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It was Huguenot that raise the 9 11 point in this discussion, in the form of trying to ridicule other members argument by classifying then as ?conspiracy theory?. So backfire on Huguenot.

Once Huguenot had raise the 9 11 point, he then could not reply to statements made to him ? nor defend his corner, regarding said issue, I can only put this down to his lack of insight and once again Huguenot?s lack of knowledge.

Cherry picking a small section from a NIST report, does not constitute a fully formed argument.

Time to grow-up

We have economic meltdown and the financial sector not being regulated at all, other than the likes of Paulson and Geithner.

We have governments all around the world, in the pockets of a few special interest groups.

We have a mainstream news blackout of real events and problems. i.e. Huguenot?s favorite fountain of knowledge.

The world being round was once a ?conspiracy theory?

Evolution was once a ?conspiracy theory?

Plague past by flees was a ?conspiracy theory?

When you do not have information on a particular subject, classifying it as a ?conspiracy theory? is just a copout.

A conspiracy is a plan of or for unlawful action.

A theory explains something as a plan for the above.

From your three examples I can only conclude that if you can't even understand basic concepts you are in no position to be meting out advice on complex issues. Or to put it into words you can understand, you're an idiot.

Seriously, you did the forum a favour when you retired your last persona, do us all a similar favour and kindly fuck off will you.

mockney piers Wrote:


> A conspiracy is a plan of or for unlawful action.

> A theory explains something as a plan for the

> above.


> From your three examples I can only conclude that

> if you can't even understand basic concepts you

> are in no position to be meting out advice on

> complex issues. Or to put it into words you can

> understand, you're an idiot.


> Seriously, you did the forum a favour when you

> retired your last persona, do us all a similar

> favour and kindly @#$%& off will you.

Once again you cannot refute, properly constructed arguments, so you revert to type i.e. potty mouth.

Cinnamon22 Wrote:


> Frankito and the New Nexus are look likes persona.

> I think!:-S

Oh look! Another residentforblahblahblah 'brand new poster' with views. Hooray!

KT777 - you know what you were warned. Nobody cares about Nessie unless you can prove she was responsible for *Bank-collapse/Enron/World Famine/The Coalition/Jedward and or 9/11 which is, as you know is ridiculous. Also, any more talk about the moon when it has been specifically forbidden by the mother ship and your transformation will be put back a year.

Nette - did you feed Shergar this a.m.? I know it was my turn but I was on the piss with Amy Johnson and Walt Disney's head (you've no idea what they put in that bloody jar!).

I'm reminded by a call I had when I was at an well know internet company a decade ago.

On the phone was a furious lunatic who had his motorbike stolen the previous evening. That morning he logged on to Yahoo! and saw a police advertisement for Crimestoppers on the site.

He had come to the conclusion that the police had stolen his bike, and were reselling them through Yahoo. In his view Yahoo was being paid off in advertisement revenue for fencing the bikes.

Technically this was possible. If we had his address and log-on we could have served him an ad as an individual. However, it would involve a conspiracy of such pointless and complex proportions that only a lunatic could concoct this ridiculous conviction.

His 'proof' that we had done it was that we couldn't 'prove' that we hadn't. I asked him what proof he would accept, and he said 'nothing', his mate down the pub had told him and that was that.

Quite clearly a complete cretin.

Yet for New Nexus and LD, Russia Today and the Colberts of this world have become their completely reliable mate down the pub. They are prepared to accept anything this crowd say because it satisfies their paranoia.

This is even though the very people they're listening to say that they don't believe what they're transmitting and are only doing it for the hell of it.

How insane is that?

Or put it another way...

I've just tossed a hypothetical coin twenty times, and it came out as follows:


The odds of that happening are 1 in 1,048,576

For a conspiracy theorist, the likelihood of generating this run of results randomly is so extreme that it 'proves' it's been fixed.

For a sane person, the challenge of fixing this is so extreme that it is self-apparently more likely to be just luck.

However, because a conspiracy theory relies on the fact the something 'unseen' is taking place, it can never be proven that it's not been fixed.

How insane is that?

maxxi Wrote:


> Cinnamon22 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Frankito and the New Nexus are look likes

> persona.

> > I think!:-S



> Oh look! Another residentforblahblahblah 'brand

> new poster' with views. Hooray!

Dna tnod tegrof eht tser fo meht.... (!)

> KT777 - you know what you were warned. Nobody

> cares about Nessie unless you can prove she was

> responsible for *Bank-collapse/Enron/World

> Famine/The Coalition/Jedward and or 9/11 which is,

> as you know is ridiculous. Also, any more talk

> about the moon when it has been specifically

> forbidden by the mother ship and your

> transformation will be put back a year.

