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Dear All

Please can local residents comment on the latest proposal by owner of the shops where Roy Brooks Estate Agent is on BArry Parade/Peckham Rye corner. He is once again proposing an insanley high building, with underground basement parking which I wthink will have a negative impact on the the locality (I live next door to the site) It would be helpful if people could give there views. While I support in general the development of the site, the owner keeps putting in planning for buildings that are just not viable, and some would argue is doing so in order to be seen to be interested in developing the plot, while not actually having any real intent to do so with a sensible and considered proposal.

All comments would be appreciated to insure the area is developed with sensitivity and consideration to local residents, rather than with an eye on profits!

here is the link to the council page, if it doesnt work the application ref is 18/AP/2238


Many thanks in advance

Abe_froeman Wrote:


> and the height seems to be pretty much the same as

> what is there now:


> http://planbuild.southwark.gov.uk/documents/?GetDo

> cument=%7b%7b%7b!uaHXqRBXz2eWMwfaVjFA2Q%3d%3d!%7d%

> 7d%7d

Bit higher p'haps. Perhaps the original poster could be more specific about what they are objecting to?

The proposed building is four story's high, with an underground car park, for residents of flats, and commercial use. I live next door, the building will block light to my bedroom windows, and the underground parking is at risk of damaging the foundations of my house. Prior planning proposal have been based on the commercial units being leased to a supermarket which would involve delivery lorries parking and delivering on what is already a very busy corner which is frequently backed up with traffic. Just a couple of weeks ago I witnessed an accident where a young boy was knocked off his bike by a car turning into Barry Road from Pekham Rye, the impact of causing further obstructions and heavyweight traffic to this corner is going to have a further negative effect, and in all likley hood the commercial units would be leased to yet another supermarket chain, which will also have further impact on local stores like Barry's who have managed to stay in business by some sort of miracle! The owner of the land repeatedly puts in for crazy planning which will be rejected on various grounds. There is a consensus among those of us living close by that he does so in order to be seen to be doing something with the building, as otherwise the council have grounds to claim the land. So the owner (A multi billionaire by the way) is paying lip service to a system in order to keep hold of land he has no intention of developing. This is just one, and I admit anecdotal thought. As I said in my comments to the council I am in favour of development, trust me I lived next door while it was full of junkies and squatters, and was the only local resident to play an active role in getting them removed. I am just asking that local residents understand the full picture and review the proposal thats all.

There was a derlict house in Peckham next to a family member which Southwark after decades did claim and auction off ,but this was because they could not find an owner and the action was to recoup unpaid council tax .

But that's not the scenario here is it ?

It actually appears to be five storeys high at its highest point, with the rooftop penthouse. It doesn't look too bad on the plans, but if you visualize the actual size and width it will have a huge, and in my view negative, impact on what's currently a very pleasant vista from the Common. What's there now needs replacing but surely something more in keeping with its environment could be designed.

Please do comment online at the council planning website. The proposal reference is 18/AP/2238 , web link below


While I absolutley want it developed, having recieved a letter this morning highlighting that there will be two retail units, and I know one is intended for another co-op, do we really need another siupermarket in the area, it will most certainly put BArry's out of business, and Shauns barbers as well. Not to mention the increase in traffic with deliveries etc, please please comment against.

Barry's is a really great local newsagents. It would be really sad to see another supermarket go in (will have two Sainsbury's, two M and Ss, and two co-ops in ED...). An entirely residential unit (more in keeping with what's there) would make a lot more sense. Will write to Southwark!
  • 2 weeks later...

moni69 Wrote:


> The proposed building is four story's high, with

> an underground car park, for residents of flats,

> and commercial use. I live next door, the building

> will block light to my bedroom windows, and the

> underground parking is at risk of damaging the

> foundations of my house. Prior planning proposal

> have been based on the commercial units being

> leased to a supermarket which would involve

> delivery lorries parking and delivering on what is

> already a very busy corner which is frequently

> backed up with traffic. Just a couple of weeks ago

> I witnessed an accident where a young boy was

> knocked off his bike by a car turning into Barry

> Road from Pekham Rye, the impact of causing

> further obstructions and heavyweight traffic to

> this corner is going to have a further negative

> effect, and in all likley hood the commercial

> units would be leased to yet another supermarket

> chain, which will also have further impact on

> local stores like Barry's who have managed to stay

> in business by some sort of miracle! The owner of

> the land repeatedly puts in for crazy planning

> which will be rejected on various grounds. There

> is a consensus among those of us living close by

> that he does so in order to be seen to be doing

> something with the building, as otherwise the

> council have grounds to claim the land. So the

> owner (A multi billionaire by the way) is paying

> lip service to a system in order to keep hold of

> land he has no intention of developing. This is

> just one, and I admit anecdotal thought. As I said

> in my comments to the council I am in favour of

> development, trust me I lived next door while it

> was full of junkies and squatters, and was the

> only local resident to play an active role in

> getting them removed. I am just asking that local

> residents understand the full picture and review

> the proposal thats all.

Gotta agree about the danger on that corner. They are proposing using the parking bay nearest the junction for deliveries between 7 and 10 a.m. Sightlines for anyone crossing at that corner already bad with mainly short-term cars parking there. Can2't imagine a taller, wider delivery truck doing anything but making it MORE dangerous as well as adding to congestion during rush hour. Proposal also says all their refuse will be collected from there which means refuse trucks also using the bay. Apparently store refuse/ deliveries won't be out on the pavements, but given Co-op and Tesco behaviour locally in this regard pigs might fly!

And its higher than surrounding buildings... as has already been said. And I love Barrys! Wouldn't want to see them outed by another chain store.


Hi all

I would definitely agree with posters above that if you do not want the application to go ahead then it's best to submit an objection through the Southwark website.

Rules around planning mean that decisions can only be based on what are called 'material conditions' which include:

Overlooking/loss of privacy

Loss of light or overshadowing


Highway safety



Effect on listed building and conservation area

Layout and density of building

Design, appearance and materials

Government policy

Disabled persons' access

Proposals in the Development Plan

Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)

Nature conservation

So if you emphasise these areas then the objection will be given more weight.

Best wishes


Hi, I've just written my objection to the proposed development on Southwark's planning pages.

The right sort of development would be a welcome addition to this site. But I agree with many others that this proposal is not appropriate for the area. More affordable homes would be wonderful. More shops would not...

Slight deviation on less than sites. I was waiting at the bus stop opposite ED Station earlier and had time to look at the site there. Looks pretty tacky and they've just taped up the damage to the corner that was knocked into recently. That mock brick cladding looks as though it's superglued on - not sure I would be buying. Not sure what Southwark's role in the finished article might be but surely new buildings must pass some sort of standards test?

Thanks all for your comments, and to all who have commented on the council planning page. I too living next door to it for a number of years really want it developed, however I guessthe only thing you have to ask yourself is would you be happy living next door to it, and while whats there is awful, at least there is still potential for something half decent to be put up, if they get it wrong it's there forever and an unsightly cheap building put up purely to make profit for unscrupulous property developers is not desirible or ethical!

Anyhoo, we will see, but thank you for all responses

Hi mini69,

you can also ask the local councillors - both of the ward and it is across the road for Goose Green Councillors whether they think it should be 'called0-in' to be decided by a committee of councillors IF council planning officers plan to grant planning permission under delegated powers.

When this happens it means you get a chance and others to speak for and against any scheme - at worst it often sees a few tighter conditions for a scheme and sometimes councillors refused planning permission when council officers would have granted permission.

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