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It's because in your previous incarnation as the

skin-crawling misogynist casual-racist Tony London

Suburbs you were banned for making the forum an

unpleasant place to be. Now you've come back the

admin team have allowed you a second chance

because we're nice like that.

In that case. Thank You.

Don't worry I would not dream of being put on the defensive to justify my views based on living in London since The Mid-1950's because I have noticed that while people outside a Forum might enjoy a vigorous Debate on various contentious and unspoken issues I fully realise that The Lounge is not a place where people state their views unless they are going to be endorsed and supported whole-heartedly so I respect that.

Administrator Wrote:


> Quia Differt Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > I used exactly the same E-Mail address on

> returning


> Untruth .

At the end of the day this is your Forum and you have taken on the , sometimes, thankless , task of being The Administrator but I have always used my name in any E-Mail so while, I empthasize I have no desire at all to labour the point and continue this dialogue, that can not be true.

You are , genuinely, telling me I used another name ? That, simply, can not be true as I am the only one with access to any computer I own and that always been the case.

Just to edit the above the only thing I can think of is that one was my full name with ".co.uk" after it and the current one has ".com". but that is not, presumably, what you meant as the name is exactly the same .

  • Administrator

Quia Differt Wrote:


> You are , genuinely, telling me I used another

> name ? That, simply, can not be true ...

No, I said you did not "use exactly the same E-Mail address on returning" as *shudders and feels queasy*, as Tony London Suburbs

Administrator Wrote:


> Quia Differt Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > You are , genuinely, telling me I used another

> > name ? That, simply, can not be true ...


> No, I said you did not "use exactly the same

> E-Mail address on returning" as *shudders and

> feels queasy*, as Tony London Suburbs

So imagine my name is "SebastianTarquinFarquharson" and I used that name followed by ".co.uk" the first time and used exactly the same name again but this time with ".com" the second time :).

.It's just Edcam said I got " caught out " and its obvious from the above similar example that I was not trying to catch anyone out and yet you simply sad "Untruth" which would lead anyone to intrepret that as thinking I was lying and being deceitful ( hence being " caught out" ) so as the character " George" used to say in Black Adder " Clever ! " " Clever! ".

What did Malcolm Tucker say about " Semantics" in The Thick Of It ? :)

Yes and you're digressing from the name of this thread, so can we get back to that and if you wish to play semantics, I suggest you either play tit for tat with Admin via private message or or on a separate thread. And don't forget, Admin is the Darth Vader of the Forum, it can giveth and taketh away at the swipe of a keyboard key.

dbboy Wrote:


> Yes and you're digressing from the name of this

> thread, so can we get back to that and if you wish

> to play semantics, I suggest you either play tit

> for tat with Admin via private message or or on a

> separate thread. And don't forget, Admin is the

> Darth Vader of the Forum, it can giveth and taketh

> away at the swipe of a keyboard key.

Yes you are and Admin are right so I will say no more but the word "Untruth" was said publicly hence my Public riposte.

Anyway I had no desire AT ALL to deflect away from this thread about Louisa but when Edcam publicly says "caught out" again I would say that the rejoinder has, also, to be in Public.

NewWave Wrote:


> Quia Differt Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > The Bland leading The Bland :)



> That sums up the way ED is becoming...not just the

> forum but the area generally.

> Bland with s*** transport

I always just assumed I wasn't invited to all the raucous parties :)

Louisa always majors on the fact that she is a "working class voice" on a very dull EDF. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she is really an upper middle class woman who was expensively educated and who feels so guilty about her background that she posts incessantly about the virtues of working class culture.

ollieloudon Wrote:


> Louisa was a nightmare always negative and rude

> and only wanted to argue with people.EDF is better

> place without her

What's your contribution to the EDF that makes you more worthy than Louisa?

ollieloudon Wrote:


> Louisa was a nightmare always negative and rude

> and only wanted to argue with people.EDF is better

> place without her

I disagree. Although she often expresses herself very directly, I can't recall her descending to the personal and sometimes abusive, level that seem to be the tone of some of your posts. She's not a bully, in other words.

Most genuine newcomers join in gently. You seem to have come in in stirrer mode and I'm wondering if perhaps you're a new ID of a previous forumite?

ollieloudon Wrote:


> Louisa was a nightmare always negative and rude

> and only wanted to argue with people.EDF is better

> place without her

disagree...variety is the spice of life and quite frankly makes for an interesting forum.

So what if not everyone shares Louisa's views.

so what if she likes to bang her particular 'drum' talking about class.

you can chose to share her views or not.

personally I can't abide smug middle class attitudes-I grew up on a council estate yet as a homeowner I would suppose I am now 'middle class' but god forbid I ever become a boring NIMBY like some of the plonkers on here!

NewWave Wrote:


> ollieloudon Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Louisa was a nightmare always negative and

> rude

> > and only wanted to argue with people.EDF is

> better

> > place without her



> disagree...variety is the spice of life and quite

> frankly makes for an interesting forum.

> So what if not everyone shares Louisa's views.

> so what if she likes to bang her particular 'drum'

> talking about class.

> you can chose to share her views or not.

> personally I can't abide smug middle class

> attitudes-I grew up on a council estate yet as a

> homeowner I would suppose I am now 'middle class'

> but god forbid I ever become a boring NIMBY like

> some of the plonkers on here!

Well said

?but god forbid I ever become a boring NIMBY like some of the plonkers on here!?

Louisa was (and will be again?) one of the biggest NIMBYs on the Forum. So many things she didn?t want in her back yard including music festivals in Peckham Rye Park, designer hamburgers and pizza, Marks and Spencer ... the list goes on. Nimbyism cuts across all classes.

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