Well, maxxi, thank you for your interesting points but I'd like to ask what your sources for Nessie information are. I am alluding to the fact that you don't appear up-to-date with the very latest intricacies and it does make me question your methods of keeping informed of developments.

For example, did you know that a new Loch Ness mystery has unfolded with the discovery of a huge underwater cavern which sections of the media have dubbed 'Nessie's Lair'. Auxiliary coastguard and Drumnadrochit businessman George Edwards made this spectacular find when he was on a coastguard training exercise on the Loch. He picked up an abnormal signal on his sonar. The depth of the Loch is around 750 ft, and as he made a circular manoeuvre with his boat he got a reading of 812 ft on his sonar equipment. George, who over the years has seen many strange shapes on the Loch, has been a tour boat operator for 12 years. His findings have been quoted by experts as 'the most significant in years', but it has only come to light now as he was fearful of being accused of promoting self-interest. Being a firm Nessie believer, George says there must be more than one creature in the Loch and this cavern could lead to a network of caves. He feels the time has come to investigate the underwater caves and has been contacted by a North Sea oil company offering equipment and experts to seek out 'Nessie's Lair'.

Now that leads me nicely along to my thinking that there's something we aren't being told by 'them'. Underwater caverns + oil companies = beginnings of sinister goings on. Btw, I strongly advise that you check out the Nessie.com website, you'll see that, coincidentally, my thinking above concurs with their views on the matter.

Oh, and don't feed Shergar any more polo mints. He's had three packets out of me already this morning, much obliged.


Let the people go and see both the NIST report and the architects and engineers for truth, body of work.

Then the people can make up their own minds.


Why did the NIST investigation, not look into the possibility of a controlled explosion?.

Because they had no reports of any audible sounds of any explosions.

There was plenty of evidence from FDNY members regarding sounds of explosions.

I would rather believe FDNY than NIST.

That's not true again New Nexus - you're making stuff up again.

What is wrong with you, you know if you lie you get caught out every time?

From the NIST summary report finally update September 2010

BTW, it answers all your other stupid questions too.

Did investigators consider the possibility that an explosion caused or contributed to the collapse of WTC 7?

Yes, this possibility was investigated carefully. NIST concluded that blast events inside the building did not occur and found no evidence supporting the existence of a blast event.

In addition, no blast sounds were heard on the audio tracks of video recordings during the collapse of WTC 7 or reported by witnesses. According to calculations by the investigation team, the smallest blast capable of failing the building's critical column would have resulted in a sound level of 130 decibels (dB ) to 140 dB at a distance of at least half a mile, if unobstructed by surrounding buildings. This sound level is consistent with a gunshot blast, standing next to a jet plane engine, and more than 10 times louder than being in front of the speakers at a rock concert.

For the building to have been prepared for intentional demolition, walls and/or column enclosures and fireproofing would have to be removed and replaced without being detected. Preparing a column includes steps such as cutting sections with torches, which produces noxious and odorous fumes. Intentional demolition usually requires applying explosive charges to most, if not all, interior columns, not just one or a limited set of columns in a building.

Both sides of the argument? There aren't two 'sides' to an argument here.

In the loony bin we have a double of dozen dickheads who make their way around conferences attended by paranoid delusionals who watched some footage overlaid with dya-glo captions in poor English about the New World Order and Dick Cheney.

At the NSIT they complemented its in-house expertise with an array of specialists in key technical areas. In all, over 200 staff contributed to the Investigation. NIST and its contractors compiled and reviewed tens of thousand of pages of documents; conducted interviews with over a thousand people who had been on the scene or who had been involved with the design, construction, and maintenance of the WTC; analyzed 236 pieces of steel that were obtained from the wreckage; performed laboratory tests, measured material properties, and performed computer simulations of the sequence of events that happened from the instant of aircraft impact to the initiation of collapse for each tower.

Cooperation in obtaining the resource materials and in interpreting the results came from a large number of individuals and organizations, including The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and its contractors and consultants; Silverstein Properties and its contractors and consultants; the City of New York and its departments; the manufacturers and fabricators of the building components; the companies that insured the WTC towers; the building tenants; the aircraft manufacturers; the airlines; the public, including survivors and family members; and the media.

Huguenot Wrote:


> Both sides of the argument? There aren't two

> 'sides' to an argument here.


> In the loony bin we have a double of dozen

> dickheads who make their way around conferences

> attended by paranoid delusionals who watched some

> footage overlaid with dya-glo captions in poor

> English about the New World Order and Dick

> Cheney.


