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He may be dyslexic but I doubt his laptop is unless he makes it so, though I could at least make out what he was saying on this thread so maybe he is using the "just fuck it up a little" setting rather than the "complete fucking bollocks" setting.

New Nexus - don't you get tired of sitting in your bunker with a tin-foil balaclava and lobbing smoke grenades? Just bored or have they stopped showing repeats of The Prisoner on channel 376?

TM - Foie Gras???? STILL?!?!?? Flogging a dead horse should also be against your vegan ideals... though it does make the meat remarkably tender.

*Admits crimes against punctuation and goes to quiet room to 'think about what you've done'*

StraferJack Wrote:


> the post is clearly the work of a nutter/bot/


> (or possibly Lady Delilah in disguise ;-) )


> The palpable glee with which some people drool

> about imminent collapse is very disturbing. The

> USA may be wrong in various matters, but if I have

> to pick just one global superpower to shelter

> under, it's that one every time

Wasn't me, but I agree with a lot of what the OP has said.

Hard assets will deflate by 90% this means a house at present costing $500,000.00 will drop to $50,000.00 this drop could be greater if mortgage defaults and delinquency are higher than predicted.

Has the Daily Mail been made aware of this? I think they should be told.

isnst their enough to wory abuot in ED than to have to consider nutterrs with a fractional reserve bankng complex wenever we meet a consracy fetishsit they invaribly begn to start qouting osbcure figures and dropping in stuf like CDO an derivatives an legeraging an hedg funds wihtout axually understnding what goes on once upun a time nuterrs kept themslves hapy with insignifct toss like area 51 an JFK an the Moone landings hoax but now they seeme to dtermind to spraed ther obsessiv concerns as fr an wide as posible nutters lol

richardbach Wrote:


> they invaribly begn to start qouting

> osbcure figures and dropping in stuf like CDO an

> derivatives an legeraging an hedg funds wihtout

> axually understnding what goes on

I agree.

And glad you turned the spelling scrambler down a notch.

richardbach Wrote:


> isnst their enough to wory abuot in ED than to

> have to consider nutterrs with a fractional

> reserve bankng complex wenever we meet a consracy

> fetishsit they invaribly begn to start qouting

> osbcure figures and dropping in stuf like CDO an

> derivatives an legeraging an hedg funds wihtout

> axually understnding what goes on once upun a time

> nuterrs kept themslves hapy with insignifct toss

> like area 51 an JFK an the Moone landings hoax but

> now they seeme to dtermind to spraed ther obsessiv

> concerns as fr an wide as posible nutters lol

Thankyou Ricardino, reading your latest post is like getting new glasses.

Though I don't mind a bit of conspiracy myself - just hate the bloody boringly predictable ones that come in the form of unprovable hypotheses and - however well 'researched' and full of supposed data they are - they always end up sounding like your Mother telling you that if the wind changes your face will stick like that.

The fact that spelling seems to be such an issue does highlight the exclusivity of such forums.

In reply to the OP, I'll be glad when oil runs low. Then out come all the new and inventive ways to manipulate wind, waves and solar electricity without the stink of fumes. Or as some conspiracy theorists have already mentioned - the plans for these vehicles are sitting in the safety boxes of compnies like Shell, and have been for years! Also, I would lend your ears to people like David Boyle and the New Economics Foundatinon - they have loads to say on money and how we view and value it. I mean, drop a ton of gold in the middle of a famine region with no infrastructure or transport and what can it do to help?

Fuck me this thread gets weirder by the minute...honestly, I think i'd encounter more sense and credibility from a Fortean Times Convention.

Is there a fucking sign up in the Lounge, lop-sided and precariously swinging from one nail saying 'You don't have to be mad to post here. But it helps...'?

Mind you, nutters on local forum shocker. Green ink supplies dry out in leafy east dulwich shocker.

*looks in mirror*

sfhyouthforum Wrote:


> The fact that spelling seems to be such an issue

> does highlight the exclusivity of such forums.


> In reply to the OP, I'll be glad when oil runs

> low. Then out come all the new and inventive ways

> to manipulate wind, waves and solar electricity

> without the stink of fumes. Or as some conspiracy

> theorists have already mentioned - the plans for

> these vehicles are sitting in the safety boxes of

> compnies like Shell, and have been for years!

> Also, I would lend your ears to people like David

> Boyle and the New Economics Foundatinon - they

> have loads to say on money and how we view and

> value it. I mean, drop a ton of gold in the

> middle of a famine region with no infrastructure

> or transport and what can it do to help?

Thank you for your comments

Regarding oil running out and new forms of energy

It would take 15 to 20 years to get 10% of the west up and running again on electric cars ? this raises social question as to what 10% will gets transport.

Petrol chemical hydrocarbons are also used to produce plastics, fertilizer, it takes 6 gallons of oil to make one car tire.

When oil runs out people are prone to burn anything to keep warm, this extensively means coal.

To scale up production of renewable, you need lots of hydrocarbons, here in lays the paradox.

?Dig a well before you get thirsty, you need time to get things wrong, you need time to get thing right.?

Nicole Foss

sfhyouthforum Wrote:


> The fact that spelling seems to be such an issue

> does highlight the exclusivity of such forums.


Spelling is an indication of exclusivity is it? I suppose your forthcoming novel on "da yoof" will be proof read and only available in Harrods then?

Seriously though - if you try and read some of Richardbach's earliest posts you will see it is much, much more than mere spelling and to imply that posters/readers wanting it sorted (with many offering help and solutions as well as those who thought he was taking the piss) are guilty of creating a forum based on exclusivity then your research over here is lacking.

And didn't you also say "I think that it can safely be said EDF is alive with some of the capital's smartest brains. "?


New Nexus Wrote:


> Santerme Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I live four to five months of the year in the

> > US....all is well, don't worry so much!


> Patriot Act aka Enabling Act



You'll be very pleased to know the Daily Mail is in full agreement with you... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392653/Police-officers-body-slammed-dancing-protesters-inside-Jefferson-Memorial-face-investigation.html

But it does go to prove that America is slightly nuts. They have a pretty well set out constitution (something the UK could do with), but still manage this sort of stuff.

oh noes omg we harve tuoched on peak oil nowe thise dicsussuin is truning uot to be a comprhnsive A to Zee of conspircy fetishists though to be fair peak oil has mor of a basis in realitty than mutch of this rubbish as to having special eylectric cars hidden in vualts at nefarious an mysterious global corporatoins run by teh bildenbergs and the internashionalm jewish conspiracy is not onley fantasy but damaging an a diversion from the reality of emormity of the energy squeeze we are facing in teh near future

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