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Is this your cat? (Archdale Road)

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This cat ? although good looking ? is harassing us and our cats every night. S/he creeps into the house, eats all the food and then comes into our bedroom and growls and hisses at us and our cats. Last night s/he came in at 1am, 3am and then 5.30am and woke us up with the yowling and fighting. Our cats don?t respond and just look at the him/her, but it is beginning to escalate. And it?s very disruptive to be woken so many times each night by this intruder.

If it is your cat, please can you consider keeping your cat in at night / feeding it more / training it?

Do PM me if this is your cat and you want me to let you know when it is lurking. We are on Archdale Road.

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"Cat eaten all the food" - does it open the fridge and cupboards to see what's on offer, try not to put temptation in it's way, don't leave the can opener out either.

How can it be fighting if your cats don't respond.

Leave the windows open ajar so the furry intruder cannot come in.

Q: Can you train a cat?

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this looks like the bugger that treats my garden like a litter tray.

i tried that lion pellet stuff. it just laughed.

so i took a piss outside and it worked.

only now my garden stinks like a neglected toilet. Still, every cloud...

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Looks exactly like the cat that used to use my garden as a toilet. Totally destroyed my artificial lawn as the poo doesn?t wash away. I had to get spikes installed on my fences to prevent the cat and other potential cats from accessing my garden to use it as a litter tray.All cat owners should ensure their cats use litter trays.

I saw the cat last night sitting outside a house fox watching.

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flocker spotter Wrote:


> this is a thread worth watching. keep us updated.

> I am on the edge of seat

Why don't you try making a worthwhile contribution to the forum instead of just sneering? If you don't care about what other people want to talk about, don't join in, and stop being such a tiresome bore.

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I do second budleigh's suggestion of a microchip cat flap. They are really expensive but they are worth every penny and instantly solve this problem. We used to have so many cats coming in and terrorising our very timid rescue cat. When we first got the new cat flap installed I couldn't work out what the banging noise was that I kept hearing all evening. Turned out to be all the local bully cats bashing their heads against it wondering why they could no longer come and go as they pleased! They have now given up trying.

You will never change other cats' behaviour - if it's not this cat it'll be another. Only thing you can do is sort out their access to your property.

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You could try throwing a jug of cold water on him when he gets close to the house. After a few of those, he will learn to steer clear. A good shout at the same time will help.

I say "him" as the battle-scarred ears and intrusive behaviour make me think he's an unspayed Tom cat.

Odd how many people have a go at posters on this forum, but I guess that's the internet for you.

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I've seen this cat in action; it was giving a poor nervous black and white male cat such a sarf London smackdown I expected Danny Dyer to be doing a commentary. When I chased it off, it gave off quite a growl, then as soon as my back was turned ran back for round two; it's a real troublemaker!
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Microchip cat flap is the best solution. Range from ?50 upwards. Try Zooplus.co.uk - other retailers are available!

We installed and once you have trained the home moggies it works a treat - particularly if the invader is un-neutered and spraying.

As with most pests the trick is to deprive them of food and shelter and they will go elsewhere. We had someone feeding one of ours when he needed his diet and medication strictly regulated. Once Mrs Terrapin went over and had a chat, the food was no longer put outside the back door, and he stopped going round there.

Good luck!

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Thanks all for the messages - well maybe no thanks for the unhelpful messages...

We are in the process of swapping our normal "low-tech" cat flap over for a microchip one. (Any recommendations for handymen who can do this?) But this cat is devious and, even if it weren't, having windows and back doors open in summer is pretty reasonable, even for EDF'ers.

My goal of the post was for the owners of this bully-boy to ideally keep him in at night, consider neutering (if not done already) and feed him a bit more so he stops his scrounging. So if he is yours please do help out - sleep deprivation is not a good look for me.

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If he belongs to someone and is not neutered, I doubt the owners will care about the problems he?s causing.

Why don?t you call the team at Celia Hammond? Tell them you think he?s a stray which he might well be. I know he?s big and fat but it also seems that he?s quite good at looking after himself and helping himself to food. The Celia Hammond team will be able to advise what you can do and will probably come and investigate. If they think he?s a stray, they?ll neuter him at no cost to you.

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If you want to leave a window open could you craft a frame with some netting that would fit the hole so air can come in but not the cat. I assume it would be an upstairs window to avoid burglars. And yes, as everyone has said, microchip cat flaps are wonderful.
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