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Door to Door Collections for Kings

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Just had someone at the door collecting for Kings hospital. Seemed personable but not very specific about why they were collecting.

I didn't give anything as it seemed a little dodgy (and suspect online donation would be more lucrative for the trust if I did want to give).

Anyone know if it's really Kings?

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I've reported it to King's media team.

If she's genuine she's in breach of basic door to door protocol..she didn't offer her badge for inspection (altho she was wearing something round her neck) and was quite insistent to come in and fill out a form with me....both very poor practice I reckon. I will post any response I get from Kings.

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James Barber Wrote:


> Any legit collecting would ask about Gift aid and

> I've never heard of lefit charities gonig door to

> door.

Loads of legit charities go door to door...... I signed up to a dd with the Kings College charity trust, definitely a legitimate charity. My husband was a bit perplexed that a hospital was having to go door-to-door for charitable contributions, but I see no difference between that and the cancer research/child welfare/homeless etc charities which all, in an ideal world, shouldn't have to rely on charitable contributions, but alas that is the economic priority world we live in....

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It just seemed strange to me that they were rather wooly about what they were collecting for - no mention of any specific campaign or area and when I said I'd rather give online, she said 'Oh well, if you google Kings it should come up' and offered no other materials.

If it was legit, they probably should train their collectors better! Hope it was legit as it's the kind of cause I imagine folk might give to while they wouldn't give to other larger charities.

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I was given the clear implication that they were having to do this to supplement particular areas due to budget cuts - and I rather suspect that fund raising for the special care baby unit will get more ? than say the geriatrics (where I will be soon!!)
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It is entirely legit. I got the response below from King's media team.

I am going to let them know however, that there was no direct explanation of the fact that the collector wanted to come into my home to sign me up for monthly gift collection and this needs to be made much more clear. And also that their training needs to be tweaked to deal with the issues I raised earlier.

Shame it was done like this, cos I'd be very very happy to support this, and indeed will do so.

Kings response:

Thank you for getting in touch with your concerns regarding a recent doorstep fundraising visit.

King?s College Hospital Charity is currently operating a door to door fundraising campaign where our fundraisers ask members of the local community if they would like to support the hospital through a monthly gift by Direct Debit.

Our fundraisers are expected to dress appropriately; wearing a charity t-shirt and displaying a visible ID badge, and of course at all times remaining courteous and polite. At no point should our fundraisers be putting people into a position where they feel they have to sign up.

I?m sorry that on this occasion our fundraisers did not meet our high standards. We endeavour to make sure that any fundraising activity undertaken by the charity is carried out with care and consideration as the reputation of our hospital is paramount. I will be making sure that the team involved takes greater care in their approach to fundraising and in the information they give out about our campaign. I will also remind all our fundraisers of the importance in showing their ID badges.

Door to door fundraising has shown itself to be an incredibly effective fundraising tool for many charities, helping to inspire people to give who otherwise might not have heard of the charity, or in this case are not aware that they can support their local hospital in this way. King?s College Hospital has long benefited from philanthropic support and the charity has provided funding for many new initiatives and projects, including the Variety Children?s Hospital.

Once again, I apologise for any distress caused and if you do have any further questions, please don?t hesitate to get in touch.

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