> At the NSIT they complemented its in-house

> expertise with an array of specialists in key

> technical areas. In all, over 200 staff

> contributed to the Investigation. NIST and its

> contractors compiled and reviewed tens of thousand

> of pages of documents; conducted interviews with

> over a thousand people who had been on the scene

> or who had been involved with the design,

> construction, and maintenance of the WTC; analyzed

> 236 pieces of steel that were obtained from the

> wreckage; performed laboratory tests, measured

> material properties, and performed computer

> simulations of the sequence of events that

> happened from the instant of aircraft impact to

> the initiation of collapse for each tower.


> Cooperation in obtaining the resource materials

> and in interpreting the results came from a large

> number of individuals and organizations, including

> The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and

> its contractors and consultants; Silverstein

> Properties and its contractors and consultants;

> the City of New York and its departments; the

> manufacturers and fabricators of the building

> components; the companies that insured the WTC

> towers; the building tenants; the aircraft

> manufacturers; the airlines; the public, including

> survivors and family members; and the media.

Surprise-surprise, Huguenot does not want people to makeup their own minds.

He wants to dictate what you should think, he cannot win by reason, so he has to go and poison the water.

Huguenot, let the people choose for themselves.

Huguenot Wrote:


> As is reasonably apparent, I'm allowing people to

> make an informed judgment upon the quality and

> provenance of the information. ;-)

And the people are humbly grateful to thy king for: Allowing.

?I'm allowing people to make an informed judgment?

Huguenot Wrote:


> As is reasonably apparent, I'm allowing people to

> make an informed judgment upon the quality and

> provenance of the information. ;-)

I'm sure that Hugo and Katie would be saying the world is square during the days of Christopher Columbus.

Unfortunately Hugo and Katie do not have the intellectual capacity to understand the financial crisis. Hence why their language reflects little intellect but more in juvenile tone. I can well imagine Christopher Columbus feeling rather pissed off by people claiming to be intelligent when they say "world can't possibly be round and you are bonkers".

Huguenot Wrote:


> That's that ole Messiah complex coming through

> again New Nexus - comparing yourself with Columbus

> this time?

Once again Huguenot you are reading the substance and not observing the facts.

Try addressing Undisputedtruth.

Undisputedtruth Wrote:


> I'm sure that Hugo and Katie would be saying the

> world is square during the days of Christopher

> Columbus.

No, even back then I would have just known that the Earth was an oblate spheroid and that the only thing going round in circles is this thread.

> Unfortunately Hugo and Katie do not have the

> intellectual capacity to understand the financial

> crisis. Hence why their language reflects little

> intellect but more in juvenile tone. I can well

> imagine Christopher Columbus feeling rather pissed

> off by people claiming to be intelligent when they

> say "world can't possibly be round and you are

> bonkers".

Well, that's charming isn't it. Why are you hurling personal insults anyway?

As it happens, I don't understand the financial crisis much and rather than joining a specific forum for finance professionals (eg experts), I thought that I'd join the East Dulwich Forum in the hope that someone whose knowledge I could trust would join up thus enlightening me in all manner of financial crisis matters (and the collapse of civilisation as we know it).

And look!!! Almost two years later, this thread comes up!! Honestly, you never know your luck.

PS its remarkable that the connection between Nessie and alien shape shifters, intent on taking control of everything we do, has not been picked up on this thread yet.

The planet is only an oblate spheroid because of the giant pixie who sits on the north pole and as he takes flight - when the mother ship is due obviously - the Earth will go bouncing out past Jupiter and end up in a car park in Basildon. This is all possible because the only man who can prove it isn't has been 'silenced' for the good of humanity.

KT62090579003175 (sorry to use your real name on a public forum but this is serious) - The Nessie you are referring to is the 2nd incarnation, known as the New Nexus Nessie and has responsibility for packaging only - this should have been made clear but owing to a breakdown in communication the flatulometer readings changed 'packaging' to 'propaganda' hence the current fiasco and the reason Bread machines are arriving in Dunstable in pieces.

ETA: Four men on horseback have just appeared in my sitting room and are asking "Is it now?" Dammit - I knew this threrad had gone on too long.

New Nexus Wrote:


> Ar, wit, one of the last bastions of denial.

Let's hear what, er, UDT has to say, eh, 'New' Nexus?

PS maxxi, thank you for your constructive - and informative post. (tu)

ETA: four horsemen you say....? I thought Shergar had been nicked for a fleeting moment there. Phew.

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