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Otherwise known as Tommy Robinson. It's out in the open now, sent down for 13 months (10 months for this contempt of court and 3 months suspended activated from the last time). Hundreds protesting outside Downing Street and 500,000 have signed a petition for his freedom - but surely it's the law, he pleaded guilty and he had it coming.


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He knew the rules so on that basis it appears a fair cop.

Interesting to hear his address at The Oxford Union which is on You Tube particularly his videos of what is actually happening in his Hometown of Luton and also it shows the treatment Stacey Dooley, The BBC Reporter received when accompanying a Muslim March there which is also her Hometown.

Don't remember hearing about or seeing this in The Gaurdian.

JohnL Wrote:


> Otherwise known as Tommy Robinson. It's out in

> the open now, sent down for 13 months (10 months

> for this contempt of court and 3 months suspended

> activated from the last time). Hundreds

> protesting outside Downing Street and 500,000 have

> signed a petition for his freedom - but surely

> it's the law, he pleaded guilty and he had it

> coming.

Hi JohnL can I delicately suggest that if you had put "a.k.a." Tommy Robinson in the title then it would attract a much wider viewing and, thus, comments.

I'm assuming most would not, readily, be familiar with that name and might just think it's about trying to contact someone local even though it is in The Lounge ?


> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/tommy-

> robinson-jailed-contempt-court-facebook-live-video

> -stephen-yaxley-lennon-a8374121.html

There?s not enough brain bleach on the world to scrub from the dirge that I watched over the last 24 hours in support of him online. Videos from supposed experts, academics, people with inside knowledge - all of whom happily decry opposing opinion by other academics and experts as being ?out of touch?, or pawns of the coming war against our own society.

I watched them because I figured I should hear the dissenting view; I believe it?s encumbrance on us as a society to listen to those whom we disagree with.

But the bollocks being spouted by people like Paul Weston is astonishing. The beauty of the internet is that people like that can put forward any outlandish theory and *never have to back it up*. One guy said that a British judge let a migrant off a child rape charge because the accused didn?t know it was wrong, and then said ?I can?t remember the details, you can google it.? In other words, here?s a lie that I?m not going to back up. I tried googling it, found nothing.

Tommy Robinson (who calls himself that to seem more English) is the lowest form of pond life, who claims to only want to protect British people but uses the whole thing as a cover for a nasty, extremist political creed.

The Rotherham child abuse scandal (over which many, many people should hang their heads in lifelong, never-ending shame while imprisoned for savage dereliction of duty) was a gift to Yaxley and his cretinous ilk. They have run with it and tried to turn it into a race war. Don?t be fooled by these people; while they accuse politicians of silencing free speech and the MSM of willing complicity, their desired end result isn?t too different.

The best one I saw was a Facebook post which claimed an Army source had told them the Chinook seen over London had been carrying SAS troops to Downing Street in order to shoot protesters who might attempt to storm the PM?s residence, and that this demonstrated the govt had taken the side of Islamic terrorists and was ready to shoot British citizens.

Now, this is a perfect example of how conspiracy theorists fit whatever they see to their own narratives. I?ve been out of the Army about 25 years, and I know enough still to pick so many holes in that statement that it would be mostly thin air, but yet these twats go online and are entirely unchallenged in their nonsense; anyone who disagrees with them is told they?ve already been brainwashed by the establishment, and are ignored.

Tommy Robinson was explicitly told wha would happen if he did what he did. He did it, knowing he would be jailed, having already put up videos saying ?they will jail me?, which allows him to play the martyred lion.

How ironic. How transparent. What a wanker.

Sorry, these ?people? make me so furious. There are debates that we need to have about some things, but not like this.

Quia Differt Wrote:


> Interesting to hear his address at The Oxford

> Union which is on You Tube particularly his videos

> of what is actually happening in his Hometown of

> Luton

I believe you mean what he claims is actually happening - and the Guardian and many other media outlets have in fact given extensive coverage to his ludicrous attempts to stir up hatred.

rendelharris Wrote:


> Quia Differt Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > Interesting to hear his address at The Oxford

> > Union which is on You Tube particularly his

> videos

> > of what is actually happening in his Hometown

> of

> > Luton


> I believe you mean what he claims is actually

> happening - and the Guardian and many other media

> outlets have in fact given extensive coverage to

> his ludicrous attempts to stir up hatred.

