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Spring babies club (due March/Apr/May 2012)

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Hello All,

I've booked a table for us at 10am at Franklins this Saturday (the 14th).

So far, though I may have this wrong, I've had responses from:

Jane Goodland

Alex Love


Please let me know of any additions! and/or if the date and time no longer suit.

Also, would be useful if you could let me know if you'd like a high chair/+ or to bring a buggy, as they will put us in a different part of the room if so.

Hope you are all well, and congrats to all the new Mums!


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Hello Spring Babies Ladies!

I have been negelectful of the forum for a few weeks, and what a lot of activity there has been in my absence!

CONGRATULATIONS to all new Mummies and babies, your stories have filled me with hope. I Can't Wait to meet your new little ones.

Still 4 weeks to go for me (if our little one sticks to his diary!) but a week and a half left at work -aargh! (I have sort of had enough now.) Having retired from the long drive back & forth to Birmingham (I don't really fit in the car seat any more!) nonetheless the train journey is proving quite a schlep!

Am still managing the Legs, Bums & Pregnant Tums class at JAGS, it has been a godsend. Maybe see some of you there? (If I'm right it's at 9AM this Sunday, due to the studio refurbishment.)

XXX to you all

from Elisabeth

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Hi Vanessa, in my preggo head poor organisation state I've managed to forgot about a friend's baby shower that I'm going to so unfortunately I won't be able to make brunch on Saturday anymore....sorry about that, annoying to have folk cancel I know so I do apologise!

See you all soon and good luck over coming weeks and days :-)

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We are delighted to announce the birth of Lily!

Baby arrived yesterday - 10.4.12 after a shocking 2 hour labour and where I didn't have time to be taken to hospital so she had an impromptu delivery on the bathroom floor - with NO pain relief at all. Not even a whiff of gas and air was possible!

Weighing in at 8lbs 8oz I am needless to say very sore, but also delighted!

Take care everyone!

Sophie xx

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Sophie, congratulations and what a labour!! I am so happy for you. I hope that you get some rest so that you can recover. Shout via the forum if you need a hand. Welcome to the world baby lily- looking forward to meeting you both in due course.

Caroline x

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Congratulations Emmy and Vanessa, just shows that you can never prepare for birth, the babies have their own agenda's and will come how and when they want...

One week to go and I am really feeling it now... Think that is why pregnancy is 9 months as the last few weeks you just want them out!

Can I tentatively put my name down for franklins on Saturday (depending how I feel)? Would be good to see you all and have a catch up...

Lucy xxx

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Wow well done Emmy and Sophie, you girls are amazing, what incredible birth stories. Glad you are both recovering well.

Wee are 6 weeks post delivery now and am enjoying being able to drive again although still finding lifting toddler very hard.

Hope to meet up and meet all the new babies soon


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Samuel (Sam!!) Stanley Cooper arrived 2 days ahead of schedule early this morning via a sucessful 'VBAC'in super quick time (1.5 hours after getting to hospital!!)

Hoping to get back home this afternoon and introduce Sam to his big bro!

Looking forward to meeting up soon with all of the new babies and Mum's

Nikkix x

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Hi all,

I'm new to East Dulwich and eager to meet other mums to be (and recent mums!) in the area as I am due to have my first baby next month. I saw the post about breakfast this weekend. Would it be ok if I came along to Franklin's this Saturday?


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Sophie amazing well done girl what a exciting birth , I'm 10 days over now had the sweep an got told I'm 2cm that was 2days ago and nothing's happened being induced on Sunday can't wait to meet my little boy its not fair to be waiting this long . X
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Congrats to all the new mummies - great to hear your stories. Good luck to those on the edge too!

Mia, welcome to ED. Do come along tomorrow, there's always room at Franklins. I'm not sure I'll make it tomorrow as this little monkey is playing "I'm coming - oh maybe not" games at the moment.


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Hello All,

Re Franklins tomorrow morning at 10am.

I have booked a slightly larger table than the number of people who said they could make it, so please do feel free to pop in! The more the merrier, and I have a feeling that this is going to be one of the last meet ups before we all have very important others demanding all of our attention (if you dont already have 1 or 2 of those already.. ;-) ).

til soon!


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Hi Vanessa - we may not make it tomorrow after all as we all have a bit of a cold at the moment with the male members of the family (particularly the smallest one) being the most grumpy about it! Will try and make it if feeling better though.

Congrats to all the new arrivals - the birth stories are getting more amazing as we go.

Jenny x

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Hello Ladies,

I would love to attend the breakfast at Franklins tomorrow if its not too late?

It sounds like one or people can't make it, so I'm going to gamble on there being room...

Haven't been able to make a meet up for a few weeks, and am dying to see how people are getting on.

See you tomorrow!

XX Elisabeth

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Hi ladies

Congratulations to all the new mums and babies.

Unfortunately I can't make breakast at Franklins as we have our appointment to register Amelie's birth at the same time.

I'm still unable to drive as recovering from c section, but Would love to catch up soon, so hope to make it to a meet in the park or the plough within a couple of weeks.

Emma x

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I'm disappointed I can't make breakfast today. I was hoping to have a good catch up on baby news.

Sam went to the tongue tie clinic on Thursday afternoon and he's not stopped crying since then. All a bit traumatic!

Hoping he'll get better over the weekend and then I can get some sleep :)

Congrats to all the new recent arrivals. Well done to the mums.

Hope to catch up soon

Laura xx

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Annoyingly I've an appt at Kings tom at 3pm.

If you're ok for a morning meet we could go to a coffee shop - The Gardens? Or Jane anywhere else good with a baby?! (be my first proper outing without other half or Mum so a little nervous!!)

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