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outdoor parties loud and into the next day wee hours


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Beej Wrote:



> Haven't you lot heard of earplugs?

Have you ever tried getting a two year old to wear ear plugs? I guess not.

What I don't get is why anyone thinks they need to have a party in the small hours? What's wrong with just starting earlier in the day and finishing at a reasonable hour. I can understand that teenagers think it's cool to be up all night but that's only because it's something they've only recently been allowed to do.

But grown ups?

Work a few night shifts, then you'll realise that you can do just the same things at every hour of the day but it's a lot nicer to the rest of society to keep quiet at the times when the majority of people are tucked up in bed.

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it started Saturday night if I'm not mistaken...work hard...party hard.

age has nothing to do with it unless its pension time. its just that adult parties end a lil different ;)

Ive gone to parties and seen the rest of society there, middle and upper (not at the same party of course).

so let loose abit...live alil. enjoy the fruits of your labour while they are ripe

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peterstorm1985 Wrote:


> What I don't get is why anyone thinks they need to have a party in the small hours? What's wrong with

> just starting earlier in the day and finishing at a reasonable hour. I can understand that teenagers

> think it's cool to be up all night but that's only because it's something they've only recently been

> allowed to do.


> But grown ups?

Totally missing the point of a party. Next you'll be suggesting cups of tea and cucumber sandwiches all round.

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The point surely is that if you live in a compact residential area, what right do you have to keep everyone within a certain radius up all night while you party? I live in a flat with people below, above and to the sides of me (most of whom are families with small children and babies). There is NO way I'd throw an all night noisy party. I might lose my tenancy if I did.

If however I lived in a semi-detached house, then I might throw a party but I'd let my neighbours know and do whatever I could to limit the noise to an acceptable level - which might mean keeping the party indoors and limiting the music levels and/or agreeing a cut off time with my neighbours. That I think is reasonable and perfectly possible to achieve in the right types of property.

The reason why southwark has such a thing as a noise team is because people who make excessive noise at unsociable hours are often not reasonable....sometimes bordering on anti-social.

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I once arrived at a party four days late - and it didn't finish until.. well, actually it's still going!

And the neighbours are totally cool with it because everyone loves the sound of repetitive monotonous beats pumping through the party wall for 48 hours solid, don't they? Even if you have only had one glass of wine as opposed to three ecstacy tablets.

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Loz Wrote:


> peterstorm1985 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > What I don't get is why anyone thinks they need

> to have a party in the small hours? What's wrong

> with

> > just starting earlier in the day and finishing

> at a reasonable hour. I can understand that

> teenagers

> > think it's cool to be up all night but that's

> only because it's something they've only recently

> been

> > allowed to do.

> >

> > But grown ups?


> Totally missing the point of a party. Next you'll

> be suggesting cups of tea and cucumber sandwiches

> all round.

Tee hee - totally agree! (and I ain't no young 'un)

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the-e-dealer Wrote:


> Yeah and why shouldnt people have fun have fun

> letting their dogs run amok in the park flower

> beds and hey its just a carnival when they break

> shop windows and nick stuff leave them alone. And

> not paying on trains or buses its just a lark,

Yeah have fun have fun "double fun" we call it, us shop-looters/carefree dog owners/good times havers!

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Loz Wrote:


> peterstorm1985 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > What I don't get is why anyone thinks they need

> to have a party in the small hours? What's wrong

> with

> > just starting earlier in the day and finishing

> at a reasonable hour. I can understand that

> teenagers

> > think it's cool to be up all night but that's

> only because it's something they've only recently

> been

> > allowed to do.

> >

> > But grown ups?


> Totally missing the point of a party. Next you'll

> be suggesting cups of tea and cucumber sandwiches

> all round.

So, what is the point of a party? I suppose your idea of a party is simply something that makes life miserable for everyone else?

I wasn't thinking of tea and cucumber sandwiches (I'm surprised you didn't mention the vicar). The last party I went to lasted well into the early hours (OK so I left at 2) but it was in a licensed venue with acoustic insulation so none of the neighbours knew anything about it.

That's the point.

Do what you like as long as it doesn't cause anyone else to suffer.

If you want a party in a residential area you need to remember that there are people with children and jobs to go to the next day - even on a Sunday - so it's just not on making a noise that others can hear when they're trying to sleep.

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As a general rule I reckon not disturbing your neighbours past 10 on a week night and 1-2am for a weekend - at least that's when I start getting narky! However, I think it really depends on the relationship you have with your neighbours, what their lifestyles are like (if they work odd hours, are elderly, have young children etc), and how often the parties are thrown! The last time we had a house party it went on until about 4am Sunday morning and we were out in the garden and on the roof terrace until about 2am (I think), probably making a racket. But we only have four sets of neighbouring households - neighbour 1 works nights and couldn't come because he was working; neighbours 2 said sorry they can't come, they're out but no worries they understand if it's still going on when they get in; neighbours 3 didn't get an invite but have way more house parties than we do which always go on into the early hours so we figured they'd be ok with it; neighbour 4 was the last to leave the party! But we're lucky we have great neighbours!

I think if you pre-warn people about it to gauge any issues prior to the party it shows consideration. When we notified our neighbours, I spoke to those I saw personally and popped our mobile numbers on the note we put through doors so they could contact us with any issues. But like I said, we're lucky - if you don't have a good relationship with your neighbours I can see it making things more difficult.

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we only have four sets of neighbouring households

You're very lucky if where you live has only 4 sets of neighbours - I'm doing a mental reccy of where on Earth you could be that has only 4 neighbouring properties and , the rest presumably ( I know you didn't say this ,but I'm guessing that's the implication ) all out of earshot .

I can think of a couple of locations around here that might fit that bill .

Though of course nothing to say that you live round here - maybe you're on a remote island .:))

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