I have no idea whether his claims are true or not. However the videos from Luton including the stoning of Black and White Families,with the expressed aim of getting them to flee, from the area seeme very real and they clearly show the harassment that these people face which I have never seen publicised elsewhere.

What did you think of the videos he showed including the one when Stacey Dooley was blatantly abused whilst accompanying the March and what did you think of the views expressed on that March when those interviewed said they had no interest in what any Non-Islamic person thought and had no intention whatsoever of obeying British Law and only Sharia Law was to be obeyed?

Or have you not seen those videos in his Address?

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon should be in prison because the judge said if you do that again you'll go to prison. He did it again ergo prison.

Extremism is a problem that needs to be tackled, I don't think anyone in this bubble can disagree with that. I don't like extremism and those videos are uncomfortable watching but I personally wouldn't attend a court hearing of a paedophile catholic priest to jeopardise justice or tar all catholics with the same peodophile brush. One of my form tutors from school is currently in prison for abusing children, doesn't mean all form tutors are abusers.

The point is it's good to see where the line is drawn between the extremists, the one offs, the group within the group (the "clique" if you will) etc. If you don't understand minority group xyz it's easy to just say all xyz's are a bunch of cunts and persecute all of them. Some of them, the extremists, can well be cunts but I'd suggest getting the rest of the xyz's on side to help get rid of them. Pushing the good ones away is a bad thing.

I?ve seen those videos. Like I say, I?ll watch/hear the opposing view.

I strongly suspect that it is in Tommy/Stephen?s interest to only show footage which backs up his claims.

There are disgusting Muslim individuals who do indeed want only Sharia law - and I would point out that they are singularly failing on their aim - just as there is the Westboro Baptist Church, rabid militant Indian Hindus and pretty appalling ultra-Orthodox Jews. Religious extremism in any form can get to %^*$! Dig deep enough into any religion and you will find nasty stuff hiding under the stones.

The point about Tommy and his ?I?m not racist, but...? friends is that they *are* a bunch of racist thugs. I fully agree mistakes have been made by government agencies terrified of being labelled as racist or bigoted by criminals ready to claim prejudice to get out of bring charged. Heads should have rolled over certain things on that respect.

But Tommy doesn?t just want to deal with that. He won?t stop there. The internet is filled with sensationalist claptrap, a lot of it from America, that paints this nation as about to be over run by Jihadist insurgents and saying that we have already prioritised their needs over good British folk. Take a look outside your window - do you see any race war going on? Didn?t think so, but this sounds remarkably like the claptrap peddled on the sixties by opponents of civil rights.

JoeLeg Wrote:


> I?ve seen those videos. Like I say, I?ll

> watch/hear the opposing view.

Then that is to your eternal credit as it amazes me how many people don't want to hear or see inconvenient things.


> I strongly suspect that it is in Tommy/Stephen?s

> interest to only show footage which backs up his

> claims.

Doubtless that is true but doesn't, almost, everyone do that ?


> There are disgusting Muslim individuals who do

> indeed want only Sharia law - and I would point

> out that they are singularly failing on their aim

> - just as there is the Westboro Baptist Church,

> rabid militant Indian Hindus and pretty appalling

> ultra-Orthodox Jews. Religious extremism in any

> form can get to %^*$! Dig deep enough into any

> religion and you will find nasty stuff hiding

> under the stones.

All True and more .

Take a look outside your window - do you see

> any race war going on? Didn?t think so, but this

> sounds remarkably like the claptrap peddled on the

> sixties by opponents of civil rights.

Fortunately no race war but an increasing number of Towns and areas segregated more and more on cultural and religious grounds which I thought was the complete opposite of what we would want and were trying to achieve.

Besides Luton ther's Leicester,Oldham,Burnley,Blackburn, Huddersfield, Bradford and numerous others.

