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Spring babies club (due March/Apr/May 2012)

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Great - determined to see you all there.

Had a terrible day today - little sleep last night and then the little man has cried all day unless on the boob - I think I might have cried more though! So I really hope I get some sleep tonight and Arthur behaves when he meets you ladies.


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Hi ladies

We can't make today as got my toddlers nursery parents meeting then!

Was wondering if any of you fancied meeting up next Monday morning at cafe Proven?al in herne hill. Very feeding friendly and toddler friendly and on the no 37 bus route from ed.

Jo and laura hope you had a better evening. I was up most of the night with my Sam having been feeling rather smug about his sleeping and he is being mega clingy today. Over my third coffee of the morning ism repeating 'it's just a phase, it gets easier!'. Perhaps it's the 6 week growth spurt or something?

All the best


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I can't meet this morning im afraid as already have plans, but would be up for next Monday at cafe provencal.

Congratulations on the new babies! Hope everyone is doing well and those yet to pop aren't feeling too uncomfortable!

Catherine x x

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Hi ladies, I'd be up for next Monday as well, will get hubby to look after toddler otherwise might be a bit hectic! Something defo seems to happen when nice sleepy newborns hit 2 and 6 weeks, they turn into feeding/screaming monsters, not looking forward to that although it does pass and we will sleep again! Take care all and see you next week x x x
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Jenny and Rosie - I think our three must have had a word with each other yesterday morning when our backs were turned. Sam screamed from yesterday afternoon through until 11.30pm when we both passed out (him on my boob). My charming husband managed to pick that day to have a "working lunch" turn into an all afternoon/evening session at the pub. The joys of parenthood!
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Good to see everyone (and meet the new babies)today.

Just to let everyone know we're planning a meet up next Tuesday at the Gardens cafe if anyone is up for it...guessing around 11am like today. Depending on arrival / non arrival status of baby I'll endeavour to drop in on Monday at cafe prov and/or Tuesday at the gardens.

Good luck with the screamers!!

Jane x

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Rosie/Jenny/Rebecca - there must have been something in the air yesterday - Arthur cried all day unless I fed him! Today a different baby!

So lovely to see everyone today - that meet up totally revived me and cheered little A up loads - so today was a good day!

I'm keen for the monday and Tuesday meet up.


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Hey all,

Lovely to see you. Not able to venture to herne hill yet - oh how life has changed but will see those who make it at the gardens on tuesday. Baby Isaac and i hang out there everyday day anyway:). Our usual round is pr park to homemade on barry road then coffe and pancakes for me then isaac wakes and we are off to gardens where we change and feed isaac and more coffee for me, then another walk aound the rye and that is 4hrs gone!

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Hi! I agree - was great to catch up with everyone today. Good to know that we're all in it together - and be able to laugh about it!

I'll hope to join you at the Gardens on Tuesday (11 a.m. works for us). I'll tell myself we have to leave at 9 in hopes that we'll be ready to walk out the door just ahead of 11...Charlie is very skilled at letting [insert unfavorable bodily function here] go at the most inopportune moments!

See you soon. And best wishes to those whose babies are nearly here!



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Great to see so many mums and babies today. I'm so glad I braved the bus and the 3 hours it took me to get Amelie ready to leave the house this morning!

I'm defintely up for Cafe Prov on monday and will try and make the gardens on tuesday too.

Emma x

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Up for Cafe Prov on Monday and will also try to make the Gardens on Tuesday.

Glad the bus trip went well Emma - beginning to think I should have tried a trial run as well as getting to Pilates for 10am tomorrow with a baby who will then sleep for at least an hour is definitely going to be a challenge. I think I will need to start preparing at about 6am!

Hope the misbehaving Herne Hill babies had a better night last night.

Jenny x

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Hi and welcome! Details of meet ups are shared on this thread so just keep a eye out...we're trying to di a rdgular tuesday meet... there's a couple next week, Monday in herne hill and Tuesday in the gardens cafe around 11am.

If I believe my midwife I should have a new baby by then so may it make it next week!

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Hi all

Don't think I will be able to make it over to hern hill tomorrow but will definitely make the Gardens meet up. Looking forward to catching up with everyone. Good luck to those that are due this week.

Jess xx

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Hi all

I'm planning on coming to the Gardens tomorrow too. Little Max, yes another boy Spring Baby, was born last weekend after a loooong labour and we're now starting to get out and about.

Emmy, the Gardens is On Peckham Rye, just near the Barry Road intersection. We were there yesterday and it's really spacious inside and out, so i think your buggy would be just fine.


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Congratulations on the arrival of Max!

We welcomed another spring baby boy yesterday afternoon...Dexter arrived at home after a very quick labour (45 mins!) - only just managed to jump into the pool in time!! It's those second babies, pop out v.quick!

Anyway, needless to say, I won't make the meet ups this week but will be ready for it next week I'm sure!

Take care, See you all soon

Jane x

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