working postie if my delivery is typical. But this is what happens when you are only getting 2-3 deliveries a week.

I spoke to my postie yesterday - he had been away on Thursday and Friday (his leave isn't covered) and on Saturday there was too much post to carry for his whole walk - so he delivered half his walk on Saturday and the remainder yesterday. When the sorting office moves to Peckham he (sadly) won't be on my walk, although still delivering in ED. I too have a political journal which is meant to be delivered on Friday's - a Monday or Tuesday delivery does make it somewhat outdated.
Yes, my "comics" didn't arrive on Friday and still haven't arrived today. A parcel to be delivered within 3-5 working days, which I would have expected to come fairly quickly only arrived after 7. I really hate the fact that we can't rely on the postal service, it seems.
Unless you have a tracking number there is no point in pursuing undelivered mail in Sylvester Road over the last few days there - apparently there is too much unsorted mail and they can't be bothered with looking through it out of order. Let's hope they clear the backlog before they move! My postie today was seconded from North London - nice guy but the walk was entirely new to him. He did suggest to me (he didn't directly say this) that the lack of union enthusiasm in disputing this move may be associated with the fact that the staff moving will be moving to Inner London - which offers a further ?1,300 on London Weighting for them - together with better staff facilities in the Peckham office. Can't blame them really.

Penguin68 - It's not that staff can't be bothered, but looking for one item of mail in a large backlog of unsorted mail would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It is true that staff will be getting higher London weighting, although some will have a more difficult and expensive journey to work. I expect any who actually live in Peckham will be pleased though.

My main concern about it is that staff haven't been given any reduction in the length of their duties, so some time which would have been spent delivering mail will be spent getting between the two locations making it more difficult to complete their duties in the time available.

EPB Wrote:


> Our ?comics? (due lasst Friday) have arrived,

> together with a fistful of assorted mail one of

> which was a letter from Kings dated Sept 3.

In my experience, just because a letter is dated a certain date doesn't necessarily mean it was posted on that date!

Not saying that's the case here, of course.

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