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Friern Road closure at Peckham Rye

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An experimental road closure of Friern Road with Peckham Rye is proposed with access maintained via Barry Road. Please see attached montage.

To provide feedback to officers about this please tell [email protected] your:

Q1 Name

Q2 Address

Q3 Postcode

Q4 Are you a local resident or do you work for a local business

Q5 Do you support the experimental road closure?

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The Friern Road/Peckham Rye junction experimental closure is proposed as a result of complaints from local residents due to increased traffic/rat running and parking issues (exacerbated due to the opening of Harris Boy's school), particularly at school run time. Residents in the area will be receiving consultation documents and the consultation will be from 1-18th November (so residents please join in as we want your view!). A traffic survey was carried out and an increase of vehicles including larger unsuitable vehicles was seen during peak time.

Cyclists and emergency vehicles will be exempt from the closure.


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hi the-e-dealer,

Ha, ha. I even helped with the original design review as chair of Southwark Cyclsits all thsoe years ago.

I took a quick look at the attached montage and it wasn't clear an entry treatment existed - eitherway I hope lots of people provide feedback whether for or against.

Apologies for missing attachements. The file was over the max allowed and I didn;t notice it hadn't uploaded. I've shrunk the file and now successfully uploaded it.

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How are police, fire and ambulance vehicles supposssed to acces this part of the road? Particularly with a school right next door, Any such closure could put lives at risk in the event of an unforseen event/accident happening.

Please find other things to occupy your time with, like sorting out all the traffic calming measures on Forest Hill road that brings it to a standstill in the rush hour and wastes hours of peoples time each week waiting for those damn traffic lights to change. Why not start by having removed the "temporary" traffic lights and re-instate the zebra crossing.

BTW James how often DO you use Forest Hill Road? WTF are you trying to do, bring the whole area to a stand still!!!!!!! Don't tell me it's all to do with health and safety because anything that moves faster than 15mph is a threat that must be stopped to crawling speed.

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This road is an accident waiting to happen, cars and vans go haring down it trying to 'beat the traffic' and cut the corner, instead of just turning left into Barry Road 100m later.

A traffic survey was undertaken last year and the report stated that the volume of traffic was significantly higher than normal for a road of this type in this area, factor in the kids crossing during the morning and evening rush hours and the math is simple, sooner or later a child WILL be killed.

As I understand it a 'Gate' type barrier will be placed across the road as this will allow the Fire Brigade to access the 12 or so houses on that stretch of Friern, similar barriers are common place throughout the area.

I just ask anyone who opposes this closure to consider how they will feel when they hear of the death of a child!

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We widen footpaths, make buses twice the size which stop every few hundred yards, then insert additional narrowing measures that take up half of the road so buses are unable to pass each other, add in a couple of oversized sleeping policemen, the constant digging up the road to add never used cycle lanes and the un-coordinated water and gas mains replacement - and then we wonder and complain that traffic is cutting through smaller residential roads?

Why is this really a surprise?

What should be 5 minute bus ride down Forest Hill Road to Peckham Rye station is now a decent 15/20 minute journey at rush hour - depending on whether Thames Water or Southern Gas have decided to open the road up again with no reference to their impact on the local community. Having cars and busses queing all down the road does nothing for the local air quality, let alone the average commute.

Is it too much to expect the local council and councillors to think about what the residents of the area need in entirety, rather than a peicemeal approach that presumes in advance that we all have bags of spare time to spend commuting at the start and end of every day, and that anyone who uses a bus or a car instead of a bike or walking is the devil incarnate, a danger to children everywhere and the wholesale wreckers of the planet?

Rant over! I feel better already!

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Hi dbboy,

This is not my proposal. I want people to be aware of what is proposed and encourage people to comment into the public consultation. Many people receive consultation documetns and before realising what they are put them out for recycing.

Hi nielsen99,

The gas and water works are from many many decades of underinvestment. But yes I'm sure they could be faster.

Delays are from the volume of traffic. More people walking, cycling, taking the bus would help immensely. Also 50% of all cars in Southwark start and end their journeys outside Southwark. If more of those people took trains it would also help make the area more pleasant.

Hi the-e-dealer,

Yes, I was in the vacinity several times - one gloriously sunny day thinking I was paying attention but obviously in retrospect just enojying the sun. Another late for a meeting at the Harris school and flustered. We do live in a lovely part of the world - especially when the sun is out.

Hi Higster,

Do respond to the consultation and get your neighbours to respond. The clearer the answer the better for Peckham Rye councillors to act.

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We already know what happens with temporary changes, they become permanent, so NO I don't trust what "you" Council officers and councillors say any longer i.e. the supposed temporary traffic lights at the bottom of Forest Hill Road. You do yourselves no favours by not being straight with residents.
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I live in the road and the proposed closure is more than welcome. Years ago at the original public consultations regarding the traffic calming measures for the area which are currently in place I did suggest closing off the Rye Lane end of Friern Road to the officers present, but they said the Upland Road/Friern Rosd barrier was all that was being considered.

This had a marvellous effect on calming down that section. Previously it had a history of spectacular and near fatal accidents by the bend adjacent to Piermont Green caused by speeders trying to get to Lordship Lane in either direction.

So for me it is a case of "at last" an end to the lunatics who speed past my house hitting trees (one tree in fact has had to be removed recently because of the damage caused by careless lorry drivers!!), clipping wing mirrors and side panels of parked cars, mounting curbs to allow other rat runners to pass and generally making it dangerous for the cyclists and pedestrians. It is after all a designated cycle route and an access to the park.

It will mean the children, more importantly, will have a significantly reduced risk and can at least negotiate their entrance to school in relative safety.

As a footnote Forest Hill road is congested because cardrivers don't get the message: walk, use a bike or catch a bus, YOU ARE the cause of the congestion. I am not anti car just anti car-commute for work and dropping the "kids" off.

By the way these are 11 year olds, surely they can find their own way to school? This obviously doesn't apply to everyone, but I would have thought most family's could give the no car day a trial.

If it were coordinated on a borough wide scale public transport could really thrive, put on more services and everyone would benefit. Until of course the selfish see the absence of cars and get their car keys out again!!

Road closure, in this instance, definitely gets my approval.

And I hope it is permanent.

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ajdoc Wrote:


> By the way these are 11 year olds, surely they

> can find their own way to school? This obviously

> doesn't apply to everyone, but I would have

> thought most family's could give the no car day a

> trial.

Yes - I have never understood why a child of that age needs to be driven to school. I used to get the bus for 7 miles from my home and then walk another mile. And I reckon a lot of the kids aren't going anything like that far.

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