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Marnie is a Yorkshire Terrier who was STOLEN in the Canterbury Region. The thieves were after a lurcher but owner and his wife stopped them...3 men attacked her husband with a shovel...the wife managed to get the dog out of their grip and into the kennel...she shielded the kennel with her body as they kept hitting her husband and saying get her out of the way or we will kill her...all this was witnessed by their 6 year old daughter....they then stole the yorkie...neighbour got full registration plate...police have issued only a ref number. Please twitter and share. There is a CRN EY 0091725 which is the violent assault and under current police investigation. The details have gone out on police alerts by text and email using the current NHW alerts system. BLUE MERCEDES REG BC02 YVA 0844 800 3220 www.doglost.co.uk, it was believed that marnie was sold around 6pm on tuesday 4th oct from the orpington area,Has your neighbour or family member just aquired a beautiful tiny adult female yorkie. If you think you have spotted Marnie we have a confidential email address [email protected] where you ca...n give us any details of the dog seen. You don't have to leave any personal details just let us know where we can find Marnie. If you could get a photograph on your phone that would be fantastic. You can send photo's by phone to Jaime, Marnies mum on 07735526688. We do have a huge REWARD for Marnies safe return. Marnie is chipped so we can prove without doubt that it is her. Please keep your eyes open we know we are very close, we just need to raise awareness and get that one phone call we need to bring this poor little soul home. xxx
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well why not, marnie has been stolen in a violent attack, and now sold and she could be anywhere now, so we are asking for help in every area we can think possible, thanks for your concern marmora man, dont think that is a nice attitude to take, when trying to help others do you???

lilly123 Wrote:


> well why not, marnie has been stolen in a violent

> attack, and now sold and she could be anywhere

> now, so we are asking for help in every area we

> can think possible, thanks for your concern

> marmora man, dont think that is a nice attitude to

> take, when trying to help others do you???

If you like me to rationalise my post:

1. The worst part of your report was the physical attack on the family in front of the child. This doesn't seem to be as important to you as the theft of a dog. This is, to me, just plain weird - placing concerns about an animal above concerns about people.

2. The police have been properly informed - and have resources to track down cars and licence plates.

3. The likelihood of the dog being found in ED is vanishingly small - so the post is a waste of time.

4. I am not sentimental about animals - and your post came up just when I had castigated posters for being ungenerous about the death of Steve Jobs, only to find an appeal for a lost dog. The contrast got to me.

Nevertheless, I stand by my comment - John 11:35


I do hope that the owners find Marnie- very distressing to have a dog taken from you like that. Of course, it takes a dog owner or someone with a modicum of empathy to understand just how upsetting this experience would be and how one would be worrying about what had happened to the dog. Perhaps other posters simply cannot make that leap of imagination.

I don't see how worrying about a pet that has been taken from you under violent circumstances is in the least way sentimental- odd reaction.

Fingers crossed for Marnie.

i think this is a great idea and as for Marmora Man Yesterday, 10:56PM all things start somewhere, who knows when this will happen dulwich. and then the Marmora Man. Today, 07:49AM backed tracked and said this. why did he not say this in his first post only he knows. he puts a foot note and i quote

Should we, in Dulwich, be concerned about a stolen dog in Canterbury?. bet he reads the newepapers and reads about the world news or maybe he lives in his little world in dulwich and no crime happens at all its sad

Why do you appear to have a problem with this? It's a simple plea to ask people to keep their eyes peeled for a lost dog- taken under very unpleasant circumstances. The dog was part of a family, the owners are upset. They would like to get their dog back, safe and sound.

It doesn't seem to be of interest or matter to you. Point taken- quite possibly you don't care. Can we move on now and get of the original poster's case.

Marmora Man, i posted on here what the owners wished to be posted, if the family do not want to reveal more information about their child that is their prerogative, as for the police being able to trace the vehicle, may be it was have you thought FALSE number plates???, as for the likelihood of marnie (the dog) being found in east dulwich, do people of east dulwich not purchase animals from outside of east dulwich????, it does not matter if the chance is relatively small in this matter of finding marnie in east dulwich, it is the thought that you never know what area it may be someone may know something or be able to help, when things may it be people/ animals or other things go missing or get stolen it does not necessarily mean that because they was stolen/missing from that area that they/it should be found in that area does it??

> Does Marnie have any distinguishing features that could help to differentiate it from all the other hundreds of Yorkies in South East London?

Yes, a microchip that will tell any vet it's taken to that it's on the stolen list. See the OP on the Facebook page. The theft itself took place in June, and I doubt that any of the details of it are now of much effective use in recovering the dog. I'd have thought that a one-post thread, with a link to eg this lostdog page, and a few descriptive words about a possible recent Orpington link, would have sufficed.

yes marnie does have distinguishing marks, and no it is not my dog, i do know the owners,marnie was advertised on the net for sale ( in orpington) recently, Presumingly by who ever took her , we have a discripition of the person who she was sold to,but just need to locate this person,as to which this person could of came from any area, yes or no? marmora man if you have a problem with this post i would rather you keep your comments to yourself if it bothers you.
If its not happening on Marmora Rd, then it don't count! Dogs are very quickly passed on and can end up miles away, God forbid if this were one of mine, I would do anything to get them back, if you don't like the thread, then quietly walk away and let these people get on with trying to find there much loved companion!

> marnie was advertised on the net for sale ( in orpington)

In that case the police should be given a statement and any other available evidence to confirm the fact, so that they can pursue the seller's details.

[Edit:] ...and the buyer's.

>we have a discripition of the person who she was sold to

How did you manage to get that?

So the police have a description, an internet advert and, presumably, a track on who by and where the internet ad was posted. It seems to me the police are in the best place to solve this dastardly crime. Highlighting a 5 month old theft on EDF is highly unlikely to move the case forward one iota.

All this thread serves to do is illustrate just how foolish, sentimental and mathematically challenged some posters are. The likelihood of the pooch thief being apprehended in ED is much the same as the likelihood of me winning tonight's Euro LOttery (and I didn't even buy a ticket)

Oooh your a lovely man Marmora Man, why is this bothering you so much? Haven't you got enough to do watching people cut through your road? Quick you might miss one! When a dog is stolen, one of the best ways to get it back, is by making it hot "property" so to speak, the more people that know about it, the more likely the owners will get her back because she will be to hot to handle. You can call me foolish and sentimental because I love dogs, I really don't care, I'd rather be me than you :)) and someone will will the Euro lottery! Lucky them!
red evil i dont think that is at all funny,obviousley you do? i hope you and marmora man come back as a animal in your next life, it is sad a animal can not speak for them self, and i guess you both think this is a joke, animals have feelings, unlike some humans, and i just pray that one day that either of you do not need the help of the public, because you will certainly not get my help, yes i do have a dog not marnie and she saved my daughter life when she was fitting, still i guess you will find this funny as well.You both need to get a life and as i say i just hope that one day you both do need help and there is no one to assist either of you. KARMAAAAA.

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