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The Ivy House on Stuart Road

Nunhead Matt

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the-e-dealer Wrote:


> How do we know NicktheSnick isnt an imposter?


I know Nick. He isn't an imposter. He's the bar manager at the Ivy House, and was previously at Hoopers Bar.

Why not come down and see

John Otway at the Ivy House

on Saturday 3 December, and check Nick out for yourself.

Buy advance tickets online here! or over the bar at the Ivy House.

Selling fast!

ETA: Our first gig at the Ivy House back in September, with Wizz Jones, was excellent, and we are expecting this gig to be equally excellent :)

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h1981 Wrote:


> I'm not very good with this linking stuff, but

> here's a link (hopefully) to a recent article I

> penned for the South London Press. It concentrates

> on the pub's early/mid seventies music

> heritage...thought it might be of interest...here

> goes...


> http://www.slp.co.uk/news.cfm?id=42559&headline=Ic

> onic%20pub%20hit%20right%20note

Excellent stuff. Saw just about all of those mentioned around that time when it was the Newlands Tavern. It is still a fantastic little venue to see live stuff and really is worth a visit.

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Cheers Jah. Reg and Sue had very fond memories of their time at The Newlands. A few other acts they mentioned...Gonzalez, Kokomo, Rory Gallagher, Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band, Ducks Deluxe and Ace. There was a queue down the street when the latter played there in 1974 because they'd had a hit single after the time they were booked. They had memories of nearly booking Dire Straits just before leaving the pub in 1976 - looking at the dates I reckon it's more likely they nearly booked the Knoplers' pre Straits band Cafe Racers. By the way, I did ask them about those Stones and Pink Floyd myths...obviously a few years before their time (I don't think anyone thought that Pink Floyd played in Nunhead during their Dark Side of the Moon tour!), but whilst they were there, they'd never heard anything about either of them playing...still, who can prove that Syd Barrett never popped down there at least once whilst at Camberwell Art College and strummed a few chords!
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  • 3 months later...

dustycornishman Wrote:


> Does the Ivy House have an open mic night or a Jam

> night?


> I'm hearing different things about it and can't

> find any information anywhere!

I'm pretty sure there's nothing going on like that at the moment (and I do pop in there quite a bit!) - I'll alert Nick the bar manager re your query and hopefully he can supply more details

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We don't have an open mic night but on Wed nights we have the Easycome acoustic club where some open spots are available.

These are arranged by the promotor, Andy (look out for the guy with the cowboy hat and white dreadlocks) - pop down to introduce yourself and he may give you a chance to get on stage.

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