Quia Differt Wrote


> Then that is to your eternal credit as it amazes

> me how many people don't want to hear or see

> inconvenient things.

> >

That?s true on both sides of the debate. Again, the internet is filled with people making claims that they don?t have to back up. The ?left? - whatever that is these days - is constantly being told it lives in a little echo chamber/bias bubble, but I?d say that near enough everyone is doing that.


> Doubtless that is true but doesn't, almost,

> everyone do that ?

Well yes, doubtless. But it doesn?t make his footage any less suspect.


> Fortunately no race war but an increasing number

> of Towns and areas segregated more and more on

> cultural and religious grounds which I thought was

> the complete opposite of what we would want and

> were trying to achieve.


> Besides Luton ther's

> Leicester,Oldham,Burnley,Blackburn, Huddersfield,

> Bradford and numerous others.

Segregation is a massive problem, and not one that - IMO - has evolved as a result of government policy, but more out of government indifference.

For many years Spitalfields had road signs in Bengali as well as English, and Chinatown of the 70?s and 80?s has similar in Cantonese. Were these bad ideas? Probably not. Throughout UK history we?ve had enclaves, local diaspora?s, call them what you will. Intergration into British society was a gradual thing - first generation immigrants probably kept within their groups, but the kids thought of themselves as British. Generally there wasn?t a problem.

It?s hard for me to know when the balance tipped. The segregation we see in some towns is a issue now, but I don?t think it occurred out of any active policy on anyone?s part; just nobody really notices until it went too far. My personal feeling on immigration has always been ?Pay your taxes and obey the law and everything will be cool.?, which I reckon covers pretty much everything.

The reason Yaxley et al wind me up is because they claim to want a sensible debate on immigration and integration - which I fully agree we need, not least because everyone is now so entrenched at the extremes of the issues which is never a good thing - but because that isn?t where they want to finish. The details contained within the political statements of people like the EDL, BNP and even the Football Lads Alliance are pretty extreme, which is ironic given how they claim to be anti-extremists.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube videos, they?ve all taken away the need for peer review, the ability to challenge ideas. Now a theory, a rumour or a claim, however outlandish, can be halfway around the world before the truth has got its boots on. Moreover, due to the instantaneous nature of the ability to post such stuff, no one has to stop and think before saying it; people can and are reacting fast. Now there?s a place for that, but also there?s a time to stop and think before opening your browser, and too many don?t. And then there?s the simple fact that a lot of people believe something just because it?s online and tallies their worldview.

Debate on this issue has descended to the level of adolescents shouting cod psychology at each other in the schoolyard.

JoeLeg Wrote:


> Quia Differt Wrote

> >

> > Then that is to your eternal credit as it

> amazes

> > me how many people don't want to hear or see

> > inconvenient things.

> > >


> That?s true on both sides of the debate. Again,

> the internet is filled with people making claims

> that they don?t have to back up. The ?left? -

> whatever that is these days - is constantly being

> told it lives in a little echo chamber/bias

> bubble, but I?d say that near enough everyone is

> doing that.



> >

> > Doubtless that is true but doesn't, almost,

> > everyone do that ?


> Well yes, doubtless. But it doesn?t make his

> footage any less suspect.



> >

> > Fortunately no race war but an increasing

> number

> > of Towns and areas segregated more and more on

> > cultural and religious grounds which I thought

> was

> > the complete opposite of what we would want and

> > were trying to achieve.

> >

> > Besides Luton ther's

> > Leicester,Oldham,Burnley,Blackburn,

> Huddersfield,

> > Bradford and numerous others.



> Segregation is a massive problem, and not one that

> - IMO - has evolved as a result of government

> policy, but more out of government indifference.

> For many years Spitalfields had road signs in

> Bengali as well as English, and Chinatown of the

> 70?s and 80?s has similar in Cantonese. Were these

> bad ideas? Probably not. Throughout UK history

> we?ve had enclaves, local diaspora?s, call them

> what you will. Intergration into British society

> was a gradual thing - first generation immigrants

> probably kept within their groups, but the kids

> thought of themselves as British. Generally there

> wasn?t a problem.


> It?s hard for me to know when the balance tipped.

