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What can you do about a group of noisy lads who have those really noisy scooters (specially adapted to make them even noisier) who race their scooters up and down the road all day and most of the evening - and who are currently sat out in the road taking one of them apart and therefore revving it over and over again.... it's driving me nuts..... they are quite intimidating too.....
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We had an issue with this in the Goodrich Rd area a year or so ago.

Called the ED SNT and spoke with a certain policeman - can't remember his name, but he was very useful.

Soon stopped the scooters.

If they have changed their exhaust pipes to make their scooter louder, I do believe this is actually illegal.

Well that was a complete waste of time - the SE15 Safer neighbourhood Team took 10 days to return my e-mail.... (even though it says responses will be dealt with in 24 hours) and have basically said that unless they are driving without licences or insurance - then they can't do anything - they said that they are entitled to drive up and down the road as long as they like - even though they are disturbing everyone living on it....


AllyCat Wrote:


> Well that was a complete waste of time - the SE15

> Safer neighbourhood Team took 10 days to return my

> e-mail.... (even though it says responses will be

> dealt with in 24 hours) and have basically said

> that unless they are driving without licences or

> insurance - then they can't do anything - they

> said that they are entitled to drive up and down

> the road as long as they like - even though they

> are disturbing everyone living on it....

> Humph.

Keep pressing the matter - as doublesj says, if they've modified their exhausts it is illegal.

I hate those scooter things with a passion - but is TSN team the right avenue?

Annoying as they are (and for me that's 10/10 on a scale) if they aren't especially dangerous I can't see how TSN can do anything

And because they are so mobile (and not a flat having a party at 4am next door) I don't think any noise prevention teams could do much either

SCSB79 Wrote:



> Keep pressing the matter - as doublesj says, if

> they've modified their exhausts it is illegal.

And if they have made illegal adaptations to their bikes, their insurance will be void, so they will be riding without insurance.

Hi AllyCat,

I'm guessing you live near Oglander Road, right (?). Those scooter pests really are annoying, most evening's they ride up and down my road as fast as they can. I'm no Victor Meldrew believe, but something has to be done, they clearly don't give a monkey's. I'm just thinking if any kids or cats wander out into the street they're done for....not on. I'll speak to the safer neighbourhood people too.


For some reason the Lane Safer Neighbourhood Team (for SE15) refuse to deal with any of the things that the East Dulwich SNT would willingly work to resolve... I had to make a serious complaint to the Borough Commander for Southwark this year detailing just how terrible The Lane SNT really are (they totally screwed us over). You're lucky they got back to you, they are well and truly useless and sometimes handle things so badly, they can make a situation worse.

These gangs are a nuisance. They know they're pissing people off with those stupid exhausts but they don't care.

I've nearly been in collision with said noisy scooters on two separate occasion now. Usually late at night. I've been on my bike - all clad in hi vis gear and lights - only to come face to face with one of these scooters whizzing round the corner on the wrong side of the road, or not stopping at T-junctions. Needless to say it's always been me to swerve/screech to a halt. Next time I'm going to get their number plates and report them.

Strawbs Wrote:


> We get them on oakhurst as well, jaws is about to

> go spare over it! If we can club together and

> complain ( if you think it will make a difference)

> x

I'm on Oakhurst too, and they drive MrTwirly and mad, particularly in the summer months when the windows are open. The TV is frequently drowned out. Can we do much without the registration numbers?

To answer a few issues....

Firstly, to Manda. I can only apologise that you feel you have had a poor response from my team. If you would like to get in touch to discuss issues then please do so.

Secondly, there are laws that relate to the Construction and Use of motorcycles and if such bikes have been "modified" and such modifications are illegal the we can deal with any offences that may arise.

On the note of the constant riding up and down. This can be classed as Anti-Social Behaviour and there are things we can do about it. For example, once we identify the riders, there are powers under Section 59 Police Reform Act 2002 which basically states that even if the bikes/cars are totally road legal and the driver has all the correct documents but they are being used in an anti-social manner then we can issue warnings on drivers and specific vehicles. After the warning, which the law states must be issued should the ASB continue once more then we have a power under the act to seize them.

Whilst we are the SNT and as such, we don't have access to vehicles, we can request help from our colleagues in the Traffic department to assist us in dealing with this issue. They are opnly too happy to come over!!

Please do get in touch and I can assure you that we can help.

On a final note. If we as the local SNT are not told about problems then we cannot do anything about them. Please let us know about any issues that are affecting your community.

I have no issues in anyone contacting me directly. Please email me, Sgt Mark Hurst at [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you.

When I saw Alley Cat's original post, I immediately felt relieved that another person recognised these scooter gangs as an anti-social problem, because they are. Then I saw that in the period from Oct 2nd until I first noticed his post (Oct 13th) Alley Cat's thread had received 1,661 views and I thought, okay then, maybe more people see this as a problem, maybe something can be done about this?

Then I saw Alley Cat's post of Oct 11th, detailing the rebuttal he'd received from the SNT (after waiting 10 days for a reply) and was dismayed but given my own experiences, not at all surprised. If what you go on to say in your response of Oct 14th is accurate Sgt Hurst, then you do have powers to deal with this, that's a very different response to the one Alleycat initially received when he first contacted the SNT.

In answer to the point you made Sgt Hurst "On a final note. If we as the local SNT are not told about problems then we cannot do anything about them. Please let us know about any issues that are affecting your community." Clearly, we are telling you about problems, what I would like to know is, are you listening? Or does a complaint have to rack up a certain amount of interest on the forum before it gets treated seriously?

I can't go into my personal story here as it's not yet over and involves third parties, some of whom could be left vulnerable by my actions, just as my family and I were after the ineffectual and incorrect intervention of the SNT and SASBU. Suffice to say, the situation worsened to the point that the traditional police were again forced to intervene and they went on to take the action they'd clearly recommended three months before. It's not over yet but their actions improved our lives overnight and it was a very simple measure to take.

jimmyraj, I'm glad you got a positive outcome, the thought that anyone else should have to suffer the fate that we have is intolerable to me. Perhaps we've just been incredibly unlucky.

Good luck with your complaint AlleyCat.

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