> The segregation we see in some towns is a issue

> now, but I don?t think it occurred out of any

> active policy on anyone?s part; just nobody really

> notices until it went too far. My personal feeling

> on immigration has always been ?Pay your taxes and

> obey the law and everything will be cool.?, which

> I reckon covers pretty much everything.


> The reason Yaxley et al wind me up is because they

> claim to want a sensible debate on immigration and

> integration - which I fully agree we need, not

> least because everyone is now so entrenched at the

> extremes of the issues which is never a good thing

> - but because that isn?t where they want to

> finish. The details contained within the political

> statements of people like the EDL, BNP and even

> the Football Lads Alliance are pretty extreme,

> which is ironic given how they claim to be

> anti-extremists.


> Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube videos,

> they?ve all taken away the need for peer review,

> the ability to challenge ideas. Now a theory, a

> rumour or a claim, however outlandish, can be

> halfway around the world before the truth has got

> its boots on. Moreover, due to the instantaneous

> nature of the ability to post such stuff, no one

> has to stop and think before saying it; people can

> and are reacting fast. Now there?s a place for

> that, but also there?s a time to stop and think

> before opening your browser, and too many don?t.

> And then there?s the simple fact that a lot of

> people believe something just because it?s online

> and tallies their worldview.


> Debate on this issue has descended to the level of

> adolescents shouting cod psychology at each other

> in the schoolyard.

Excellent analysis imo.

Normally to save endless rhetoric I cut the irrelevant points to which I am not going to refer and leave only the salient points but your post deserves to be preserved in its entirety JL.

My only comment is that I am in a highly unusual position because I have dated a multitude of Black Women over the last 37/38 years and I know that for the overwhelming majority I am the exception to the rule in that I might, often, be the only Non-Black person present and I know that, mainly for Cultural reasons while they may work with other Races they choose to socialise with each other,primarily but not exclusively.

I am not so au fait with the Asiatic Community but it's obvious after living in the London environs for 64 years that, while they re more than happy to do Business with other Races they prefer not only to socialise but to live with each other and if that creates Asiatic Communities based, also, on religious as well as Cultural grounds they are happy with that.

The above comment also applies to many Jewish people. The Business I started in 1995 involved a myriad of Jewish competitors and most became friendly rivals but knowing many of them well it's obvious that they prefer to socialise and, where possible, live among their own Race.

No names but I know one North London Cul-De-Sac where any property for sale is bought by the other exclusive Jewish residents to retain the status quo as that is the way they like it.

So for the future as long as we all tolerate and are pleasant with each other we can co-exist but I,sadly, predict there will be more segregation not less. I can give numerous examples why I believe that but it's best summed up by a customer in Chadwell Heath,Essex who had Family in that area for Generations and yet he surprised me when he told me last summer, that in 2/3 years he will be moving further out as his nearest Primary School is now 90%+ Asian as their Community has enlarged over time down The London Road from Forest Gate/Manor Park/Seven Kings etc and he wanted his Grand-Daughter, who lives with them to have an education which he believes is more culturally suited to her.

Regards QD.

uncleglen Wrote:


> I believe Mr Y-L because the same things were

> happening in Newham starting in the 1970s. (I

> daresay Mr RH will call me a liar but hey-ho.

No need for me to say anything unclejosef, the fact that you are so happy to declare your belief in the propaganda of Britain?s most notorious neo-fascist says more about you than I ever could.

its all about being reasonable and seeking some childlike comfort from a debate. this is where the smarter right/left make their nests- in the grey areas, in the doubt, in the corners. always being entirely reasonable and sprinkling their output with fireside anecdotes, always massaging your ego, fulfilling the needy liberal in you. See the labour party for this in action.(hyperbolic example but....). discussion only give them a reason to post.

Robert Poste's Child Wrote:


> Rendel, I fear you're being manipulated into

> extending a discussion by a bunch of right-wing

> sympathisers. Hope this thread dies a quick death.

Shouldn't that be 'extreme right-wing' or some such? I'm sure you're not excluding people with right-wing views* from any debate?

* Disclaimer: I don't have right-wing views and never have.

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